
In my last article on Pleiadian Starship Pi published on Wednesday, I gave some details of the Disclosure World Cruise, together with some information on related activities of our Starship concerning the elimination of nuclear facilities and contamination from Gaia, and our plans for a Global Festival of Music to assist in the integration of the human Collective and their Star brothers and sisters, as we are all One.

Today, and on Sunday, I want to outline two further missions in which Starship Pi will be closely involved in the not too distant future. Both of these are events that have been predicted for a long time, and which are, in my humble opinion, two of the most significant and magnificent unfoldments scheduled to take place on this planet for many thousands of years. Perhaps the two greatest events ever.

The first of these, and the one I want to outline today, concerns the ancient prediction that Gaia’s lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis would one day rise again. Lemuria was lost in the present Pacific ocean region some 26,000 years ago, and Atlantis followed in the wake of her ill-fated twin sinking below the Atlantic ocean around 13,000 years ago.

It is believed that the loss of Lemuria occurred following hostile actions by the Atlanteans, and that due to subsequent dark intent and misuse of their advanced technology the Atlanteans sealed their own fate and caused the demise of their homeland.

The stories of the former existence and the subsequent demise of these two continents have long been dismissed as legend by the Illuminati and those who have controlled this planet’s population for so long, and who – although aware of the history of these civilisations – have sought to suppress all knowledge of them. However, the facts surrounding these past events will be fully brought to light in the near future as the true history of Gaia emerges.

I have had ‘knowings’ – downloads – from about a year back in connection with the rise of these lost ‘twins’ of Gaia, especially about Atlantis with which my Sacred Union partner and I have had a long association. She was incarnate as a citizen of Atlantis not long before it fell and I at that time was a visitor to Atlantis from the Pleiades, my ‘forever’ Star home.

These downloads that I had relate to the role to be played by us and our Starship Pi in the raising once more of these lost continents – I like to think of the Pi and her sister Starships that will take part in this process as ‘Galactic midwives’ assisting sweet Gaia in the ‘rebirthing’ of her lost twins.

In order to better understand the role of my Sacred Union partner and I in the rise of Atlantis, and why it is so important to us, I will just touch on the events that brought us together again at that time and led to our ‘migration’ back to the Pleiades.

We are all Multidimensional Beings, and both my partner and I have an Intergalactic background, that of the “En Rah” heritage – a “proud and significant heritage” according to Archangel Michael. We both also have a great love for Gaia, and a long history of association with this planet. While we are both Intergalactics, we also have a close connection with the Pleiades. I am ‘forever Pleiadian’ and she would consider the Pleiades her ‘home’, although her ancestry is originally Andromedan.

At the time in question, I was visiting Gaia from the Pleiades and was working with St Germaine, with whom I have always been associated, in his Temple of the Violet Flame in Atlantis.

My Sacred Union partner, who was Atlantean in that incarnation, had been appointed as an Ambassador in Arts and Culture from Atlantis to the Pleiadian sector. There was at that time much in the way of trade, commerce and cultural exchange between Atlantis and many Star nations.

Here is Archangel Michael on that subject.

AAM: Now the Greeks – oh, many of the ancient civilisations, but do not forget – from Atlantis there was a great deal of Intergalactic trade, commerce, art, culture, back and forth. Much of that transformed and transmitted into the Hathors and into the Egyptians – which is also far more ancient than many suspect. (1)

And on the matter of her Ambassadorial appointment at that time.

AAM: Well, let us say as we are in this theme that there is a great deal of discussion about how your Star brothers and sisters during the time of Atlantis came to Earth and to the cities of Atlantis for trade, commerce, culture, art – exchange.

But what is not known, and what is not generally discussed, although there are some that truly know this, is that there were also a – not as many – but there were a series of ambassadors to other planets.

Now she was an ambassador – what you would think of as an ambassador in your current terms – an ambassador to the Pleiadian sector. She had a history with the Pleiadians – it is what she thinks of really in terms of ‘home’ very often, and so she was an ambassador to the Pleiadian sector, and what she was learning or bringing and experimenting with, trading with, was the use of culture for education.

So the Pleiadians were – and are – a civilisation where there was no clear cut delineation, as there had tended to be upon Earth at that time, between what people had thought of as culture – arts, music, poetry, philosophy – and education. Because it was a ‘free flow’ – children grow up or adults simply always continue to learn and expand. And so she was an ambassador to bring some of the arts and the beauty of the Atlantean’s culture, but it was an exchange, so that is what she did during that lifetime.

When Atlantis fell she was off planet, and so she remained off planet – for a very long time she did not return to Earth. That is why, dear heart, that you feel the necessity – the moral imperative – to be upon planet, firmly anchored, during this time of transition. (2)

We had previously been Sacred Union partners for eons, both on and off planet, but at that time we first met at a musical cultural event where she was a performer – a vocalist, if my memory serves me right – and I was in the audience. When I heard her voice I was captivated – lost! We met up after the performance and when we looked into each other’s eyes we knew – in that instant – that we had known each other previously, and we became an ‘item’ from that moment on.

I took her back on my Starship to the Pleiades for her to take up her ambassadorial role and we made our home there. Prior to leaving Atlantis, we attended Universal Mother Mary’s Sacred Blue-Domed Temple of the Divine Feminine, Wisdom and Truth for a Ceremony of Blessing, for we wished to have children of our union. I have a ‘vision-like’ memory of us leaving the Temple after the ceremony with our group of family and friends, and of my Beloved attired in a pure white Grecian style robe trimmed with gold.

Our life together in our Pleiadian home was blissfully happy, and from our union we brought forth a family of five daughters. Indeed, our five girls were determined to incarnate with us at this present time to be part of our missions and the Ascension process of Gaia and the Collective. For reasons that I won’t go into right now, my partner and I could not meet up in this life until last year, and so we arranged a ‘workaround’ for our five girls from our Pleiadian past to join us in this lifetime.

I married earlier and my wife and I had three daughters who are the eldest three of the five girls of my Sacred Union Partner and I and from our Pleiadian time. She also married earlier in her life and had two daughters who are our two youngest from that time. So between us we have brought in our five girls from our Pleiadian lifetime. We both subsequently divorced and so we were free to meet up, as we did last year.

Here is Archangel Michael’s confirmation about our daughters.

Elias: I’ve had a very strong feeling recently that we had a Sacred Union family of five daughters after we left Atlantis and went to the Pleiadian sector, and that our five daughters have ‘travelled’ with us into this incarnation, namely my three and her two. I’m just wondering if you can comment on this, or tell me if I am ‘way out’ on feeling this.

AAM: You have been together in Atlantis and then you have migrated back – both of you – back to the Pleiades, and yes – you have had your five children, your five girls! That was an incredibly joyful life, and even though it was a time of the demise, shall we say, of the downfall – the beginning of the downfall – of the Atlantean civilization, it was a completely joyful time insofar as your Sacred Union.

But one of the things that you are doing, and one of the things that you have done many times in your Sacred Unions, is you have shown, demonstrated, been the embodiment of, how Beings from what looks like different backgrounds – different systems, different cultures – can come together in Sacred Union in harmony and co-creation, no matter what. And that is what you are doing right now.

And yes, your daughters are your daughters.

Elias: Sorry, could you just say that again …

AAM: Your five daughters … are your five daughters. (3)

I had the instinctive feeling that for a couple who have been in Sacred Union many times to bring in their whole family from a previous time is probably unusual. I asked Archangel Michael about this recently.

Elias: Although I’m sure that it is not uncommon – especially in these present times – for Sacred Union partners to meet up, is it unusual for a Sacred Union couple to bring in their children from a previous time, as she and I have done with our five daughters from our Pleiadian past?

AAM: Is it unusual that families who have chosen to incarnate upon the planet at this time are re-encountering one another? Let us just say that it is not commonplace, and it most certainly is not commonplace to have the entire retinue. It is not common that your daughters are actually with you both – so, is it unusual? Yes – highly. (4)

The only sad time that I recall in our Pleiadian lifetime was when we learned of the fall of Atlantis. I remember – like it was yesterday – holding my Beloved close when she shed bitter tears for the loss of her homeland – I can still feel the sensation of her warm tears running down my chest.

At that time as I comforted her, I made a prophetic statement to her. I told her that there would be a time way in the future when she would once again shed tears for her beloved Atlantis – but that on this future occasion they would be tears of joy for the restoration of her homeland.


Mid-Atlantic Ridge

The download – vision – that I have had some months ago is that we will be standing side by side on the Bridge of our Starship Pi which will be in position in mid ocean, over the region of the ‘mid Atlantic ridge’ – a presently submerged former mountain range from the continent of Atlantis, and an area that I have crossed over many times in this lifetime when I worked onboard the Cunard liner QE2 during her regular transatlantic voyages.

This vision that I have had is that our ship will be facing East in the early morning hours and that, as the sun rises over the horizon, her golden rays will illuminate the first mountain peak of the reborn Atlantis to break the surface of the ocean.

One might think, with good reason, that the rise of the submerged continent would result in massive ocean displacement with consequent catastrophic inundation of coastal regions of both Europe and the East coast of the United States of America – as indeed it would if it were not for the presence of many Starships of the Galactic Starfleet who, along with our Pi, will use the awesome technology at their disposal to prevent this from happening.

In my session with Archangel Michael on February 27 of this year, we were discussing the role of Starship Pi and her forthcoming Disclosure World Cruise, which I have outlined in my last article published on this site two days ago. During this discussion, which was centred on the elimination of nuclear issues, Archangel Michael made the following statement.

AAM: But there is still the question of nuclear waste, and yes, the transmutation … but let us also talk to you about something that you will be doing with your sweet Pi and crew. In the adjustments of Gaia – and you know that she has already ascended – but with the anchoring of many Cities of Light, and the … can we say, slight adjustments of coastlines … one of the things that you will be doing is ‘vacuuming up’ – not only water, but things that could be spilt, such as oil, so that it is held in safety while these slight adjustments take place and then deposited safely elsewhere.

Elias: A sort of ‘Galactic Hoover’!

AAM: That is it exactly – you will become the ‘Hoover man’! (5)

At the time of that discussion I did not question him about this statement that he made concerning “slight adjustment of coastlines” as he put it, or about the ‘vacuuming’ operation that he mentioned. However, I knew perfectly well what he meant by this – and that he was referring to the rise of the lost continent of Atlantis that I had envisioned earlier.

During my more recent session with Archangel Michael on September 30, just over a month ago now, I brought up this subject myself. Here is the relevant extract from the session transcript.

Elias: You mentioned in February when we were chatting, that in addition to planetary cleansing – especially that of removal of nuclear issues which is very near and dear to my heart – that we would be involved in what you termed a ‘vacuuming’ operation related to ‘slight adjustments of coastlines,’ as you put it.

For some time I’ve felt that we would take part – along no doubt with many other similar Starships of the Galactic Fleet – in some terraforming operations related to the restoration of Lemuria and Atlantis which would require control of otherwise destructive ocean displacement, which I suspect is what you were referring to as our role in the adjustment of coastlines. Any comments on that?

AAM: You have perceived this correctly, my friend. One of the – incomplete, shall we say – understandings of the human race is their belief that, for example, that Atlantis cannot rise without creating such wide coastal displacement and the placement of water upon, shall we say, the North American East Coast. But that is not . . . that is short-sighted, let us put it that way, and what will happen is that there will be an uptake – using Galactic technology – of the water, so that Atlantis rises again without displacement.

Now Atlantis has been rising since years ago when this channel began the activation of the Mother Crystal – of the Generator Crystal – so it has been rising quite rapidly actually for at least over a decade. But it has not caused significant displacement because we have been doing this – vacuuming as she would call it – effort.

But there will be a greater effort and then a dispersement of what you can think of as vapour. Now, there are many would say, “Oh, but salt water would kill vegetation” and again there is an incomplete understanding of the science that is available. It is not a criticism. It is simply a fact. So yes, you will be involved in this.

Elias: Right, yes. I also feel that for my Sacred Union partner to be involved in – or at least to witness – the restoration of her former beloved homeland of Atlantis before we left for the Pleiades is important to her. On September 28th last year you told her that as she was off planet at the time of the fall of Atlantis, she feels the necessity – the moral imperative – to be on planet firmly anchored during this time of transition, so is that something that she will be able to be involved in?

AAM: She will be fully participating in this activity. There are many – in comparison to the full populace, a very small group – but there are many who will be overjoyed.

Please do not forget that with the return of Atlantis also comes the return of the Temples. And the Temples that have been so near and dear to so many of you. So yes, there will be those that will rush to Atlantis to . . . simply reclaim this place that has been so precious to so many of you.

And yes, your partner will be part of this – there would be no keeping her away!

Elias: Yes, I feel that Pi might perhaps have a particular role in the raising of the Sacred Island of Temples or that part of Atlantis that contains the Temples.

AAM: Yes. Because it is near and dear to you as well, my friend.

Elias: Indeed. I do have memories of us leaving the Blue Domed Temple after a ceremony, and I would certainly look forward to being able to attend, shall we say, a re-dedication of the Temple and of St Germaine’s Temple of the Violet Flame.

AAM: You will be there. You will be there with bells on, I think is your expression. (6)

So once again Archangel Michael has provided full validation of my downloads – my visions – for this event.

No doubt there will be a similar operation taking place at some stage over the Pacific ocean region and also involving many ships of the Galactic Starfleet, but our Starship Pi will take part in the raising of Atlantis because of our previous very close association with this land.

However, I understand that the Pi alone will have the honour and privilege of dealing with the rise of the Sacred Island of Temples, because of our close personal connection with these Temples.

I recall from my actual memories of this time when we were together in the Temple area of Atlantis, how I loved the warm climate there – very similar to the climate that I enjoyed between 1985 and 1989 when I was working on the cruise ships of the Cunard line that plied the Caribbean routes.

It is my understanding that this submerged Sacred Temple site presently lies on the seabed somewhere between the southern tip of Florida and the north coast of Cuba, and that we will position the Pi over this area to control the ocean displacement associated with the rise of this island.

During the Cuban missile crisis of October 1962, there was a stand-off between U.S. President Kennedy and Soviet Union President Khrushchev over the placement by the Russians of ICBM’s in Cuba – which led the world to the brink of global thermonuclear war.

At that time, the U.S. Navy had a number of nuclear submarines stationed in the area off the north coast of Cuba, and it is said that the sonar of these vessels detected extensive seabed ‘man-made’ structures, including buildings and pyramids. These are very likely part of this Atlantean Temple site. Needless to say, these findings were classified and never made public – the reports came to light in recent years from ‘whistleblowers’ who were crew members of the Navy submarines involved at the time.

Map showing location of supposed ancient city discovered by Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki.


More recently there have been reports of underwater pyramidal and other structures discovered off the western tip of Cuba (here, here and here) and also in the Bermuda Triangle region, though these reported discoveries have yet to be independently verified.

This forthcoming mission involving the safe restoration of these two lost continents, utilising the advanced technology of the Galactic Starfleet is, to my mind, one of the most monumental events due to take place in the history of Gaia. All of us who are to be involved look forward with a sense of awe, mingled with great joy, to accomplishing these tasks in the fulfilment of the ancient prophesies and the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan for the restoration of this magnificent planet.

There remains, however, a further truly awesome mission in which our Starship Pi is to play a role. A mission involving an event which has been foretold for nearly 2,000 years, and which will perhaps be remembered for all time as the most significant and momentous event ever to unfold upon this planet.

This will be the subject of my next article concerning the visionary downloads that I have had in foreseeing this event.

Elias on Terra En Rah

Commander, Pleiadian Starship Pi


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon on September 28, 2014.

(2) Loc. Cit.

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Elias through Linda Dillon on February 27, 2015.

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Elias through Linda Dillon on September 30, 2015.

(5) Archangel Michael, February 27, 2015, ibid.

(6) Archangel Michael, September 30, 2015., ibid


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