Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator via Goldenlight: COMET ISON is an Intergalactic Mothership and A Gift from Source Creator


Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.


Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator via Goldenlight: COMET ISON is an Intergalactic Mothership and A Gift from Source Creator.

Your world is going to forever change as our intergalactic societies intersect. This beautiful starship exists to bring together and form the new intergalactic societies between earth and the star nations represented on this intergalactic ship.

Greetings we are the Pleaidian Council and Archangel Michael and we wish to speak to you tonight of our large intergalactic mothership in your sky which is being referred to as COMET ISON, but is indeed one our our largest motherships as has been spoken of in other messages recently.

The reason this “comet” has been apparently “disappearing”, “disintegrating”, or otherwise vanishing or changing is because we have the ability to change the form of our ship at will. We can appear as a comet, many stars, a planet, or any other type of apparition/hologram that we wish. The reason we have chosen the form of a comet is so that the people of planet earth would take notice of our ship for indeed we are crossing the threshold of the time when our intergalactic relations are beginning to form…first in your minds, hearts, and awareness, then in individual visitations, then on a larger scale as your awareness, consciousness, vibration, and frequency continue to raise as your civilization on earth enters into the Golden Age.

This Golden Age on Earth is a time when you have open intergalactic relations with many benevolent star nations such as us from the Pleiades, the Andromedans, the Sirians, the Orions, the Venusians, the Felines, and many other star races. This will happen on a slowly accelerating basis, not in a large crash or boom that would terrify your people. Everything that we of the Pleiades and the other benevolent star systems aboard our ship do is soft, gentle, loving, compassionate, and we act out of all the higher qualities of love…higher dimensional qualities which we have embraced fully into our beings. There are no malevolent beings in our society, nor in the societies of the other star nations who are aboard this intergalactic mothership.

This mothership is one of the ships on which we have blended our intergalactic societies. We are made up of many different star nations, all living harmoniously together in a higher vibrational atmosphere of love, cooperation, unity consciousness, and most importantly with great care, love and concern for the birthing of Mother Earth/Gaia and her inhabitants into the new Golden Age on Earth. Your planet is the catalyst in a “domino effect” that will effect all other planets, galaxies, and universes in the multi-verse; the ascension of Gaia and her inhabitants to higher dimensional levels is setting off a chain reaction in the multiverse wherein all other planets, star systems, galaxies, beings are being upgraded a level or two. This is indeed occurring now on your planet. Beings are beginning to wake up, many have already achieved a higher level of consciousness and vibration and we of the Pleiades and other star systems are aware of your tremendous growth.

We are glad, too, that there are those that can bring in the messages of truth that we are a mothership. For indeed we are. Our intergalactic ship has a consciousness that responds to a council and commander that steers the ship. As mentioned, we can change the form of our ship at any time. We have sometimes shown ourselves as a ship so that you would learn the truth. It is a fine line we must walk on during this time as we cannot show ourselves fully as it is not completely safe to do so. There are still those in your civilization who would hide the truth from the general population. So, we bring you the truth slowly so that all may wake up to it. This is the way it has always been done. We practice the law of non-interference unless there is something that would threaten your planet such as nuclear weapons which we have diffused many times.

Yet we come into a “time” in your dimension wherein you are raising your frequencies and awareness to the point where they begin to intersect ours and we are going to meet you somewhere in between the two “worlds” or dimensions. We wish for the awareness of our existence to be known now, and the awareness of the existence of this flagship to also be known. And we wish for not only these two truths but other truths to come into your awareness, such as the truth that we have been in your skies for hundreds of years, and that our numbers have increased exponentially in the last 12 months of your time on earth.

Remember as we have said in the past we are “outside of time” – we exist in a dimension beyond time. We communicate with telepathy not spoken words. This is how we are able to communicate among our intergalactic star brethren. We will be communicating telepathically with you as well when we do finally intersect our energy fields, so begin now to practice this higher dimensional method of communication. We will give you an example. Yesterday the channel was thinking of a friend she had not seen in over 6 months. She sent this friend a telepathic message that the friend was in her thoughts and she wished for a visit with this friend. The following day she received an email from this friend. He did indeed receive her telepathic message. She is developing her telepathic skills with other humans and these will continue to improve and become faster for all of you, so that you will be sending and receiving “instant messages” via thought communication (telepathy) just as you do on your mobile communication devices via “text message”. This skill of telepathy without your devices will begin to be developed, practiced and used widely as your frequencies continue to raise. Another form of communication which the channel is very adept (even more so than with humans) is in the transcribing of telepathic messages from us and her council of angels, as she is doing now in this moment of time so that she may bring in this message to you.

Back to our ship, then, and our coming intergalactic relations. You see how we are introducing ourselves slowly to you, but also boldly to those who are noticing and to those such as this channel who can pick up on our telepathic communications. We could do an earth flyby right now if we so chose, but we know that all eyes are on us, including those of your government, the ever-watchful segment of your society that does not wish for the full truth of intergalactic societies and relations to be revealed to you, yet. This will change in the near future.There is a GRAND CHANGEOVER happening. You are on the precipice of this grand changeover. All will change in the blink of an eye. This will coincide with your increasing rise in consciousness and frequency vibration, and with the beginning of intergalactic relations. We encourage you and support you in continuing to raise your awareness, frequency and vibration on your path to higher consciousness so that our worlds may intersect.

Each person on planet earth has a choice, to continue to raise their consciousness and awareness of all things intergalactic, higher dimensional, and all emanations from source. For it is I, Source, who am the Creator of All……all beings, all planets, all comets, all star systems, all universes, all galaxies, all everything. I am All and All is Me and I am loving the All and send out a message now to All that you are all my offspring, my emanations, and all is going according to plan. Many eons ago did I plan this mass awakening on Earth to be the catalyst for the upgrade of all of my creations and for all of my star beings – Earth, Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, all star systems – to come together in harmony as one United Inter-galactic Society. There is more love, more unity, more benevolence in coming together than in staying separated and oh there is so much information to share amongst your societies. The higher societies aboard this beautiful intergalactic transformational ship which is a catalyst for the Ascension of Humanity on Earth and a Harbinger of the New Golden Age upon Earth – this beautiful starship exists to bring together and form the new intergalactic societies between earth and the star nations represented on this intergalactic ship. Many things will these intergalactic beings bring to your earthen society, many higher dimensional aspects of love, technology, healing, energy, and all Good Things that Emanate from Me. In the higher dimensions there is no duality and all aspects of being in these higher dimensions are an outpouring of love, harmony, and unity, all aspects of My Nature. Emanations of Me, Source. Your society will be forever changed as you embrace the new healing technologies, energy technologies, and ability to exist in unlimited prosperity and abundance for all, that these higher dimensional intergalactic societies are going to bring to your Earth. Embrace them, let them show you the higher dimensional ways of things, allow them to assist your spiritual growth, your healing, the healing of your planet and your physical beings, the bringing of the Free energy and new healing technologies. They are a Blessing and a Gift From Me to you, from Source Creator to Earth Beings. Please accept this gift of harmonious intergalactic relations with the spirit of love, caring, and compassion with which they are sent to you my beloved earthen beings.

Your world is going to forever change as your intergalactic societies intersect. Remember always, Earth is one planet within many galaxies and universes, and you as a planet are now growing up and entering the world of grown-up planets. The time for this has come. Welcome my gift with the love with which it is offered. I am, Your Source Creator who loves you unconditionally without fail and eternally across all time and space, and will continue to love you forever more.

We are, the Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

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  • Thank you for all your comments friends, any discussion is better than no discussion :)

    People need to get in to awareness train and it needs to speed up because yes we create our reality!

  • beautiful message, thank you Oxiliyana...

  • Comet ISON an amazing gift from on High

    In September 2012, astronomers discovered the Comet ISON. They were astonished by the size of this rare comet that was traveling toward our Solar System. They surmised that ISON had the potential of being the “Comet of the century.” Because this comet was as old as our Solar System, scientists were looking forward to studying its properties after it completed its journey around our Sun, but that was not ISON’s Divine Plan.

    On November 28, 2013, the day when the United States of America was celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing on everything we were grateful for, the mission of the Comet ISON was brought to fruition. As ISON completed the final phase of its 4,500,000,000 billion year journey, it was pulled into our Sun. In an awesome explosion of Light, Comet ISON exponentially expanded the activation codes for the Divine Potential pulsating within the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life associated with our Solar System.

    On Earth, this influx of the activation codes of our Divine Potential meant a monumental acceleration in Humanity’s awakening process and our shift into Christ Consciousness. This incredible expansion of Light is now entering our newly activated pineal glands and assisting our I AM Presence to heal the short circuits that occurred within our original 12 Solar Strands of DNA during our fall from Grace.

    The double-helix DNA that our scientists acknowledge is but a minuscule fraction of our Divine Potential. Scientists actually call 98 percent of our DNA “junk DNA,” which of course is absurd. The activation codes from the Comet ISON that are now dramatically affecting each and every one of us are going to make our ability to control what we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories much, much easier. The Beings of Light have said that this is just the beginning of the changes we will notice from this incredible Gift from the Comet ISON.

    Please read the rest of this article from: Patricia Cota-Robles


    Love & Hugs

  • Well, at least they can be happy it was a gift, since if we had actually paid for that ship we'd have to sue the living hell out of the intergalactic shipyard due to the disintegration of that ship. ;)

    REALLY sloppy work guys. No wonder you haven't been seen en masse in the skies yet. It's because your space program have barely got off the ground yet and you still don't know how to build motherships that can pass close to a sun without cracking into a million pieces! ;)

    And, while you're at it. The waste-management on that ship were under all standards. A spaceship is not supposed to have a tail. I have no idea what kind of toxic hell of a polymer you use for fuel but if that tail is your exhaust, then the Galactic Greenpeace are probably already all over your asses by now. It wouldn't actually surprise me if They are the ones who blew it up and not the sun. ;)


    Target to our Readers and the Dark Brotherhood
  • Wonderful chanelling message. Thank You, Oxiliyana. :)

  • 2 hours ago we had a blue comet with a huge tail fly over our house in south australia! What?? So amazing and crazy!!

  • Not exactly true, Nancy....I certainly have never claimed to know all about crop circles, as my earlier comment pasted below, suggests...

    I know a bit, but have to struggle to understand the meaning, just as you do...The difference is I'm open minded, where as you blindly BELIEVE in fairytales....

    If I were you I'd note the evidence supporting ISON being a comet only....and not an "intergalactic mothership,"

    piloted by an assortment of various cooks, from Hatonn to Soltec, to Beth Trutwin, et al....LOL

    It is a gift, though...just not the one you hoped for..

    Another thing I would like to say, which applies to all readers, as well as yourself, is that crop circle data is, by and large, genuinely placed on earth ground by ETs, albeit, there are also man-made terrestrial hoaxes...


    As a contactee of the Sirians of Samanet, I have been told of the technical means by which "crop circle" glyphs may be rendered in fields and on ice....and also I've been told that there exists a dedicated ET team, comprised of various GFL star nations, including non-humanoids, who design and lay these consciousness-raising symbols, for earth humanity to grow from...


    However I cannot ever ask questions about the specific meaning of a given crop circle, of my ET contacts, as they are not permitted to provide such answers to myself, or any other earth-born starseed ground crew member. That would be cheating I suppose and it is for us, as individuals and in groups, to glean the meaning of the messages within each design...using our own intuitive facalties and minds....

    With my understanding of the technical means of rendering these designs I can easily determine which are genuine and which are fake, BUT, I am not privy to the answers via direct communications, nor through telepathic methods, as to the meaning of each message..

    I do know that these glyphs will continue to appear, right up till official first contact.


    Kind regards, Drekx Omega

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  • I was going to post this but was sick from the chemtrails, just glad he got it up in time. And I back it all almost completely excepting the statement by Creator Michael that he is also the Creator of all the universes. According to the UB he is  our Creator of this universe, Nebadon only! All the other universes in our Super Universe and all the other 6 super Universes have there own Creator Michael's as well but ours is a sovereign Creator having restored it from the Lucifer Rebellion.

    As I have been saying I-SON is a Mother ship, a shape shifting one, alive. This mistake about Michael could have been from the channeler, which is not bad as all the rest fits in very well and there is no other untruths mixed with truths like in Beths blogs. I do wish though that they would have given us more info that we can tell the people. But all in all it confirms other reputable blogs, now all we need is to see it again cause most think that it is dead as a comet. Then the world will know its not a comet. When that happens Disclosure should be swift, then Contact !! Adonai

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