Post-Solstice Update: Osiris & the Green Rain

This is the hour of washing, tears unnumbered of the Earth’s days be washed free now. Pure is the Eye that looks through the Heart, the soul who bathes from the well of green. We bring this gift with Mother’s Love, risen from wells of Evergreen within our inner world. Bathe deeply, purify the inner well of your heart, which is in Eternity, evergreen. HuShaNa’nai’Aai’Shanima.  ~  Osiris/Ashiira She’Ra’An


Hi All,

This is a little review of the energies that came through on the Solstice, which have been settling in since then and stabilizing this beautiful Earth with the strength and support of an all-encompassing Divine Masculine ‘hug’. Here in Western Australia, I felt the energy greatly uplift from about 2:30pm on June 20th, with an upsurge of healing emerald light from the Inner Earth, to flow around the surface of the planet.

Leading up to the Solstice, there was much preparation in the fifth dimensional realm of the Inner Earth, Agartha, and the focus of a soul who has been known on Earth as Osiris, who in that form was connected with green, the colour of growth and life, and the energy of resurrection. Osiris resurrected his own energy/being in the ‘underworld’ of Agartha, and there has now been enough unblocking of the chi lines, the planetary meridians, for the green light to flow fully from within again and bring nourishment to the planet and aid its rebirth – and the rebirth of all whose hearts are opening to hold the emerald well, through which the golden of Source can return.


                                                      (Osiris, tomb of Nefertari, 1295-1253BC)

As the Solstice approached, much symbolism was appearing in the orbs here, such as the beautiful ‘seashell’ orb at the top of this post, and the two below, taken the same night. The first shows a pillar of light landing in a ‘well’ of aqua-green.


                                                   (Orb ‘beam of light’, photo taken June 17, 2016.)

And the second shows the gradual building of the emerald light, soon to be released around the Earth, the embrace of healing green to come from Osiris, as a carrier of the Divine Masculine within the planet, with many loving souls of Agartha, to be met and held by the oceans and waterways, and within the ‘memory of water’ inside all living beings.


                                         (‘Inner healing of the Earth’ orb, photo taken June 17, 2016.)

With these preparations in place, some very high streams of healing were sent up from the Inner Earth on June 20th, and you’ll see below how they appeared here. Firstly, I’d like to speak of a particular chi line my Twin Flame, Ashura and I were focused with that day, which runs through the southeast Asian island chain/south Pacific (where there have been a lot of earthquakes recently), from Japan in the north to New Zealand in the south. When asking for focus points at either end, Mount Kita in Japan came to the fore, which is called the ‘Leader of the Southern Alps’. At the same time, a loving soul from New Zealand’s south island drew my attention to Aoraki (Mt. Cook), which is the highest peak in the Southern Alps of NZ, a mountain in an area of ‘greenstone’, gold, and pure waters. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to all who gathered at Aoraki on the Solstice, and to Tuzin and the people of the Inner Earth under Japan ~ the chi line lit up like an Aurora that day.:)

On the night of the Solstice it rained heavily here, and I felt to take photos of the falling rain. On enlarging them, I saw something magical….every single raindrop had a green face inside it, some had two or three. Thousands of faces – nature spirits, Agarthans, High Council of Orion faces and more….


                          (Raindrops with green faces. Photo June 20, 2016.)

Here are a few of the raindrops, enlarged, so you can see the form representations of these souls, each one unique but unified, sending forth the green healing light in the rain.






This last one is an orb, rather than a raindrop, with a deep green face in the foreground and a blue owl and friends in the background, a symbol of Athena’s presence, and during this time, the particular oversight of Pleiadian star family.


Star family and Inner Earth family ask us to breathe in now, breathe in the living green light, feel ourselves in unison with the breathing of the planet and all living things, in unison with the constant, unwavering pulse of divine love and light through the fifth dimensional heart grid of Gaia, and to relax gently and deeply into who and what we are as imperishable soul extensions of Source. Be the constant pulse of divine love, unwavering, feel it in your emerald inner heart centre, and the peace and joy of the rising – and the incoming – resurrection energies will be with you, all the way, no matter what is ‘happening’ in the 3D layers.

I’ll end here with a personal note. In the photo below is the little ‘pod ship’ Ashura brings down from the Shem Arua. He kept pace above me on Monday, while I walked to the local dental clinic to have a lot of work done, and while I was in the dentist’s chair I could feel the presence of his hands on each side of my face, as he sent green light through my teeth and jaw. We share this to remind you that whether you’re tangibly aware of them or not, seeing them visibly or not, your closest loving soul family who are guiding and supporting your journey on Earth are always with you, every moment, every step of the way. Just know that they are there…and invite those who are with you in the highest Light and Love to give their support. It is their joy to assist, and to support us all in becoming fully aware of our Divine Self, and in remembering how to perceive and flow as a whole being.



Sending green kisses to every heart, and to the heart of beloved Gaia. HuShaNa’nai’Aai’Shanima ~ Creation sound brings the original/first indivisible-Love-Light through the Mother’s Divine Grace.

Thank you and much love to all,

Joanna & Ashura <3

PS: You can read this post for more about the ‘Green Man’ energies: The Green Man, the White Stag & the Rebirth of Gaia’s Divine Masculine and about Ashura here: Ashura: Soul Truth Unveiled

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