In 2017 those who have raised their frequencies into 5DNA where they have created their desired multi dimensional realities will shift into the Bridge Zone. The Bridge Zone is the layer of reality between Net Earth and Ascension Earth. The Bridge Zone has equivalent frequencies with Inner Earth, Agartha.
Those with Lower frequencies will notice many people have vanished suddenly, but most things will seem the same as always. During May to June 2017, there will be a period of confusion and fear for those people and they will have a problem with electricity.
Those who shift to the Bridge Zone will see two moons because they are living in between two dimensions of reality. They will be meeting with Guardian Races to guide them to Ascension Portals of Inner Earth. They will be meeting their teachers and mentors and guides. They will see New Earth that is the original Earth that was never damaged by mutations.
Those who want to raise their frequencies into that reality, need to work on raising their frequencies and programming their DNA to contain that reality. DNA only contains the realities that each person places in them. DNA becomes activated by raising frequencies- yes. However, the reality that is programmed into the DNA before it activates is a personal responsibility. If there is nothing new placed into the DNA, the same old illusions will continue to manifest, even if the 5th DNA is activated.
I can help you raise your frequencies to the activation of the fifth DNA, however, I cannot change the ideas in your mind. You must do that for your self. Whatever reality that you choose to imagine into your DNA is your individual freedom and responsibility.
What does the Frequency Music do to your body that activates the DNA?
DNA is activated by the pulsation rhythms of the particles that compose your body and consciousness. The New Higher Frequencies of Consciousness that are in the Crystal Magic Orchestra Music increase the rhythm of the particles in your body.
These frequencies in the music move your consciousness into the NEXT set of dimensional Sub Frequency Band. When this happens, the previous set of dimensional sub frequencies Manifest into Perception.
This means that whatever Ideas or Beliefs or things that you wish to Manifest Will Not and Can Not Manifest until you have moved your consciousness into the Next Set of Dimensional sub frequency bands.
What is a Sub Frequency Band? It is one of the Spheres of Light and Sound- one of the Bands or Spheres in the Music of the Spheres. DNA activation is a Musical Event. It requires the symphony of love that is created when the spheres spin into a new pulsation rhythm.
The spheres are also the strands in the DNA. When a sub frequency band is activated by breathing more frequencies into the pulsation rhythm of the particles that compose the body, whatever was in those sub frequency bands will Manifest into your new Physical Reality or Illusion. The only thing that is real is what you believe to be real.
Everything is actually a holographic illusion that we call reality.
Why do we want to place our desired Manifestation into our Consciousness?
Why do we want to create this desire so strongly in our imagination?
Because, when the frequencies are activated in the cells of the body the cells increase in rhythmic vibration and that is when the manifestation of the desire will appear as physical manifest appearance.
This is how a new reality is created.
As long as a person continues thinking the same thoughts and believing in the same old realities, even if their frequencies are increased by listening to the Music, the only thing that will appear is a REPEAT of those old ideas that the person is still believing.
This is why I have asked you to add the candle focus to your listening.
If you use the candle to move from the Thinking Brain into the Frequency Specific Mid Brain, this is the first step in stopping the re-manifestation of the same old thoughts you have been thinking.
If you are listening to the Frequency Activation Music and your reality isn't changing, it is because you are not imagining the NEW REALITY that you desire.
You must IMAGINE the things that you desire. You must see them, visualize them and KNOW that this is your New Reality. This is Not just Wishful Thinking.
We do not Wish for or Hope for something. We learn that in NORMAL RELAITY our DNA will Manifest the Reality that is manufactured by the pulsation rhythm of the frequencies that compose your body and consciousness. This is a FACT.
So, if you want to Manifest a Higher Reality, First you need these frequencies from the Frequency Music of Crystal Magic Orchestra. The Crystal Spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Star Dust and Crystal Gelaisic Radiation contain the Divine Substance that all is made from in NORMAL REALITY. that Crystal becomes the MAGIC of activating Dreams Come True when the Orchestration into the Music of the Spheres is performed correctly in Consciousness to create the Frequencies of Transformation.
The Music already contains all of the higher pulsation rhythms that will progressively activate one harmonic sub frequency band at a time.
However, the Music cannot change the thoughts in your head. You must choose to Think something new. You must know and say
I am fabulously wealthy
I have always been fabulously wealthy
I will always be fabulously wealthy.
You must change your belief of your past, present and future reality because the present doesn't manifest a new reality until the past has been transposed into a new reality, and then after the present reality manifests it cannot appear until the future reality is transposed. Our reality doesn't really consist of past, present and future. It exists from no time and no space. It is an illusion of linear time. However our reality is one continuous time field. It cannot be one thing in the past and a different thing in the present. It is always the same PERFECT DIVINE REALITY. ALWAYS!!!!!!
The candle and the music will help you melt away the old thinking brain so that you can move into the frequency specific Mid Brain. You will know you have moved into that part of the brain when the candle flame looks Blue. This means you have changed your mind to begin thinking with the fifth dimensional Frequency Brain. You will feel old thoughts coming to the surface to fight for their existence. You must melt those old thoughts away or else they will re-manifest again into the New DNA.
The DNA is the vessel through which your illusions that you create in your thinking brain are manifested. If you want your DNA to manufacture a new experience that will be painted into your illusionary experience of external reality, you need to shift your consciousness and use your Imagination to Program your DNA. You must re-program the past, present and future with higher pulsating frequencies that contain your Desires. These Imaginations will Manifest into Physical Reality through your DNA if they are held in your Frequency Specific Brain Continuously for hours at a time. Actually, as of 2014, it is only supposed to take 15 minutes to create a manifest able idea.
The problem is if any of the old Thinking Brain is still involved in the process, the idea will be de-manifested before it can manifest. The reason that we will have better luck manifesting after 2017, is because we will have INSTANT MANIFESTATION. We will not be given enough time to interfere with our own manifestation. However, that reality will only be a part of those who make it into the Bridge Zone of the Ascension Earth where there is no time.
The holographic thought forms that you manifest into your external reality are actually stored inside of your cells just like your computer programs are stored inside of your computer.
The DNA works exactly like a computer. it projects the data that is on the memory chip of your cells into physical manifestation.
This is how we make God's Movie. You are each the only god who is creating your reality or your movie. Each of you has their individual mind of god that creates reality from the Energy of Source Consciousness itself.
Well, at least that is the way NORMAL REALITY WORKS.
Those living on Planet Earth have not been experiencing a Normal existence. Most of the ideas that have been programmed into our cellular memory for our DNA to project out as our reality come from structures of creation from Invader Race Consciousness fields intentionally blocking and replacing our own ideas.
However, the people on Planet Earth have never been able to realize that they are being tricked into seeing illusionary holograms that are planted in them through culture, society, media, religion and government.
And the structures of reality have absolutely nothing to do with the god's movie that each individual has the divine right to co-create through their own DNA programming.
We cannot become the producers, directors and creators of God's Movie until we EDIT out the old movies. The old movie reels that contain millions of years of bad programming must be melted away by brining in the Full Spectrum of Light and the Highest Frequencies of Consciousness into the Thinking Brain and into the Cellular Memory in order to melt away those old out dated movie reels.
We must create God's Movie through our imagination. In my story of life, my husband and I were woken in the middle of the night several times between 1985-2000 with the message MAKE GOD's MOVIE. We have been on this journey of learning what that message meant for many years. We have been given the understanding. We have grown in our understanding each day. One of the greatest indications of DNA activation is growth in understanding.
Even though I theoretically understood Frequency Activation, DNA activation, the imaginations of taking journeys and the spiritual art of healing, this doesn't mean that there wasn't always room for more and more growth in understanding.
I think this is what is different from myself and most other people.
I never stop searching deeper and deeper for meaning. This is probably a habit I gained from doing so much research for my Masters Degrees and Doctoral Degrees. Most Doctoral Candidates mimic the beliefs of their Doctoral Committee. They usually agree to continue the research topic that one of the Doctors on their Committee has already begun. The real purpose of the Dissertation is to add more validity to what someone on their committee wanted to become the most powerful Theory. When this is done at an institution such as Harvard or Stanford the Theory becomes known as FACT.
Of course, there really are no Facts. There are only theories of reality. They only become a Fact because there are Power Committees and Pay Offs to Scientific Communities, Educational Communities and to the government. If you take the time to read some articles in the Life Extension Magazines, you will learn that every drug on the market was a result of pay offs and political agendas. The drugs that were made unpopular were made that way through the same method. This is how all FACTS are made in our societies. I chose to obtain my Doctorate at an institution who chose NOT to pay off the Establishment because I wanted the Real Thing.
When I read an article or book that is heuristic in nature, I read each page over and over many times and I receive New Meaning each time. I don't read it all on the same day. I read the same books over about once a month because I know I have more DNA activating each month which allows me to see a larger reality each time.
My favorite books that I read every day of my life was Science and Health, with Keys to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. That book is full of Truth about the immortal Man who is made in the image and likeness of God. Eddy's formula was to have students study a new set of truths in her book each week. One week we would study Infinite Supply, another week we would study the Life that is Eternal, another week we would study why many is Immortal, and another week we would study Divine Love. We would study all of the different synonyms of God in order to fill our minds completely with the reality of reality. These topics would be repeated each year because each year the DNA would activate into a higher understanding than the year before.
As the readings took on new meanings the DNA was actually braiding the harp strings of our minds to prepare to sing a new song of reality. This is how the DNA develops a new movie, from the harp strings called axion and synaptic cleft in the neurons. Scientifically, the frequencies of the outer band of the Music of the Spheres is the 14th dimension of heliotalic frequencies of pre light and pre sound which is the spiritual water vapor called hydrolaise mixed with the plasma of the sun and the stardust of the Universe. The combination of the frequencies from the eighth dimensional Sun's Frequencies, the 12th dimensional stardust and the 14th dimensional Cosmic Water send out tones that run through the harp strings and sing the DNA into activation.
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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