Hasta luego, noruego -- ¡sigamos así! (Until then, Norwegian - let's keep it up!)
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Wala! In just 48 hours, they are have added more than one million people! Share this with everyone - we will create the greatest appeal to protect whales in history!
In a few days, Norway will start at the cruel annual tradition of hunting hundreds of whales. But if we do enough of that sound alarms, we could make all the governments of Europe to close their ports to Norwegian vessels until they decide to end the bloody slaughter of these intelligent and emotional beings. As we have done before with Iceland, and it worked. Suma your name with one click and forwards everywhere:
In just a few days, Norway will begin a horrible annual tradition - the cruel slaughter of hundreds of whales. But we have a strategy to say "hasta luego, Norwegian".
Whales are some beautiful and impressive things. Now we know that communicate with each other through song, and who experience similar to human emotions. But Norway hunts and kills every year to these amazing creatures and then quarter them and turn them into animal feed or ingredients of beauty products. It's heartbreaking.
Norway has managed to go unnoticed as the country 's number 1 in whaling. But if we focus and unprecedented global outcry, we can put pressure on Europe to close its ports to Norwegian whalers. We did it with Iceland - let 's do it again! Sign the petition below with one click:
The government of Norway, the European Commission and all the leaders of countries that allow passage to the Norwegian whalers:
As concerned citizens of the world, we asked the Norwegian government to end the slaughter of whales, and all the others to close their ports to Norwegian whale meat shipments. This decision would be the precedent that could save thousands of whales and help end whaling throughout Europe.
Our movement and our partners have already achieved that Germany and the Netherlands are mobilized to close its ports to Icelandic whalers, we got a major Icelandic malote of whaling to close the business, we pressed the International Whaling Commission to take action against the "scientific" whale, and contribute to lead the way to protect 30% of our seas 2030. hunting
Norway has come out of these mass killings go unpunished for too long-and the government just announced that it intends to double its share of hunting! But only if they can be profitable exports, and depend on European ports to bring their bloody whale meat abroad.
Let 's finish with the Norwegian trade of this magical species. When we are 1 million who have joined us, Avaaz will make every effort to turn this story into a nightmare for his reputation until every port in Europe and Norway rejects stop whaling once and for all. Suma and your name and tell everyone - we activate the alarm to save the whales!
We are approaching to the end of these brutal killings. This battle is between the ruthless whaler lobby and we - we have to sing for the whales, as they can not defend. Let's make this so loud that they can not ignore it and help to end whaling forever.
With hope,
Rewan, Caroline, Diego, Allison, Emma, Danny, Alice and the whole Avaaz team
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