
Comments in red are solely mine.  -Bill

Poofness Office & ZAP Update - October 14, 2013: The season of change

Greeting and Salutations,

Fortunately the Kabuki theatre [ooh like that term! or is that a threat like last October?] is nearly ended, and the currency revaluation is beginning. Pay attention to the activities after the banking holiday this coming week; I'm hearing it could be a very exciting time.

The best thing that happened in DC came from the chaplain of the Congress. Here is his prayer for the Congress and the country:

Opening Prayer 

Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, S.J.

Loving God, we give You thanks for giving us another day.

Lord, You know there are many Americans who look to the people's House as uncertainty about the future of the economy and their livelihoods hang in the balance. Petty partisanship and ever–politicizing rhetoric should have no place at all when men and women of goodwill come together to serve the common good.

We ask again that You bless the Members of the people's House with the understanding that it is their work to develop the strategies and plans to assuage the fears of their fellow countrymen and –women.

We ask again that You impel those who possess power here in the Capitol to be mindful of those whom they represent who possess little or no power and whose lives are made all the more difficult by a failure to work out serious differences.

May all that is done today be for Your greater honor and glory.


Poof said: “The boys behind the scenes are taking steps to take those "in" power, "out" of power. You all want to believe this but some don't. So its okay but wait and see! There has been some holding off to make the final checks on all changes that have to happen before this whole thing is turned loose.

You need to know that the "New World Order" is caving in and the "New Golden Age" is coming. The changes have been happening for a while now, and the world is actively engaged in a change of heart. Many things are scheduled to occur to make this a reality for all...

Here’s ZAP…

Hi All

Many questions this week; few answers as the process of reset is in full swing, and precious little inside info is being allowed out, but I will do my best to fill in the blanks here and there.

Q: Dear Zap: Thanks for everything you do and have done. In your last post, you revealed that you are not American. What nationality are you?

A: We are celebrating thanksgiving here [translation - he's Canadian], but my roots are European Royals. I have a particular love for the USA and for China. Cannot explain it. It just is there, so I speak of both as my own countries. Feels right.

Q: Countries do not need central banks. Certainly, America does NOT need a central bank, especially a privately owned central bank.

A: But we have one. It is called the US Treasury. At the moment, everybody thinks it is a part of the government just like the federal reserve. Well, since the US Government is actually a US corporation, what does that make the US Treasury? [actually another corporation!] This is distinct and separate again from the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned corporation with shareholders like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Mellon, etc., in direct control of it. The Federal Reserve orders money printed and loans it out to the US government at interest. Nice arrangement. Kennedy was shot because he wanted to dismantle this lucrative arrangement and put the us back on the gold standard. Bobby followed since he kept on that track. look at libya. Gaddafi put in his own central bank with his currency backed by gold. He refused to let the cabal in to take ownership. Got a war in return.

Q: Has the Federal Reserve really been made - or really will be made - no longer privately owned, but really a part of the UST? May it be so!

A: The plan is to amalgamate the Federal Reserve with the US Treasury. If it is done under the new Republic of the United States and the original constitution, with the US corporation dissolved, then it would be for the betterment of American citizens with responsible government in place. currently, the US corporation is bankrupt and has the ability to raise the debt ceiling (done already) and keep going. It is a bubble that will break sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. Already, about 500 cabal members and US corporation staff have been arrested. More to come as the reset continues.

Q: Certainly there are functions like check clearing, etc., that the Fed has performed and that need to be performed.

A: Get the bookkeeper at any competent business to do it. Probably do it better. Or your average housewife. She can balance checkbooks.

Q: But what we DON’T need is a central agency fiddling with and manipulating the economy. Is it really possible that that function of the Fed will cease?

A: Not cease… just transform into something that really works for the people, instead of bleeding them dry.

Q: What we need is HONEST MONEY; money issued by the UST as stated in the Constitution. And with no debt created each time a dollar is issued into the economy. Is this really going to happen? May it be so!

A: Yes it will really happen. Alternative is the continuation of a bankrupt company. Do we really need an Enron running the country as it is being run now? Similarities are there except for the name.

Q: Without central fiddling, the currency of a country will naturally become more and more valuable (deflation). This is what happened in the US during the 19th century: Purchasing power of the dollar increased in spite of the inflationary effect of Lincoln’s issuing greenbacks to finance the Civil War.

A: The economy boomed at wartime, right? Why? The great depression was the result of money taps being turned off to create an artificial depression that became real, and resulted in massive foreclosures and transfer of wealth to the cabal. Once the war started (and that was a contrived war starting with the Pearl Harbor nightmare that mobilized the country), the money taps were turned back on. Yippee. The economy turned around. Money flow=prosperity at all levels. no money flow=depression and lack. (common sense and economics 101.)

Q: The PTB have always engineered inflation as an effective and invisible way to tax the populace.

A: Yes.

Q: I would appreciate anything you are able to share about progress back toward honest money.

A: Send $19.95 to me, Zap, care of Bob’s bank at the corner of 49th and vine (the ‘57 chevy with the rolled down window aka the deposit slot). I will send you a receipt in six months for your money. And, rest assured, we will think of many honest ways to spend your honest money. Or are you doing that already with the corporation you call the US government…

But, realistically, honest money is being installed with the start of the historic asset redemptions, the global gold settlements, the RV, and the installation of the Basel III protocols. We will be ok. Many good people are working on humanity’s behalf doing this effort.

Hope that answers your questions M.

Q: I half suspect that this is just "fear porn", but it's also plausible, given the existence of chemtrails and Morgellons, etc. Short form: It's saying nano devices that can kill us via severe flu-like symptoms have been spread via water supplies and food chain since 1995, so that now some 87% of us in America at least have one of these things inside of us. A specific frequency radio signal wakes them up.

A: Yup. Try it. Get a radio shack frequency generator, run an antenna from an amp hooked to it, and run through the frequencies. Wait for the flu-like symptoms. Once you get the right frequency, you know part of the puzzle that can counteract the nano devices. Pesky critters. Once a frequency is known, then you can heterodyne a harmonic onto that frequency that will tear the nano device apart. Very simple really. Like the tesla interferometer that once it tunes to the base harmonic of the human cell, it will disrupt it; you will get cell wall breakage, and a human oozes to a puddle on the floor. they did that several times in tests. The so-called death ray. [now we know Zap is a Ham Radio enthusiast!]

Q: This is a lot like what's been being portrayed in the NBC series, "Revolution", but does that make it likely fantasy or likely real? I dunno, and I'm hoping you guys or contacts on the other side of you might have something to say about this...?

A: Pretty much. Science fiction ain’t that much of fiction than science. Sad we do the destruction thing better than we do the humanity thing.

Q: "There will be an 800 number given to people at banks for anyone that may not have been found."

A: This is something upstairs is looking after. Nobody gets left behind. So, whatever method that will be used, all will be looked after.

Q: In the case I have not been found, I will not be sent to a bank and, therefore, there is no way I could get any 800 number. And I wouldn't even know to what banks other people were being sent because of the non-disclosure.

A: Not to worry. Upstairs will make the appropriate moves to ensure that all will be looked after. If for any reason anybody is not found right away, or there is a delay, you can write in; and we will do our best to correct the issue. As I said nobody gets left behind.

Q: You and our dear friend, ZAP, are people in the know who know all the contacts. I am sure you know the people in charge of the PPs, particularly of the Savage Program. I am sore that I will not be found because I am not in the United States; I am in a poor and remote country in South America. That is the reason I need to know where or to whom I can write to send them my address, phone number, e-mail, etc., in order not to be left out. I would appreciate it so much if you and ZAP would help me. Millions of thanks for this great favor and for everything you are doing for all the people in the world.

A: We will be here for you and give whatever helping hand is required. Be well and know that all is well - always has been, and always will be - on this planet of choices. The big guy upstairs and his son are the ones we can always count on. They will not forsake us. I think they love us a lot. wish we all would do the same….

In respect of the RV, again, they have been trying almost every day to get it up on the screens and done. However, it is my opinion that it will happen only after the us shutdown thing is resolved. If it is done beforehand, then the cabal will strike and rip us off again. So, be patient as the reset unfolds, and the arrests continue. The main event is still to come, and it will be televised. [INDEED IT WILL! LOL!!!]

In respect of the Five-Star Trust that was to be a big helping hand for all, well, there are a few other trusts and foundations in behind that few know about that are the actual entities that will be giving the helping hand. These folks are hundreds of years old and have been waiting much time for this moment. They remain invisible until the rest is done, then they will come out and do what Poof so often alluded to with Five Star. No change really in intent, just mechanics.

In respect of project fundings, they are not far away now, and I believe all will be in place for that within the next 2 weeks as the funds flow. Already, the first testers have gone in for the transfers to make sure that path works, and there are no holdups. It has taken over a month to do one transfer so far, but the path has been cleared. Next, transfers will continue along the same path but will, of course, be much faster now. The main bulk of transfers in the many millions will follow, and then we can all get to work. Christmas will be good this time around.

So, rest easy, and think good thoughts. Help your neighbor. Help yourself. Plant a tree. Hug one. write your congressman. Take out the garbage. Most of all, do not worry. Worry sucks and releases tons of toxins into your system, so screw worrying and fear-mongering. Just do random acts of kindness and pay it forward.

This coming week will see many visible and overt information coming out as the reset unfolds. Be ready.

In love and light in our service,


“God is; I am; We are”
“Be good. Be legal. Tell the truth”

While we are waiting for things to get to the point of checks at our doors, here are some Web sites I've heard offer a variety of information, from current events to spiritual “weather” reports on how to get the most out of these times and to be as prepared as possible to have an easier time in the Shift: - Mike Rivero’s Web site. He and his Rivero’s Rangers update the site several times a day covering current and past events. Mike also has a five-day-a-week three-hour radio show that’s available for 24 hours on his Web site or available through iTunes by subscription. All free. - Alex Jones’s Web site. Current events and some guests. Alex reaches a broader audience. Airs six days a week (three hours at least M-F and Suns for two hours). Available either on his Web site or through iTunes. All free. - Jim Self’s Web site. He’s called the teacher’s teacher. While he maintains a foot in the regular world starting and heading up bio-tech firms, he’s also a conscious communicator with the Masters. He has several tools available for free on his Web site such as Webinars and a monthly Planetary Update, and on his YouTube channel. His message is that you “can’t take your baggage with you” and his “simple” tools help students to handle the “noise” as things get more “interesting”. - article categories from Personal Thoughts to Spiritual and everything in between. This is the late Ian Lundgold’s site. Ian came up with a way to translate the Mayan calendar into the Gregorian calendar for those of us not on that time flow. - Jim Willie, PhD in statistics from Carnegie-Mellon, offers free articles usually a few times a month on the world markets. He can get a bit technical but, as Poof would say, “He knows what time it is.”

Here’s a start. Let us know of other sources y’all turn to that you’ve found helpful.

From Susan: I’m facing a medical procedure that’s not covered by insurance. I would appreciate any donations you can make, large or small or in-between. I can provide payment instructions if you drop me a line at Thank you for whatever assistance you can send my way.  acct:

Love and Kisses,

Susan & Staff 

From the "Office of Poofness"
Photo: Archangel Michael – The Planetary Ascension in now underway Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly. Channeled through Michael Xavier for the Universal Service of Light UniversalServiceofLight The Planetary Ascension Beloved one’s we wish to speak to you from the realms of light on the planetary ascension and how we now see that this is now fully underway. We wish to encourage you to remain steadfast and strong in these times of planetary transformation and ascension. You are not alone, even when at times it may feel that way. There has been so much speculation in regards to the year 2012 and the many conjectures and ideologies behind it. This is really only learned through the personal experiential process alongside others undergoing the shifts in a like manner. This is why we admonish you all to come together to share your experiences in love and encouragement. There is no “handbook” for these times since every planet in the cosmos is collectively different undergoing ascension into light and life. Due to the collective past of your planet and the fact that it has been immersed for so long in a fear based confused consciousness, this is proving to be an unfolding experiential process that is even teaching many of us in the realms of light. We are all learning much in regards to a world built on illusionary concepts undergoing the ascension process. Celestials from all over creation have come to observe and take part in this planetary ascension of your world, so always remember that you are not alone. You have the spark of the Creator within you to be your perfect guide, but you also have a tremendous amount of help from the realms of light. Remember that you are co-creators with each and every being in your awareness – and in these times of tremendous shifting there are many bringing forth transmissions from the realms of light due to the extraordinary response from the universes of time and space to be here in this most monumental time of planetary ascension. The massive energy influxes and “ups and downs” that many of you are experiencing are due to the planetary ascension energies being extrapolated collectively. Keep in mind that we are well aware, as you should be too, that you are part of the whole. This affects all of you holding these higher vibrations on a personal level in your individual realities. There are many of you reading this “on the ground” in the third dimensional level of reality that have come to assist in the planetary ascension that have already undergone their personal ascensions, and have come back to assist those who would be undergoing these changes at this time collectively. This will not be completely understood by those still undergoing the singular personal transformation / ascension process on a singular level, as we understand that individual ascenders are also are being doubly affected by these higher vibrations in this time of planetary ascension. The importance to ground in these times of massive energy integration You will find it helpful in these times of planetary ascension to ground yourselves with mother earth by being out in nature and maintaining a daily grounding mediation practice. It is imperative for all of you now that you remember to connect to the grounded energies of mother earth to anchor you in these higher inflowing energies. Many of you may now feel like you are lifting like a hot air balloon into the stratosphere as these ascension energies are uplifting and pulling you higher into the higher dimensions where you are more comfortable. Do not neglect your third dimensional self that is trying desperately to hold you down while your higher soul selves are yearning to be where you are most comfortable in the higher realms of light and unconditional love. We are well aware of many of you undergoing shifting patterns and how many of you are being affected by the energy influxes. Many of you are undergoing tremendous changes in your sleeping and eating patterns as you try to “tune in” much like a dial radio trying to find a clear channel of understandable resonance within this planetary ascension in your personal realities. Beloveds, this is the time that you have all been waiting for, and the reason you are here on earth at this time, so remain strong and steadfast. You are all being looked after by the realms of light and are being guided to the best of your abilities to discern and understand our messages and encouragement from the realms of light. The importance of coming together and Co-Creating with other light workers in these times of planetary ascension More so than ever beloved ones, we urge you to come together to assist one another in these tremendous times of planetary transformation. Just as a chorus of voices sound better in a harmonic choir, so to do all of you when you come together to harmonize in co-creation. You all have your own unique voices, but when you come together to harmonize in these monumental times, its resonation can be heard throughout the universe, for you are much stronger in numbers. Take the time to encourage one another and to lift one another up Send an e-mail, post encouraging comments, or reach out and band together to your fellow light workers in light and love focusing on the positive resonances, always trying to ignore those things that do not resonate in these times. If something doesn’t resonate, simply dismiss it. Remember that truth simply is. Ignorance may deride it or attack it but in the end it shall always stand the test of time and remain no matter what comes up against it. Many of you feel alone because of your inability to encourage one another. Keep in mind the example of many of us in the realms of light that reach out to all of you beloved ones in love and encouragement. Keep in mind to encourage and uplift your fellow brothers and sisters. One encouraging word can change the whole course of an individual’s day. Imagine if you all began to encourage one another daily. This would cause tides to change rapidly in these times of uncertainty for many of you. This is the quantum affect of cause and effect, especially when you do something in love. Love always resonates in a receptive person willing to receive it – so too will this affect all those that they touch and so on and so forth. We are well pleased with all of you beloved ones. We can only do so much on this side of the veil, so it is up to you as well to encourage and uplift your co-creators in the kingdom of God. Rehearsal on the other side of the veil For many of you while your vessels are in unconscious sleep, you are being trained on the other side of the veil with many celestial / light beings that have come to assist in these times of planetary ascension. This is a place where many downloads are retained in your waking conscious awareness. If you find yourself remembering vivid dreams and waking up feeling refreshed and uplifted, it is the simple fact that you have been uplifted / trained / rehearsed in the higher dimensions / classrooms and realms of light on the other side of the veil. Many of you are earthly ascended masters that are very comfortable in the in the lucid dreaming aspect of unconscious sleep where you are able to utilize your many talents and abilities outside of the realms and confinement of time. Your soul selves know what is best for the whole, so you may find yourself with things on your heart when you wake up as you are doing much work in these times of co-creation with us beings of light to assist those who are struggling with these integrating energies. For those of you that are not familiar with this ability, take heart and do not let this discourage you. For those of you beloved ones that can do this, it is something that the soul has earned through experiential processes and many eons of training. These things were earned through many unrevealed ways to you younger souls that may not understand these things. Shifting from the intellect to the heart center More so than anything we wish to bring to your awareness at this time the collective shifting from the mind / intellect to the heart center. Many will want proof or these things explained to satisfy their intellectual minds, but when you reach certain levels this will prove to be impossible as you are creating your reality through your individual experiential processes and can only share what you have individually learned in love. Keep in mind the way that the Creator sees each and every one of you beloved ones. No matter what you have done, no matter what books you study or religion you belong to, it is a simple and true fact that you are loved like the only child in creation and it is your soul that connects you to the First Source and Center not a church or a book. Only you see the world through your eyes the way you see it, but no matter what you see, remember the way the Creator sees you always in unconditional love and acceptance. There is no judgment or condemnation for the sincere seeking spiritual soul no matter what others may say. Remain strong in the knowledge that you are loved unconditionally and that it is those judging individuals that are in actuality bringing forth judgment against themselves in projection. Many times when an immature soul doesn’t understand higher aspects of spirit they will attack these things due to the fact that they cannot themselves understand these things. Remain in your heart and many doors shall be opened to those sincere seeking spiritual students who wish to have expanded abilities to better serve in the planetary ascension process. You have a perfect guide within you, so do not give your power away to anyone else in these times that may try to tell you things that may try to disempower you with fear, conspiracy and confusion. By their fruits you shall know them beloveds. What is most important to keep in mind in these times is to apply the principle - if something doesn’t resonate in your reality, simply dismiss it. There is no reason to discourage anyone in these times if you feel that you “know better”. Remaining centered in the heart while sustaining encouragement in these times is something we cannot stress enough, for you are all harmonizing for the greatest good of all. Each and every one of us celestials love you unconditionally - so too should you emulate this trait of the Creator with your fellow brothers and sisters in these times of planetary ascension and transformation. Remain strong and Courageous for you are greatly beloved I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths

I will not be afraid of Love today,

for I know it surely has come to stay.

I was always afraid of of Love before,

not knowing who it was knocking at my door.

I was afraid of Love today,not knowing why,

I must have mistaken it for Fear I cry.

I didn't know what it wanted from me,

I thought I could never be a wannabe.

I had cried many a night so alone and sad,

wandering where Love was & what it had.

Why did I rebuke Love and make it go,

was I afraid of it,of what Love dared to show.

Did I mistakenly replace it for Fear,

keeping Love away from coming near.

My father remembers me as the son he Loves,

I will awaken now, as below,so above.

My fathers fame is Love, this I know to be true,

which means I am created in his Love too.

It  is said,Love always Creates like unto itself,

never deviating,bestowing great spiritual wealth.

So the Creator & Love are the same as one,

and that makes us a Divine spark, his son.

Not lost or forgotten, as some would believe,

sleep-walking in a dream, we could not perceive.

Believing to be asleep in the Matrix of a dream,

but awakened by the Joy of Love, it may seem.

For Love is all around us if we open our eyes,

and do not listen to the voice of Fear or its Lies.

Our Love was never lost nor thrown away,

but hidden in a dark space for a rainy day.

Love will shine bright like a sparkling diamond,

if we put our Fear away,remembering we are his son.

Forgiveness is the key to erase Fear forever,

as the light of Love emerges , be afraid never.

Embrace it as the Father embraces the son,

remembering what really matters, we are all one.

So,did I forget who I was and where I came from,

the light of Love shines bright, total of the sum.

Where did my light go, when I refused to let him in,

knowing He waits patiently , for I really had no sin.

It was all a Matrix, mind control of the Dark Cabal,

they did fed off our Fear, confusing us one and all.

The tricksters tried to make us think,Love was Fear,

Keeping us away from the Joy that we wanted so Dear.

And so I laugh now at the programing they had given to us,

did they really think we would not awake and miss the bus.

Ascension is upon us as the light of Love shines bright,

to erase the darkness of Fear all through the long night.

My true identity awakened, abides in you, my Father,

my Holiness remains the light of Heaven forever after.

As the Love of God makes it shine in the infinite heaven,

we are one,shared identity of the light of God, we are forgiven.

I am he that my Father Loves,for his Love is our only source,

and so we offer Blessings to all things and ourselves of course.

His Love is never more to be forgot or swept away under the rug,

Love is in our hearts of hearts so please give everyone a big hug !.

Rev. Joshua Skirvin...10/15/2013; copyrighted for the book ,

Poems, Prayers and Promises for the Golden Age.

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