I have to ask all beloved brothers and sisters there to send love to 777Alaje or Alaje he sadned because of evil people attacking him.Please take a look at his videos.He needs all the help he can get now.Please help him.Also you can take a look at his channel here.People need to remember what is true pure love is, trough his videos.
I've had the same issues for years, it's something you have to work through to get to the next level in many ways. There is not going to be a perfect reality (yet), it's up to us to set an example of how we can stay solid through these things both within ourselves and how we handle these situations. I won't begrudge him for wanting to take a break, I think it's great to do that sometimes...
But you have to expect you're going to have attacks and how you handle those things means everything on your road to progression.
A true lightworker like you Alaje need not worry as you are protected by light...by the spiritual hierarchy..by Jesus...by God
Here is a nice story..
Krishna said i will protect my devotees and there is no doubt about that....i will forgive the most heinous sins one commits and changes to love and light but one who harms my devotees i will never forgive.
This Planet is full of greed, power and control beings who are more animal in nature then humans and a lightworker coming to this Planet has to be prepared to face this on this Planet.
Sending you my Love!!! Dear One!!!! BroStar!!!! I just started uploading my videos to youtube this weekend, I do expect to be attacked as well, it comes with the job. Cosmic Clean Up Crew, we support each other!!!!
I also pledge for the GFL protecting and supporting him!
The GFL needs to protect and support their own members!!
How can it be that members of the military or even some top members of the illuminati were allowed to visit the motherships while the ground crew are left alone all on their own?
I demand the Gelactic Federation to practice what you preach!
Alaje I feel very sorry for you. I believe i can feel your sorrow, so i sent you my love and light a million purple,pink, golden en all the colors from the rainbow hearts to fresh you up to new energy and energy witch generating even greater loving power then before and much more sustainabilitie too that you shall regain your orginal loving, caring and holding powers to fullfill your loving mission and to overcome the sadness where your are in at the moment. I liked you movie about Bimini and the Dolphins very much. Thank you for making and sharing it. With love <3 and light xxx xoxoxoxo Robert.
There are more then 8 videos see all of them.I posted here because i want to help him please get in touch with him and tell him how greatfull you are for his help.on Youtube you can find him.It's wonderfull to see ther are soo many people love him.Please send him love.Thank you.
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. https://youtu.be/tcxM5KN9jVA?si=RqSJiwV2kgAsNCjO"
"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
I've had the same issues for years, it's something you have to work through to get to the next level in many ways. There is not going to be a perfect reality (yet), it's up to us to set an example of how we can stay solid through these things both within ourselves and how we handle these situations. I won't begrudge him for wanting to take a break, I think it's great to do that sometimes...
But you have to expect you're going to have attacks and how you handle those things means everything on your road to progression.
I wish him all the best for sure! :-)
*Infinite Light and Empowerment*
A true lightworker like you Alaje need not worry as you are protected by light...by the spiritual hierarchy..by Jesus...by God
Here is a nice story..
Krishna said i will protect my devotees and there is no doubt about that....i will forgive the most heinous sins one commits and changes to love and light but one who harms my devotees i will never forgive.
This Planet is full of greed, power and control beings who are more animal in nature then humans and a lightworker coming to this Planet has to be prepared to face this on this Planet.
Sending you my Love!!! Dear One!!!! BroStar!!!! I just started uploading my videos to youtube this weekend, I do expect to be attacked as well, it comes with the job. Cosmic Clean Up Crew, we support each other!!!!
I also pledge for the GFL protecting and supporting him!
The GFL needs to protect and support their own members!!
How can it be that members of the military or even some top members of the illuminati were allowed to visit the motherships while the ground crew are left alone all on their own?
I demand the Gelactic Federation to practice what you preach!
Alaje I feel very sorry for you. I believe i can feel your sorrow, so i sent you my love and light a million purple,pink, golden en all the colors from the rainbow hearts to fresh you up to new energy and energy witch generating even greater loving power then before and much more sustainabilitie too that you shall regain your orginal loving, caring and holding powers to fullfill your loving mission and to overcome the sadness where your are in at the moment. I liked you movie about Bimini and the Dolphins very much. Thank you for making and sharing it. With love <3 and light xxx xoxoxoxo Robert.
Don´t let people get to you!!!!