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The “Event” is the moment of the “Compression Breakthrough” on earth.

It is a cosmic EVENT HORIZON created by big solar waves reaching the Earth from the Galactic Central Sun causing the activation of “The Compression Breakthrough”, this is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle, that is on the surface of the planet.

The date of this Event can not be predicted. There are many groups involved worldwide, and much information has to remain secret for now to guarantee the safety of the operations. All we can say, is that we are getting close. This is why this information and support networks is being put in place so that the population can be prepared.

It is the End of a Long Era of Captivity:

Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine (black hole). We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT. THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical.

On the non physical plane: there will be a “big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet”. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) The energy from the Central Sun will stimulate a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.

It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.

On the physical plane there will be: 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" width="548" height="308" />


The arrest of the Cabal (already started).

The re-set of the Financial Systems.

Disclosure – the release of ET information.

The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.
NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.
Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.

Introduction of new advanced technologies.

The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.

There is much, much more to look forward to. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event.

The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it.

The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal.

The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time.

And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy.

And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process.

That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center. (Source)

What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”:

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of the event (it will be soon), it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

  • liberation

Liberation; Keep an extra 2 weeks of food and water on hand starting now.
Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.
Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
Gas up your vehicle when the tank is 1⁄2 empty.
Stay in touch with this website for updates.
Educate yourself, friends and family members.
Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
Join the Weekly Event Meditation.
See Link: Weekly Event Meditation for details.

It’s time to say no. It’s time to say stop, no more.

What to expect Financially “AFTER The EVENT”:

Humanity will be entering a golden age, ecosystems will be healed, everybody will have their basic needs covered and the freedom to truly create and travel freely. This will open the way for many more steps in our evolution, beyond our present understanding.

We have put a structure in place for people to meet each other locally and create local groups who can share information, start community solidarity initiatives such as local gardens, providing the people in need with basic necessities by connecting all the various groups and networks of our society to work together to make sure everybody is taken care of.

Click here to find our local groups network

Click here to read about basic practical steps to prepare for the Event

The liberation is near !

For additional information see Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event

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  • The Tribunals are ongoing, even GFL said that they to are going to have a tribunal to put to trail all the serious things that the deep-state has been doing on the Moon, Mars, Moons of Jupiter and others. Where human slaves taken on board vessels and were sold or traded for labor and sex slaves, torture and murder. Human slaves were also taken to other planets in our Galaxy.So its not just happening on Earth and our present solar system but else were as well. GFL has permission from the highest authority in the spirit realm, from which we all came from, to rescue these slaves and capture the deep-state and Nazi's who are doing this and put them to trail as the last of the Lucifer Rebellion followers are rounded up for trail. The Creators sovereignty is now restored and peace will soon come to us all plus the end of the deep-state and all of it minions.

    As for the end of the chem-trails, it is when they can no longer hide the Planet-x system of rogue planets, that will be seen by everyone world wide, marking the end of the Deep-State silent War. More good news from our ET allies is that they are now working on a way to fix the Sun but I don't know how or what they will do with all the rogue planets and dead suns that are still pouring in from from different parts of our Galaxy to steal our suns energy , it will be interesting to see what they do as we and the Earth will be hopefully moving into higher Dimensions, avoiding the turmoil ,I hope !! Adonai 

  • Darkstar, yes that is correct, our sun has stopped shining completely in 08. About the same time that they started spraying the whole world with chem-trails,in 98 it started shutting down completely the 2 are connected, the chem-trails are multi-purposeful, they hide the planet-x system of once dead dwarf stars and planets, many of these stars are now shining again by stealing our suns plasma, gas ,and other energies and that been going on for 40 to 60 years. the sun has been going off and on for that amount of time at least and NASA has been hiding it all the pics and videos we see from them are old pics from from when the sun was shining between the shutdowns, NASA just changed the time line  dates, so we think they are present times and the dying sun has not turned back on for at least 10 yrs..

    The sun simulators were turned on full blast world wide, non stop except for a few break downs also in 98. 2018 we saw Russia shut down for several hours, completly black in the middle of the day and 2011 for Argentina for 5 min.s at noon when they broke. So we got sun simulators to replace the dying sun, Chemtrails to not only make us sick and the earth as well but hides the planet-x system, many of which are in our atmosphere right now. I  and others have seen a red- brown dead dwarf star up close here in Belize on may 10, 2016 it was only here for 12 min.s. I thought it was going to stay so I didn't take a pic of it. H.A.A.R.P.  plays a role in all of this as well.

    I don't know how long these sun simulators will last before more of them star breaking down, so we and planet Earth are living on borrowed time, plus our whole solar system, at some point they to will die too and become more rogue planets joining the planet-x system and destroy even more solar systems in our Galaxy, its exponential. That's why its vastly important that we and the Earth move up ASAP into the higher Dimensions out of Harms way and that we do it soon, before its to late.John wrote about this in the revelations from Jesus, 2000yrs ago. Problem is we have to many things happening, all at the same time, in what is called the big Light Event. We need to wake up all the surviving people and get them ready to Ascend. Dr. cloudia Albers is the best sourse of the Sun and Planet-x .She has credentials, go to her web. site or better yet go to u-tube and start with the one of many vids by her called'' the sun no longer shines. I hope this answered your questions, there is so much more to this situation. Go to her, she is professional. Adonai 

  • Amparo:  Yes!  Tribunals going on!

  • Rev. Joshua:  Our sun has not shined for over a decade?

  • Can't WAIT for the Event!  Can't WAIT for the DESTRUCTION of the lamestream media!  (Many of those who called me crazy or a conspiracy theorist will have EGG ON THEIR FACE!)  As far as educating people goes, many don't WANT to be educated, they have already drawn their line in the sand. 

  • Thanks for the sign Karma, I just wish that we'' the Movement'' had a sign pic or slogen, like ''Q'' ANNON or the yellow vests they were in Europe. T o let people know we are here and just who we are, something with a light in it to show just who we are and why we are here on this dying planet and solar system with a dying Sun that has not shined for over a decade and then show the New Earth and heaven with a different solar system. I would attempt it myself but the Lupus in my hands make it to difficult for me. my last one was 10 yrs ago,called ''The grand Master Universe'' which you can look up on this site or on the net, blog and drawing together. So any of you younger artest out there wont to give it a go, we will support you, post it for all to see, maybe we should have a contest for the light Event movement and get this thing going, time is getting short, we need a slogen as well ! Adonai

  • 8115783657?profile=original

    De- Ah -Aka






  • Your right AA the BIG EVENT is here now and its on many fronts. The magnetic energy has picked up speed for the pole shift. More and greater Earth shifts called Earth Changes are again on the rise, the ''Sun no longer shines'',we now have to move fast because we have limited time left both for our planet and the rest of the solar system before we exit the old Earth and ascend into the new one, that is those of us who raise our spiritual consciousness.  According to GFL those who don't or who refuse to ascend will be taken to another new earth and the dark ones will be taken to yet another planet to work out there karma.

    Some of us have already moved into lower 4D and working towards higher 4D and lower 5 D.I only wish it was spaced out more instead of everything happening at the same time. 2019 and 2020 is going to be very intense, the good thing is we have help from the spirit realm and our ET allies and each other,huh.More blogs like this are coming ! Adonai my friends

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