Dear Ones,
We come with breaking news! I, Saint Germain and the Arcturians are at liberty to inform you that some of your space brothers have landed on your planet. A few shuttles received permission to land on your soil and more specifically in Roswell (U.S.A.) and Staffordshire (England). Among the first to land were the Pleiadians and the Arcturians : the Pleiadians for their closeness to your earthly civilization and the Arcturians because of their leadership abilities to handle the procedures involved. The Arcturians are the ones who monitor everything conscientiously as regards to your spiritual evolution on one hand and the disclosure project on the other hand. We established contacts with President Obama and other authorities to figure out how to be of further assistance to you and how to announce disclosure on your world. Those with whom we have established connections are government representatives and the ground crew, connected with the Disclosure project. Obama will announce Disclosure in our presence through your television network and he will also announce the arrests of the cabal. It is most important that those two issues will be announced simultaneously in order to avoid a panic amongst the population of your planet.