Pleiadian Alaje Seminar - Denmark Oct.2010- Excerpts

There are many spiritual teachers on this planet, and each teacher gives you something else.
It is like in a have certain classes, and in each class you have something else to learn.
The meaning of life is the development of the heart and consciousness.

In order to get in a higer dimension, you have to be free of all negative energies.
The frequency is rising since many years, but now we are coming to the peak.
And that means, that everything that is in a lower dentisity ina negative energy, will have the strongest cleansing.

And spiritual people who are working on themselves, on the character...on the emotions...they will have no problem with this new energy.
We are all responsible for this planet, for how easy or how hard this transformation will be.

We are not only responsible for our own self..., we are also responsible for the planet of the universe.
So we have to learn to control our thoughts and our emotions, because this is creating the outside life.
So now it is really time to use TRUE LOVE.
As long as people don't do this, the energy will not rise smoothly.That means, the cleansing will be stronger.



The more people would use this LOVE ENERGY, the easier we could help this planet to have a smooth transformation.

If you change a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy.

There are always two polarities...You have to change the polarity.

First, we have to heal our selves, before we can heal the planet.

All blockades that everybody has....all traumatic experiences, maybe from other life times....

If you don't clean all these things, you will take them wiyh you in each life.

And this high energy that is coming now from the SOURCE, is lifting the frequency, and it is pulling all these blockades out of you.

So you heve to face them.....You have to face the problem, in order to heal it.

And if you do it will, step by step, it is easier, instead of if it would come like a lightning and then you are shocked.

When you have SELFLOVE...when you are see the whole planet as ONE.

You don't see countries...,you see ONE see ONE human family.

We have to create this strong light in us...Because only LIGHT can stay in the LIGHT.


Pleiadian Alaje Seminar - Denmark Oct.2010- Excerpts
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