Pleaidian Message: It's GO Time!

8108767497?profile=originalI channeled this message from my star brother Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500 on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Please share far and wide and reference in case anyone has questions for the channel (Jen Freer) that can be directed to Peter for further insight. Thank you! Peace, love and light to all!

Greetings and hello to all our Earth being family members! This is Peter, once again, from the Pleidian Ring of 500, and my crew and I are orbiting your planet, serving as intel for the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and Ashtar Command. What we do, in a nutshell, is a lot of “real-time research,” if you will. Basically we intercept all kinds of information from various satellites (yes, especially the “top secret” kind, which we decode and decipher for our allies in the skies. Our ship crew is made up of a diverse group. We’re not all Pleiadians. We have Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans aboard as well.

We group together in small teams, and we work together in various categories. For example, my small group works on the political scene. I cover what is going on in the U.S. while others in my group focus on other countries. We do conduct our investigations on our assigned country, and then come together to update one another and cross reference any suspicious movements. Then we gather with the larger group and discuss our findings with those who are strictly monitoring your global finance sectors, military sectors and other things such as healthcare, media, and natural resources.

We keep our eye on what you have been referring to as the cabalists, New World Order, old regime, Bilderburgers, Skull and Bones Secret Society, mafia and more. The good news about these groups, which many of you already know, is that they are pretty much incapacitated at this point. Our ground crew (special ops teams) is taking care of them quite nicely. Arrests are being made. April should shape up as a fairly productive month for all of you, and we do mean on a global scale.

The cabalists are fighting amongst themselves, turning on one another, and cutting each other off financially. One prime example is JP Morgan closing the financial door  on the Vatican. It is quite amusing to watch from here. We get a good chuckle now and then as we observe these antics. Not that any of what they have done to you is a laughing matter, of course, but what they are currently doing to each other in their fear and panic is very entertaining. We hope you can find a way to laugh at all of it as well, because the higher vibrations from all of you are very, very necessary at this time.

Do know that NO ONE will suffer from the consequences. A new financial system is already in place. It is NOT the BRICS one you are reading about. There is a higher evolved group that has put this one together. They are based in Switzerland at the moment. NO ONE knows about them. Not even Ben Fulford. So don’t worry about whether his system will work or any of the others that are being talked about on this site or that site. Forget the chatter. All those folks are still operating from ego. Yes, they DO have inside information. Yes, most of it IS correct. But the final solution is still extremely top secret. It will be unveiled soon…after all governing houses are thoroughly cleaned.

For those of you hanging on Ben Fulford’s word about everything, please stop and think about it. Why would a group of nations who still have cabalist minions working for them be told of ANY new financial system? This is not to discredit Ben in any way. He does great work. He has been monumental in this shift. And his information about countries/nations in alliance with one another and supporting the BRICS new financial system is not incorrect. They are doing that. They are working on it. But their “solutions” are still very 3D and set in the old ways. Don’t waste any of your energy thinking about it or worrying about it. Think of it as a “decoy.” It’s not the real plan.

Now, recently, Archangel Michael has been channeled by two different reliable sources – his twin flame Ariel DeAngelis and Ron Head – as Ashtar Sheran of the Ashtar Command telling you that their restrictions for helping the people of Earth have been lifted and all systems for both Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation of Light are GO. And that is what is happening now. Ground crews are on the move, making  arrests and containing military movement in all countries.  Do NOT worry about things you have been reading from your still corrupt media such as “Martial Law.”

In the U.S., recent acts and bills signed by President Obama have NOT been put in place to detain or confine the American people. This “lockdown” has been put in place basically to detain/confine the cabalists in that country. You have been told by others that the American military will not turn on its own people. That is true. Unless, of course, you are somehow affiliated with the cabalists and assisting them in any manner. If you are, then you will be rounded up and sent to the very camps you created to hold American citizens.

Everyone who assisted in the attacks of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 will be rounded up as well. You have not gotten away with anything. Even though years have passed, enough evidence against you has been gathered, and you will not escape your consequences for this heinous, murderous crime, not only against your own people, but against many foreign representatives who died in that tragedy as well. That was no small operation by any means. MANY people were involved in that plot. And all of it was about MONEY. Gold that was being stored in the basement of one of the towers. MANY security personnel guarding that gold died that day. The planes hitting the other towers were just a distraction from what was really going on.

Gold and money have been the main source of all dastardly deeds on your planet. Wars have never truly been about religion. They have always been about money, which, on your planet, is what gives a false sense of power and control. So we say to you, again, THINK ABOUT IT. Why should anyone with this false mindset have the power to create a new financial system? It won’t work. You will only have more of the same. Until the mindset shifts into a more evolved consciousness regarding the true nature of abundance, and what abundance really IS…then you will only have more of the same.

We ask you now…all of you who are reading…to envision a world where all resources flow graciously, to everyone, FOR everyone…without lack. Imagine there IS no money. Everything you want and need is yours, and it is plentiful. The sky is the limit. No one is hoarding anything. There is no need to hoard. Everyone shares. Everyone helps one another by sharing talents and skills. No one needs to be paid for their services. Because love is the most valuable energy exchange. What does that look like to you? Utopia? Just know that this is possible. WITHOUT “money.” But it is up to all of you to reach that vibration. Just because the cabalists are being rounded up does not mean the end of your problems. It means less fear, of course. Which helps lift your vibrations. But it is only one small step. A new financial system that is fair will help a little. But it is still not the end of your problems. It is only a bandage. Without healing ointment. You vibration is the ointment. Raising your vibrations is what will heal your planet. And there is no reason you can’t start now. Because money isn’t going to solve your problems. We know it is one way to assist in raising your vibrations. But, as the old saying goes, money cannot buy happiness. It only buys material things. Materialism will not help you evolve. Materialism is a 3D habit. “Stuff” does not buy you happiness. Of course, it is important to be comfortable. It is important to not live in a fear-based world. And we know that, right now, money brings food, shelter, warmth and comfort. And having money will allow you to focus on other things. The more important things in life. Like LIVING. Traveling. Socializing. Meeting people of other cultures. Exploring other cultures. Finding your roots. Remembering who you ARE. WHY you exist. THESE are the important things. And this is how you step out of your boxes – your comfort zones – to discover that you – that WE – are all ONE.

We’re willing to wager that most of you have not taken the opportunity to swim with dolphins or get up close and personal with a primate. We’re willing to bet that the majority of you have not been to more than two other countries than the one you live in now. And we know the reason. Lack of money. Because, right now, in your world, EVERYTHING that should be free costs way more money than the majority of you can afford.

So what if the sky really WAS the limit? What if you really COULD just pick up and head to a tropical seacoast to swim with dolphins on a whim? Or, better yet, what if you could do it without having to pay a dime? Would you do it? Would you visit the places you’ve always wanted to see but never had time or money to do it? Would you try all the things you always wanted to try but could never afford? What if you could build the house of your dreams in your favorite location without signing your life away into slavery to pay the mortgage?

We’re telling you now that ALL of these things and MORE are possible. With NO LIMITS. All you have to do is raise your vibrations. Rise ABOVE it. Stop sitting around reading blog after blog about cabalist and unleash your energy to the Universe. We need your love vibes. It is now safe for you to raise you vibrations and send them out and around your planet. Stop waiting to see if the bad guys have been captured yet. Stop waiting for a new financial system. Those things are in the works, and they are inevitable, but we need YOUR vibrations to help it all come about faster. We need you to be joyful and grateful that you are FREE. Because you really are. Once you raise your vibrations, you ARE free. Once you live in light without fear…you are free. But it is up to YOU to begin doing that…without conditions.

Forget the news. Forget the channels. Just push on up and out. Unchain yourselves from your laptops and mobile devices and go LIVE. Be FREE. THAT is what we need YOU to do. You can check in any time once you raise your vibrations. And you don’t need a laptop or smartphone to do it, either. Just FEEL the air. Tap in, and you will know. You should already be able to feel progress right now. But you don’t need to read about it. You have the power to check in at any time by just stopping to relax, breathe, center into your heart chakra and FEEL what is going on.

We need you to stop taking the shortcuts. We need you to channel your energies into the planet now. Plug into a NEW source. Unity consciousness. We need you to all work together WITHOUT your computers. WITHOUT the Internet. You can do this. You have the tools. You have the skills. You no longer need your training wheels. If more of you begin this practice, you will begin to lift one another higher and higher with your love vibrations. If you all took the time you spend surfing the Internet and reading article after article (that only LOWERS your vibrations) and put it into meditative time, we could definitely reach our goals – and yours – much MUCH faster.

Please consider it. We are depending on you to begin doing ACTUAL LIGHT WORK.

Go into meditation. Find your happy place. Focus on it as LONG as you can, then send the high loving vibrations out around the planet. Imagine the light you’re sending out is enough to surround and embrace the whole planet. Send gold and green healing light. Send pink loving light. Send whatever color light you feel is necessary.  FEEL. Don’t think. Just FEEL. Love. And send.

Thank you! We love you! And we continue to send you love and light as well. Let’s get this planet rockin’ with love vibes. We know you can do it. It is, after all, why you signed up for this gig. Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Spread the love. Spread the light.

Peace, love and light to you all. I am Peter, your star brother from the Pleiadian Ring of 500. Nemaste.

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  • We Love You also! Nemaste'

  • Wonderful - thank you so much for this inspiring message - love and light and laughter xxx

  • Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! just wonderful, and I am definitely going to go back to meditating daily, (instead of reading all the updates LOL) they are such a waste of precious time anyway.........Lots of thanks, Love and Light to you Peter and all your friends, I will send you and the world sooooooo much Love. XXXX OOOOO XXXXX  Thanks again

  • Thank you :-) Now you have informed us that satellites are being intercepted and we must all live instead of using the trappings of computers, phones and news outlets etc. I would like to ask a question please..

    Can you start transmitting this and future messages on all TV networks and stations to release the 80% of my brothers & sisters from the idiot lantern (aka TV) that enslaves them with the reality the Cabal set before them?? I think this would be one of the most significant moves to be rid of any strangle hold on humanity the Cabal still has. Even if you bore the pants off the average Telewatcher enough so they remove themselves from this idiot lantern. Then us the ground crew can really get to work buy helping the ones who are confused and wonder why this was not on the Tele :-0
    Love & Light to all

    Lee :-)

  • Thank You!!!...I have my practice bi-daily for years but will step it up now...I am an Arcturian Spiritual Rainbow Warrior GodDess of the Light who wields a mighty sword of Truth & Justice here to Serve in The Revolution of Love...Wooo Hoooooo!!!...Here We Go!!!...Blessings All as ONE!!!

  • Wow, great. I am going to meditate more and more and send lots of love energy. Thank you so much for this wonderful message.

  • Love, light and peace to you our dear brother Peter thank you so much for an uplifting message, each day I send out love, light, peace and healing to Mother Earth and every living thing, and I feel the response from my prayers and mediation. Nemaste oxo

  • 528 freq all love


  • Thank you for these messages!

    Love to every ONE!!!

  • Thanks very good.


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