Portal 10 10 10 Very Important Message

Current Portal 10 October 2010
Alignment of the day 10/10/2010

"Hello friends and students.

I was asked by the Masters of the galactic center and the Hierarchy of Masters Road From White Brotherhood and the temples and internal Agartha Samballa disclosure on an important spiritual and planetary alignment for the day October 10 of this year 2010.

As you know, I never made part of any chain posted on the Internet. This case is a request made to me by members of the Planetarium at various levels in the galactic council meeting between 22 and 28 June 2010. Since then I have looked down the most comprehensive data on how we make this kind of task that was required to pass to the students of Quantum Healing Star have been tuned over the past 12 years and who have the name of his mentor CQE, beyond activations performed in other courses.

We will have the participation of the Milky Way's stellar logos connected to each of the 49 federations and confederation Intergalactic, which makes this day different from the others.

The Earth will turn into a Merkaba radiation into outer space mesh Christed will be activated starting from the Threefold Flame of each one of you.

We will have two lines of work:

1 - People turned on by tuning into my classes in person.
2 - People who are not attuned to the power of Quantum Healing Star directly.

These two lines of work represents an important source of thought-form in three key times in each country according to your time zone. We will have to act in any of these three schedules, or even three if we can keep in tune.

1 - At 6 am.
2 - At 12am.
3 - At 18hs afternoon.

These three represent three times frequency of alignment with the mesh Christ in tune with the planetary-ships merkaba Ashtar Command and the Order Goronandeck directly aligned with the purpose of Micah and of governmental Salvington, our Local Universe Nebadon.

The purpose of this task that I am heading and all of you, embodied and disembodied that have made the tuning and preparation of the transmigration of consciousness, which naturally occurs after awakening, is to request the direct intervention of chiefs and their teams of Micah

This intervention is just to block and interfere with the agreements reached and signed by the Order of the Black Dragon and the Illuminati to negative groups, and help in releasing the souls trapped in the technological threshold of the Fallen Angels who rebelled against the Divine Order and does not accept the agreements of Anhotak, Shtareer and Micah to the new vibrational pattern of the galaxy.

Each of you will help to anchor with his free will request the direct intervention of the high command without breaking the prime directive (non-interference in non-Confederate worlds such as Earth). We only pupils physically tuned to approximately 150 000 CQE souls attuned to the spiritual plane through you these last 12 years of travel and lectures.

The thought form of each of you will help to radiate a signal wave mental points for absorbing and retransmitting the wave amplified by the members of civilization intraterrena in line with the same frequency, thus creating a wave of approximately 235 million intraterrenos beings who no longer accept the way our society's unbalanced and corrupt rulers. This wave cryogenic automatically activates the bodies of thousands of other beings in orbits close to Earth and in parallel realities, allowing for this Galactic Council has called the official data to authorize intervention in all the parallel realities of the Earth and our own, helping to balance and activate the required frequency of the photon belt to awaken the rest of humanity. Each one will be activated and awakened as a mental condition which has gradually and will be identified.

The power of this wave in which we inserted the fingers allow the light of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Ezekiel, GABRIEL, Lemuel ARYEL, METRONYEL, METRATOM, Sandalphon, METATROM, Jophiel, KANIEL, RAMAEL, SHAMUNAEL, SANAEL, HYRANEL, GHADEL between some, the Council of 49 Archangels may have documents to authorize the placement of the fleets of light and activation of multidimensional databases of the Swiss Confederation and the Supra at the gates for the quantum leap globe.

The commanders of the fleet will be attuned to the psychic wave of humanity from Earth's surface and also the focus of several civilizations,. If we get a line of thought-forms of at least 10% of planetary civilization will be officially allowing the intervention of the sons of Micah in the planetary process while helping all fingers thrones and crowns on the planet to sustain greater amplitude in its work by awakening of sick souls who have disconnected from his divinity.

Each continent has several temples and portals that will be open to make the connection with all started, avatars, masters and beings from other lines, but children of Light, no matter who follow the doctrine or belief, the temple will be open to all those who are children of Light, like me and you.

What will be our call these cycles on October 10, 2010:




These requests are sufficient for us to change much in the immediate direction of our planet and our civilization. I'm running this because it is a project which I have been told there are four years and represents the beginning of a sequence of activations that the planet and humanity receive periodically.

We will have another activation at the same frequency on November 11, 2011, with new activations, but initially will only pass the coordinates of which are very important because we have to tune in important places and temples in the geographical aspect of the planet.

I ask everyone to disclose this matter to be relayed in all possible languages and published on the Internet as soon as possible so we can mobilize the largest amount of people, even those without tuning and name of mentor CQE (Quantum Healing Star) .

For those who never realized activations me know that the thought-form to help you in the amplification of this wave in the planetary spiritual along with the teams with which they are tuned. There is no reason for concern, pass along this information and let your heart lead you to this line of love that we want to expand the planet.

GUIDELINES for Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shamans: 3 to these times must activate your power animals and all the team spirit and work with the activation of the planetary core in the center of the psyche GAIA-Kumara. Only with that name you have already achieved in only three hours on Sunday and set to enable access to the global psyche. A big fire and invoking the spirit of the Earth will be achieved by shamans attuned to the Order of Fire Intraterreno only for this date.

UMBANDA: the priests who are attuned Caboclos crowned and other entities will be notified to perform a ritual to open portals and release EXUS primordial and anchoring of the Orishas Ancestry Earth to start a new line of irradiation for planet Earth. Most work will occur by pipeline and will be held in the state of incorporation.

CANDOMBLÉ: the priests or caretakers of Orisa is asked to support the transition to their thrones in the line of all the orishas to allow the passage of deities Ancestry Earth and the entire line of old Elihons and Cyclops of Earth. Will be held mostly a consecration and pray settlements occur as the orientation for each custodian in the line of work each Ilê receive for this Sunday, in which all children will be tuned in that same focus and decree of thought form.

Kardec: to all members willing to help carry out their prayers in these times and carry a tune with the memory and spirit of our beloved CHICO XAVIER, who ascended the plan is called KAIWAN. The energy of Ramat will attend the advising everyone to remain consistent and work with it. All churches and schools are attuned to the ethereal day to assist in the deployment of collective thought-form of the children that school spirit.

Hinduism: the request by the anchoring of sutras and meditation support for the deities of the Board of Vhisnu, Bhama, Krisna, where you can request this thought-form and amplify the gurus live with what you normally communicate as Babaji, Muctananda, Yogananda , Sai Baba Sali-Haj and others representing hierophants of Indian spirituality.

BUDDHISM: to focus the energy of your thought-form directed to the beloved teacher Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and all others, that help to amplify the energy of this request to the galactic center. For people who have contact with the beloved Dalai Lama to open the channel of synchronicity with all of Shambala Kumaras to support the passage of the avatars in the line of hermetic Rinpoche, activate the spirit of mud Noboru Tsogyal Rinpoche in the line of the ancient spiritual clinic Lasha and temples of the Himalayas.

AGNIOTRA: to all practitioners of this technique in India, which is performed a ritual in which the vibrational field open to the Devas of the Earth and larger than the old DEVAS Elohim can express themselves and help balance the planet and the planetary consciousness.

Catholic: for any fan of Christian doctrine in the Catholic Church, to carry out the hours one Our Father and one Hail Mary and the three decrees to make the beloved Jesus Christ, to make manifest the wisdom of his angels on earth and in the consciousness of humanity and souls of Earth.

PROTESTANT - Evangelism: to everyone to do their prayers and ask for love and wisdom of God in the evolution of humanity and if possible three decrees of light described above.

HEBREWS: to all children whether in or outside synagogues to perform their prayers and ask for three decrees. Pray that peace resides in the heart of every Muslim and Jew, so that the final understanding between different ethnic groups is an immediate reality.

Muslim-Arab-Shia: to ask the same, they do their prayers and request that love and peace reside in the heart of every member of their ethnic groups, it may be possible a peaceful and reasonable understanding with the Jews and the status of range Gaza, which the rulers are touched by good sense, and if possible enacting the three applications listed in this chain.

Anthroposophy: for all fans of our beloved Rudolf Steiner, a chain is made with the Masters of the White Brotherhood, to expand this chain and its decrees for the greater good of humanity and the planet. Perform the rituals that you internally know and sustain energy for Sunday and take into their hearts the accumulated momentum of light in these domestic rituals.

Theosophy: to all students and fans of the secret doctrine of our beloved and unforgettable Helena P. Blavatsky, who hold their meetings and rituals connected internally to the Masters of the White Brotherhood to sustain this current project and your thought-form in the harmonization and global awakening of humanity.

UFOLATRAS: to all those who believe in spaceships from other worlds and civilizations beyond Earth, who come together to design and enact peace and the awakening of humanity, pray also that the truth about the UFO issue and open disclosure by governments, the lie is removed and we can have access to extraterrestrial brothers who live in hiding on Earth.

Atheists: to all those who do not have a definite belief in the religious aspect of contemporary institutions, based on the current state government, politics and economics of humanity and the demonstration of the obvious imbalance of the global climate, who will join us in the proper sense of irradiation a desire:

Esoteric: to everybody to help in spreading the current and that you can participate radiating this thought-form of world peace and requesting the presence of the brothers of light in our lives and the planet.

Exoteric here to my request to all who use the spirituality that now help propagate a chain for the well being of the world face the changes that are strong in the collective unconscious, 2012.

Rose Cross: the researchers and scholars, asking them to join in our chain anchoring the masters of spirituality and to sustain this connection hierophants Light and peace on Earth. Within the hermetic principles that you study and practice and the Imperator who are supporting and administering the rituals that the spirituality of Light from ancient Egypt and Atlantis is requested to join this current.

FREEMASONRY: to urge their members to join in the airtight connection of the masters of light that hold your stores and hermetic ritual, which in line with the founders of the movement of knowledge and the ancient spirits of the Knights Templar to join this proposal. All members in the Masters and the frequency of grade 25 to activate their commitments sealed with Truth and Justice, in support of irradiation to the settlements of stores and tight hierarchy with which they work with a focus on the spiritual brothers of this stream of light , allowing students and confrates below degree 25 can access the light of this new proposal planet.

People tuned BY RODRIGO ROMO: We all the thrones and crowns than those commanders who have revealed to you in tune with the Threefold Flame. We will be holding a line of flow of all the 144 temples of christ planetary light mesh with more than 100 cities intraterrenas Earth with the bases of the Solar System and the Intergalactic Federation, and create a direct flow to the Confederation of Multidimensional and merkaba its derivations, starting from the parallel realities that each supports.

Mentor personal healing hold the necessary adjustment for each geographic sector that you are on Earth on Sunday.

All my students who are already connected to your mentor Quantum Healing Star should make the anchor before the projection of thought form and make the three decrees in tune with their bodies, creating merkaba protection and amplification taught in courses.

For those who are tuned into the power module spirometry Multidimensional Unfolding of the 72 bodies, should use the row merkaba Voronandeck Ayodesh and in tune with the energy of the mentor to expand directly in the center of the Earth-Agartha Shambala this request and retransmit it directly with Salvington merkaba ADOBYNON HARMONISED ARASHY of 17 and Up Grade to amplify the vector of your I Am the irradiation. These merkaba are inserted during the initiation module Ascension Melchizedek Method Voronandeck and therefore need not get in the books, they already exist in every one of you, for it was entered providing this and other statements that will be notified.


These temples and cities are attuned to this current and other tasks, there are more temples that can not be revealed, and others who did not capture yet, we have on average 144 temples, 2630 interdimensional portals and crevices, 621 cities connected with the etheric federations, 48 Masters temples scattered around the planet.


Rodrigo Romo

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  • Hello Everyone,

    I have put some information here about how to find your timezone for these meditations in case no one knows there time zone.

    Go to timezoneconverter.com
    Click on "Use the Following Date and Time"
    Enter the date 10 oct 2010 then enter the "time" (I use 24hr time)
    Click down in the next box on America/Los_ Angeles and then convert to (in my case) Australia/Brisbane
    And then once you click on convert it will bring up the information in red at the top after the search.

    I will be doing the 06:00am Los Angeles as Brisbane will be still in the same day at 23:00.

    Ihope this helps and looking forward to raising vibration with everyone. Love susan
  • Beloved threefold flame so true in our hearts do now renew Kingjeff
  • Namaste!
  • thank you much. love and blessings to all in assistance. may all change move smoothly in the grace of The most radiant ONE:)
  • So what exactly are we all supposed to do on October 10/10? I sort of got lost in reading all the information, and there are a lot of terms I've never heard before. Can a greater explanation be given please? It would be much appreciated! Peace!
  • Can someone please interpret all this information into lahmens, too much information and I lost the message in between reading all of this.
This reply was deleted.

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