February 26, 2011
Pleiadian Council of Light: You are the decision maker
You each hold and house records of what has been, records of what will come, and records that exist dimensionally through space and time. You hold within you ancient truths that did not work, and ancient truths that succeeded. Use these escaped truths as a platform, a base, and a microphone. Voice, and decree what it is that you seek, what it is that you desire, bypass the chaos of manifestation.
The world is not haphazardly created by outside energies or beings. For all is contained innately upon the surface of humanness and the surface of earth. Each one of your prayers does not leave the auric field of your Mother Earth, but ricochets off of her external body and lands upon a place that then creates a wish fulfilled, a dream imagined, a problem solved, a success assured. Your prayers do not leave the surface/environment of the earth. They are not sent via cosmic mail delivery to a god that checks his prayer mail. Earth herself has the quantified ability to manifest for and with humanity all desires and wanting no matter how casually they were created. These thoughts that run in your minds, in your hearts, and in your everyday existences are asking for solutions, not from a government, not from a board or a committee, not from a book or a dialog with a wise one, but from you. You house and host the truths, the wisdom’s, and the solutions to all thoughts and problems within your sphere of existence. You can solve everything that is issued to you in circumstance, by thought, by action, by decree!

You inherently hold all questions and all answers simultaneously. In this upcoming year, when you have a thought that involves or revolves around a person, place, disease, or injustice – your soul is asking you to add your thoughts of completion to it. It is crucial not to hold on to the negativity or ask why on any level (body, mind, and spirit) that the problem is not solved.
Each time your thinking goes forth to the place of "why something is not solved," then you to become a team player in alignment with the problem not the solution. Your destiny is to be part of the liquid solution of all things that you seek. Everything that is addressed by you is addressed by you because you are part of the destiny of the solution. It does not matter if it is personal, planetary, or private. When it comes to you, it is asking for your help.
You have the deciding energetic vote. You are the deciding X-factor. You have the deciding quantum/quark that will shift the situation from problem to solution. Do you see how much power is involved in this knowledge? You think that you do not make a difference but you do. Every thought you have is a deciding vote. Every desire you have to make right, to do good, is a deciding factor in favor of illumination, Ascension, and evolution.
This power seems minuscule to you, but you all sit on a jury of life and death in a multitude of expressions. Will your dreams live or will they die? You decide. Will the earth live or shall she pass into the dust. You decide. Will disease be conquered, will there be a cure? You decide. Do not leave this up to others. Vote from heart. Make a difference from heart. Decree from heart. Hold the focus on what you want to see. You are the deciding celestial vote in everything that you wonder about."
Yeah great words, great post .. the moment is comming ... the nightmare is ending.. the worst is comming to an end.. here comes the sun.. and there will be a huge relief.. its comming..