Come Away my dear son, you are the total of the sum;
to a lovely place where long long ago, it has all begun:
To a place where Love and light always reign supreme;
for the illusion that you now live in, is not what it seems:
For it is a hologram designed to keep you safe and whole;
While you make the decisions necessary for your 4D goal:
The glory of your reality,does lie in your perception;
Of who you think you are, for you are the exception:
You have excepted the challenge of this new great school;
A place where learning is difficult, one must follow the rule;
Remember where you came from in the higher spirit realm;
Where many were called but few came to watch this film:
You are a rebel warrior, a light worker, a mighty star-seed;
Who now remembers his programing to do only good deeds:
Awaken the others,sleeping, you will need there help right now;
The Dark ones are making there last stand,its useless somehow.
Awake and Ascend is the name of the game we must play;
If we want to get out of the 3D Dark Illusion forced on us,today:
The Dark ones have tricked us into giving our Freedom away;
They want to keep Mother earth, make it there own someday:
The battle reigns on the surface, while they hide, safe underground;
But we found there D.U.M.B.s, we know where they can be found;
We are now rescuing the children,from there evil torture chambers;
Where they make ''Adenochrome'' for there Dark twisted members:
The light workers and warriors job, is to now shine there bright light;
Darkness has entered peoples minds as they awaken & begin to fight:
All that they knew before ''Covid19'' has been taken away from them;
Never to be returned, the 9 to 5 Dream shattered,its the end of the film:
Its the end of the World, as we know it, a bright new world now begins;
It will rise up from the ashes of the old Earth, now it simply transcends:
Our job is to help the sleeping ones to gently awaken and understand;
Shine our light to all who can reach for 4D and then,hopefully, Ascend:
By rev. Joshua Skirvin 9-11-2020