Crossroad in our Civilisation
Planet Earth and its humanity are now experiencing a unique moment of change called Planetary Transition. Everything will be very intense! Profound changes are taking place in all known and unknown sectors, as Old Earth dissolves to make way for replacement by our New Planetary Home.
Everything that has been taught, known, believed and practised will gradually cease to exist in a few years. Much has already changed, but because these changes are dosed and timed, most people don’t notice.
Compare it to your hair or fingernails: they grow constantly, but you don’t notice it until they are too long. This is how the change from the Old Earth to the New Earth happens.
The world has arrived at a crossroad in our civilisation. The globalists with the aim of enriching themselves, through the political establishment, have wreaked huge havoc in our society, industry, culture, etc.. They are now panicking as all over the world their corruption is being recognised and confirmed.
This is our last chance to save our interests and civilisation. It is now or never, by now the whole world knows that the world powers with their New World Order are bent on destroying humanity among others through Covid poison injections recommended by the corporate media, which is not in the least interested in journalism, but exclusively carries out the promotion of political agendas; with the goal; the destruction of civilisation and humanity.
They will undertake whatever it takes, to further their widespread criminality at our expense. They will stop at nothing, in their intention to destroy every living being on earth.
Repairing the damage done to all peoples on our planet in particular may take a long time. But everything will eventually be corrected, at least if humanity wakes up en masse and takes back its control, with the introduction of the new QFS money system and land law.
No state of pain and suffering will exist on the New Earth, nor will any form of scarcity. There will be abundance without limits; those who currently unbalance finances will no longer exist.
At last, dawns the time of Abundance and Prosperity! All dominant powers are dissolved, competition ceases to exist and gives way to cooperation.
The QFS is a transitory financial system, used during a transitional period between now and the coming decades. In the somewhat further future, there will no longer be a need for any kind of currency.
With the emerging activation of the QFS, the Galactics Alliance is completely destroying the cabal’s Central Banking System. It was designed to destroy the global economy and keep the world’s population in debt bondage.
The little known reality is, that QFS has been running for over a year, in parallel with the Central Banking System and has withstood many attempts at hacking by the Cabal. As a result; many bankers were caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and consistently arrested.
It is even less known that this new money transfer system was invented in preparation for the central banks’ takeover of the debt money system to end their financial debt enslavement and control over the population on Earth.