


Greetings Ground Crew,

As a representative of the Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command I have been guided to share information regarding Direct Contact with the people of Earth.

I am not channelling this information nor do I need to my information is encoded in the DNA and the Telepathic Alignment between the Ships of the Command and this Planetary System.


You have each come here as volunteers in humble service to a greater good from that which is the Christed Forces beyond this Earth.

The first thing we ask are you aware of this ? If not yet aware its time to realize this from within your being.

Contact can and will only happen when each person remembers why they came here and what your spiritual purpose was or is now.

The planning for a reconnection with Humanity has been in the works for millions upon millions of Earth years.

For our off Planet forces of Christ Light they to have a wanting to reconnect.

If nothing happens as many times as been predicted in the past on your world many become  disillusioned and go back to mainstream society.

This time we will give you some spiritual advice to help you prepare for contact with your Ashtar family of many worlds.

First thing to do is open your heart in fully self realized unconditional loving being within the Human form.

This will allow your body to then lift into a higher frequency or vibration.

Remember those of the Command operate in a Christed state of being which the human body does not unless its fully ready and open to the heart levels  or the cosmic center of your body.

The Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command always works from a spiritual frequency that if you resonate with in your body then you can make that contact.

If you go to the gym,meditate etc its a matter of focus.

Still many wait for the Ships to come and land at your backdoor,when in truth they are waiting for humanity to awaken and uplift the vibrational levels to become in alignment so Contact can truly be made.

You will know you are not ready by your reactions when nothing happens that was told would happen.

2012 has seen a dramatic increase of what on Earth are called UFO Sightings .

Not all of these sightings represent the Command.

Discernment is a key part of your being here now.

Can you discern who is the positive Ets that you wish to connect with?

Also remember those above are not Gods coming to save you but to share the love and common ground that all of you have with those Men and Women from many spiritual worlds of light.

Will there be contact in 2012?

Everyone spend a few hours a night in an open area without light pollution where the stars can be seen.

When you find that place stay outside and spend at least a few hours and stay focused spiritually.

Go with your inner guidance not what your mind thinks.Inner Guidance is key. 

So will 2012 be a year when contact is fiannly made with you?

Yes Is there a time and date ?Look at the Mayan Galactic Calendar and you will see the Alignment which was set 1,000's of years before this time.

This Galactic Calendar has been extremely accurate .So spend less time with Channelling and more time realizing you have the answers encoded within the very DNA that God created you within.


Learn to use your Telepathic abilitieswhich each of you have some its asleep others its awakened and this allows you to communicate with our Space Brothers and Sisters .Its the most direct path to communications.


So to recap 1.) Be centered and in a state of alignment from a Christed State of Consciousness

                   2.) Stop waiting for the Ships to land and realize you are here for a spiritual mission which you volunteered for.

                   3.) Let go of your belief systems or anthing in your mind that might stop you from your true self.

                   4.) Spend time looking always within and also connecting with what is above you .

So will there be Contact in 2012 ? You can make this happen if you come in a consistant flow from the cosmic spiritual center of your being.


So there will be contact and if you look above the skies a few hours you will see this happening visually now.

Direct face to face contact all depends on your reaction will it be unconditionally loving or conditional with those who are your Cosmic family.


I leave you with alot to comtemplate within your very being.


Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,


Ashtar Galactic Command





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AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening posted a blog post
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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1 hour ago
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"A choice between America and China in 2025....And I choose America, every time...Well, certainly since Trump got in....it was no good under sleepy Joe...
But geographically, it's such an interesting observation on Pacific ocean maps, to see these…"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Been years since I ordered Chinese food. Most likely never going to again since you bring up that point of what they may substitute for the chicken. Thank God the Deep State will never be able to have China rule everything. People would be dropping…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"hehe...Well I never risk Chinese restaurants, or take aways, as you never know what the heck they put in it...They're supposed to be regulated, but you never really know if they substitute chicken chow mein, or Peking duck, for something else...like…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dude! wtf are they thinking serving their people that crap. We have Chinese restaurants near my area, but I'm pretty sure they don't serve that crap. If they do then I hope people don't order from those places anymore."
3 hours ago