Although the vast majority of Earth Humans are under the influence of cabal control media, it is very encouraging to see the global world population question those who ruled you for thousands of years through heredity or by other stratagems. It becomes clearer and clearer to regular humans that they are being manipulated and controlled.
It is very pleasing to us, to see you question usurped authority over you. We look forward to your awakening to your true potential as Cosmic Beings. Most of your people are overwhelmed, and run low on sufficient energy very rapidly during their day.
We deplore the large scale of control the dark ones have, most of you have no idea how far their control of you goes. Some of you are turned into servile drones, in exchange for a small salary, which is far from enough for them and their family. There simply is not enough to make it last for the entire month.
You have lost the freedom of disposing of your life, and of your day a long time ago. The only time that is still interfered with the least is your sleeping time. Even this, the dark cabal has plans to interfere with. They have plans to stop you from dreaming and astral travelling as well. However these plans will soon be stopped by the global awakening.
This is one of the aims of the micro-chipping of humans. These implants are meant to be introduced into your brain. These would monitor take control, if necessary, your thinking pattern. These brain implants would allow them to re-write your entire thinking process, and modify your personality.
These implants would also induce you into various depth of sleep, and produce your dreams, using this time out of the working environment in order to make your brain learn new data, therefore preventing you from dreaming. Their aim is to squeeze out souls from human bodies, in order to control your bodies as they wish.
These are the dark plans they have in order to control you even more by eliminating the light from your bodies. Many politicians I work with are controlled for years in this manner. This is what we mean by having no more light inside their body. Their bodies are pawn in the hands of those in control.
This is why we ask you to send your leaders love and light. They need it dearly, as it has left their bodies many years ago. There are many ways of removing the light from human bodies, and this is one of them. Think of my words, and ask yourself how is the light removed from your bodies dear Earth Humans. It can be done very simply.
Be blessed on this glorious day, bringing your species close to your awakening. We of the Galactic Federation of Light, are sending you our loving thoughts.
Be blessed.
Laura Tyco
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights
Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice
link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/
Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice
link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/
Thank you
Laura Tyco