A Message from Your Guides October 9, 2015
Dear Ones,
We would like to let you know how powerful our love for you is. We ask that you accept our love unconditionally as we offer it to you. We have no agenda. We ask nothing in return. We simply ask you to be open to receive our love. There is nothing greater than unconditional love to help you live, learn, and grow at a very accelerated pace. As such, we ask you to begin loving every person and experience that comes into your life for any reason as an opportunity to engage in unconditional love. When you repeatedly choose unconditional love, you learn a great deal about yourself and the universe around you. Choosing love is powerful and the more you choose love, the more powerful you become in the world.
You tap into deeper ways of knowing when you are not spending so much time and energy wondering what people's motives are, what they are getting out of any transaction or interchange, or how your time, energy, money could be better spent at this moment. If you are not present with whatever is in front of you, you are missing the gift that is in front of you. We invite you to look at every person, every situation, every event, every conversation, every difference of opinion, every untruth you hear, every single opportunity to love as exactly that - an opportunity to love. We don't mean to suggest for you to think "Well, I don't really like this man but I love him because, as a fellow human being, he is my brother." That is not unconditional love. Uncondtional love is better represented as: "This man is a child of Mother/Father God as surely as I am and, as such, he is truly my brother. I don't agree with how he chooses to express in the world right now, and that's okay. I trust that he is or soon will be living out his divine purpose and I trust that I will understand the divine plan regarding his current choices when I too am truly living my divine purpose. Until then, I am doing my best to let go of judgement around anything he says or does because he is completely free to do, be, or express how he chooses, just as I am."
That is all that is required of you to practice living unconditional love. It does not require you to give away everything you own, devote all your free time to those who are less fortunate, or constantly be doing for others. It is just as important that you take very good care of yourself and the loved ones you are responsible for, as it is for you to take care of anyone else in any way. Serve yourself first, your loved ones second, and so on out into your community and the world. You will know when you have balance when you are able to spend quality time with yourself and with your loved ones, and still have some time to love others. It does not matter if those who you are focusing your blessings on are aware of it or not. For example, you can always pray more - more prayers for more people and more sessions of prayer for longer and for more people. Prayer is a very effective tool to help others anonymously. The reason we encourage praying for others anonymously is because you have less attachment to outcome if you do not tell anyone you are praying for them. You can pray without agenda for 'the highest good of all concerned.' That may be death or divorce or amputation or any number of seemingly unwanted outcomes AND it may be exactly the best outcome or most needed outcome for those involved.
When you give to others anonymously, your gifts have greater wings to bless the recipients. By this we mean, the curiosity around your gift opens up whole universes of possibility for the receiver. Suddenly the receiver is speculating about all the people that care about them, that are kind and thoughtful and willing to give of themselves to enhance the life of another. This could set them to thinking about the quality of their relationships and how they might limit themselves in being open to giving and receiving love. It could have them wondering about if they could do something similar for someone else and who and how they will do that. It could help them to have a very good day in a long stretch of not very good days. It could help them believe in something outside themselves. It could remind them of their connection with God/Goddess/Creator/All That Is/Source and help them to evaluate if they are honoring that relationship in a way that increases the benefits. They could come to the realization that they have something that someone else could use and your gift could inspire them to give to another.
There are many ways your gift can enhance anothers' life as long as they are open to receive. If they are not open to receive, they may question the motives of an anonymous giver and ask, "Why are they being so sneaky?"
We want you to know right here and now that We are very sneaky. We take every opportunity to gift you and so many of you are closed to our gifts. We ask you to be more open to our gifts which are so lovingly intended for you by We who love and nurture you in countless ways every day. We help you come to terms with loss, we help you recognize opportunities, we are constantly making synchronicities happen in your life and many of you take no notice. We do our best to allow you to be in the flow as much as possible and many of you avoid, resist, say No! It can't be that easy! Money doesn't fall out of the sky out of nowhere! This sounds too good to be true. There's something fishy about this whole thing." Or similar things that keep you alone, confused, disconnected, and on the treadmill of life instead of walking on clouds with ease and effortlessness.
Much of this will change. You will begin to see that the veils that have hidden much from you throughout your life will be lifted. You will come to understand that your thoughts, words, and actions truly shape your reality without exception and you will thereby be able to manifest whatever you desire much more quickly. This will cause you to quickly gain discernment rather than experience the consequences of your rash thoughts and desires. You will temper your thoughts and use them for good rather than wasting any on anything that is not good. You will learn how to discuss things without drawing them to you if you have no need or desire. Your limitations will diminish as you grow in possibility. We invite you to prepare by thinking, dreaming, imagining, visualizing every good thing you desire and thereby magnetize it to you through your thoughts, words, actions, and seeing it so.
We are loving you powerfully in every moment, with every breath.
And so it is.
The Collective of Guides
Channeled by Salena Migeot
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