Public channeling of the Divine Consciousness, ABF-house, Stockholm, November 24th, 2009


This is a public channeling that Maria Bertram did of the Divine Consciousness (God) at the ABF-house inStockholm, November 24th, 2009. There was no entrance fee and around100 persons in the audience. During the channeling, Maria performed atransmission - of the CosmicWhite Fire" - to everyone in the audience. You also recieve theseenergies from reading the channeling, which some of you will feel.After the channeling we performed a healing session for Mother Earthtogether with the audience.

The headings in the text are added subsequently.

Please help us spreading the channeling through e-mails, forums, websites and blogs!


Introduction / The development of human consciousness / The society you have created on Earth / Desires andaddictions / Opening up your inner gate / Intensification of the law ofcause and effect / Your life tasks / A meditation / Mother Earth / TheGreat Purification / The opening of the gates to Earth's interiour /The lifting of Earth's cosmic quarantene / Spiritual transformation



My beloved children.

I want to thank you for your attention and your presence here tonight. The time has come to wake up andfinally discover your true nature. I am here with you. I watch overyou. I am a part of you. I am the flame burning in your hearts. I havenever left you. I am always here with you.


Humanity is about to take a leap in its development of consciousness, just as the Earth is. You've all chosen to incarnatehere and now to participate in the cosmic dance, to participate in theleap. You are all a part of it, and it is up to you how thisdevelopment will happen, since you are creating your own future. Icreated you, but it is you who re-create yourselves, your ownreality and your future. I am waiting here patiently. I am waiting formy beloved children and I know that you one day will return to me - thelong journey home to the cosmic light, the Cosmic Fire. The road islong and filled with challenges. The road is fantastic. The road to thelight goes through the darkness, and by once again finding the balancebetween the regressive and expansive powers of the Cosmos. It is theunion of spirit and matter, the union of male and female in a cosmicorgasm that embraces the whole Cosmos.

The Earth is about to enter a higher dimension with a higher energy frequency, and humanity is coming along. Being able to do that, youmust leave the old behind. You have to go through the greatpurification process, you have to throw your karma off your shoulders,this is predicted. You have your own free will, no one can force youand no one will. You choose for yourselves what your journey will looklike and you choose if you want to make it easy or hard for yourself.You can take the long way, that's perfectly fine because I will waitfor you here in all of eternity. I have all the time in the world sincetime does not exist. I am the eternity and one day you will return tome and we will reunite in the Cosmic Fire. Since humans has its ownfree will, it means you have to make your own decision to take thedecisive step forward. No one will force you. If you choose to remainin your old ways, the old ways of thinking, if you refuse to changeyour way of life and values, if you don't want to raise your head tosee what is happening - then you don't have to, but it might be painful. Change and transformation is painful, but it's part of the development.

Consider your own potential. Remember you are all creators, you are divine creators. I am not the creator of your future, you are. You have a fantastic gift that very few souls in your Cosmos have. Youcan unite spirit and matter within your energy bodies. You can becomeone with the great power of love and become powerful channels of theenergy of love. You can heal, you can create miracles. Throughvisualization, through expanding your consciousnes, through raisingyour frequencies, through grounding yourselves, through uniting spiritand matter and expanding your love energies - you can manifest thereality you want to create. You are your own Gods and Goddesses.


Why do you think there is so much suffering on Earth today? Why are there so many people starving? Why are so many poeple being abused? Whyis there so much war, oppression and painful death? Why are youdestroying your Earth, torturing the animals, and destroying the mostprecious thing that you have - your beautiful natural environment? Whyare you polluting your waters? It is because of humanity's innerconflicts that she is carrying, and that is limiting her. The dualisticway of thinking with values of

good and evil.The conflict thinking that is built on the illusion that reality is astruggle that needs to be fought everyday, where "one mans loss isanother mans gain", where my fortune must be built on others misfortune.The illusion that we are lacking of whatever we need and that a humanmust take and hoard as much as she can to survive, that egoism isnessecary for ones survival.

This way of thinking has created a world of conflict and lack. It has created a world with abundance for a few. An overproduction ofmaterial goods, food and clothes that are thrown away, buildingmountains of trash while the rest of the world is suffering andstarving. There is enough for everyone on Earth. There is no insufficiency. Insufficiency is an illusion. Byhoarding, storing, by saving and creating loans with interest, you'vecreated a society where some are living in abundance on the expense ofthe great mass, with huge differences between rich and poor. You havecreated a world where you have to fight to survive, and those who don'tfight fall through the cracks. You've created a world where there is noroom for fellowhip, cooperation, generosity and empathy. A world filledwith regulations, directions, and orders that are built on control anddomination.

You have created your own prisons, and in the same way you've created your prisons you can tear them down. Tear down the walls ofillusion, of musts, and fighting, because you don't need all of that.It's thought constructions that you can get rid of through healing.Tear down all the walls of fear and insufficiency thinking. Tear downthe walls of fear of eachother. Fear to be excluded, to be put aside.Tear down the walls of your own feelings of not being enough and yourinner lack of love. You are enough. I am telling you you: You are fantastic. I love you unconditionally for everything you are. You are seeking for the unconditional love. It is there within you. It is me, the flame in your hearts. I am always here with you.

Conflict and lack thinking has created an agonizing world. Humanity has been afraid of Hell for ages, but do know that there is no Hellexcept the one you've created for yourselves on Earth. Life doesn'thave to be like that. You can create a different world, a new world, a paradise. You can create a paradise that is built on cooperation, solidarity, empathy, love, trust, creativity, freedom and generosity.


There is enough for everyone. There is enough for everyone's needs on Earth, but not for everyone's desires, as Gandhi once said. I see how you're piling up your materialbelongings, how you shop and shop and shop, how you're filling theblack hole inside yourselves with material things. You desire food,material things, alcohol, drugs, relationships, sex, gambling, TV,Internet. There are a lot of things to be addicted to in the worldtoday. There are many survival strategies to use to ease your innersorrow and inner pain. I see your pain and suffer with you.But do know that no matter how many things you buy, how much securityyou try to create in through your outer material reality - throughrenovated kitchens, through food, through clothes, through drugs,through new sweaters, new shoes, a new car - there's is nothing in thematerial world that in thruth can take the edge of your hunger. Thereis nothing there that in truth can make your pain disappear. They are illusions. Desireswork that way, the more you desire, the greater the desires become.They grow and grow and grow. You renovate your kitchen, then the livingroom, then the bedrooms, then you buy a bigger house, and then a biggercar, a bigger summer house, and on it goes. It's a never ending process.It's the mechanism of desire. There is no stopping, since the painyou're trying to ease by shopping, renovating or eating doesn't goesaway.

I would like to advice you to acknowledge your inner pain. Take a close look in the mirror and ask yourselves

What am I looking for? What am I missing? What is it that I really want? Why am I never satisfied?. I would, in the most humble way, like to contribute with an answer to that question: You long for home. You want to come home to me. That is your inner pain. Somewhere deepinside you know what it's like to be on with All-That-Is, to be onewith the Cosmic Fire, to be complete. You feel discarded, isolated,shut out, and I am telling you: You don't have to be. I've never ever turned my back on you. I've always been here, and I'm waiting for you. I can wait just as long as it takes until you choose to open up to me again.


I have a key here in my hand, that I am giving all of you here today. I give each of you a key. Take it. It's the key to the gate toyour hearts where your inner flame is burning. It's the channel, thecontact with me. Take the key and unlock the gate and activate yourinner flame, and make it expand. Tear down all the walls you'recarrying, liberate yourselves from your inner limitations, liberateyourselves from your fears - from the negative thoughts. Liberateyourselves from all of the

it's not possible, I can't.Expand your souls. Grow, and become the divine beeings you really are.Activate your potentials, your divine potentials. It's time for youhumans to finally learn how to fly again.

This doesn't mean you should turn your back on the material reality. It doesn't mean you have to go and sit in a cave somewhere.It's not like that at all. It's about living your life with your fullpotential exactly where you are right here, and right now in yourphysical reality. But to add all the extra dimensions, to be one withthe creation, to be one with and the infinity - and activate themultidimensional thinking and seeing. To be able to see beyond thephysical reality and to know that there is so much more out there,beyond what you can see and touch in the third dimension. There is somuch more, and you can use the divine knowledge that you all carry deepdown inside to expand and become magnificent divine souls, co-creatorsof the Divine Creation on Earth. You can all crate a paradise on Earthwhere there is enough of everything, you can create abundance for all.

People who expand their heartchakras, people who are in contact with their highest divinity and inner truth - will let go of their desiresnaturally because they then have ceased to fill their function. It willnot be interesting anymore to compete with others, but it it will benatural to love and help each other instead. The divine human beingwith the expanded consciousness chooses cooperation, love and abundanceinstead of conflict-, and lack thinking, and war. This is what thequantum leap is about. This is what hunamity's leap up into the fifthdimension together with Earth this is all about.


There will no longer be room for people on Earth who are living according to the old way of thinking. Gradually the old way of thinkingwill be replaced and there will be space for the New Human. The law of cause and efffectis one of the supporting pillars for all life and death in the Cosmos.The cosmic processes of life and death, taking turns, is based on thislaw. It means that what you send out is what you recieve. If you sendout love you recieve love, and if you send out conflict- and lackthinking, that is what you will receive. Through Earths transition intothe fifth dimension and the raising of frequency, the law of cause andeffect will become even more powerful, and it will manifest itself with even greater power and even more speedily on the Earth.In other words: Everything you do to each other, all the energy yousend out in words, thoughts and choices will return to yourselves. Itwill not be possible to the human beings to survive on Earth unless shechooses love. Love will be the only possible choice for survival.

The entire societal structure present on Earth today will be demolished and be replaced with new structures. This is because of thetransition into the fifth dimension, and the strengthening of the lawof cause and effect, since the ones who send out greed and conflictthinking will get greed and conflict thinking back. All destructiveenergies will be met with destructivity. That implies that the whole system will collapse from the inside. In order for something new to be built, the old must be demolished to make way for the new.


I understand that this might seem worrying and difficult, and it is a challenge for humanity, but it is not an impossible challenge. Itgives you fantastic opportunities to create something new, to create abeginning of a new world. You have the potential and possibilities tocreate the new world.

All you people living on the Earth toady has chosen to incarnate right here and right now, in the transition to the new age because of acertain specific reason. You have chosen to be a part ofbuilding this new world. You all carry special gifts. You all have acertain purpose to fulfill in this process, and it is up to all of youto find out what it is. Listen inwards, to your own inner voice. Let itguide you. Everything that I am telling you right now, you alreadyknow, you carry the divine knowledge within you. You don't need anybodyelse to tell you what is right and what is wrong. You carry all thewisdom within yourselves. You carry all the answers within. Seekinside. It's your inner voice that will will tell you why you are hereand what is right for you to do, and which way is right for youspecifically.

Human beeings have a free will. She chooses exactly what she wants to do, and which road to take. It is a part of your divinity. You allpossess the power and ability to create your reality and your future.You're actors, you're not victims. You are actors with divinepotential. Open up to the divine potential and become active actors inthe cosmic play that is being played out on the Earth, and in theCosmos today. Seek within, seek for your own truth. Seek for your innervoice.




Open up the door for the love flame, and feel how the Cosmic Fire embraces you and surrounds you with its quiet blessing

...its stillness...peace...and love. You are now one with the Cosmic White Fire...the Highest Cosmic White Fire...that is a union of all the darkness and all light in the world. You are ever are are are one with have no limitations to your consciousness. Feel how you are beeing rocked...peacefully...back...and forth. Feel how you are sinking the deepest now...the ultimate of all nows, the essence of being. You are. Here you arecompletely safe. You are embraced by love, unlimited unconditionallove. Everything is just as it's supposed to be...and everything will be just exactly the way it is supposed to be. You are now one with me. Let go...of all pain. Heal your inner are fantastic divine beeings...I love you unconditionally. Let go...releasethe weights from your shoulders. Let the walls fall around you, andexperience your own completeness. You are one with the Cosmic are one with the Divine... you are me...there is no separation between you and I...all separation is an illusion. Remember that. Your innermost being is pure are me, and I am you.


You are all one with the whole Earth and every living creature. You belong together with every human being, every animal and every plant.Honor life, honor love, and honor Earth. Earth is your first mother. Itis she that feeds you. It is she that brings life. Without her you cannot live. But the Earth also depends on mankind. She needs your help. The Earth is suffering tremendous pain. Ifeel the pain of the animals. I feel the suffering of the flowers. AndI hear Mother Earth calling for you, begging for you to finally openyour eyes to her suffering. Mother Earth needs your help. She needs younow more than ever. When the great waves of light is flowing in overthe Earth she needs your help more than ever. The Earth cannot handlethe energy preassure that she is exposed to through these great wavesof light flowing in, without the help of humanity. This is what causesnatural disasters of different kind all around the Earth since thepressure is far to great. The only way for her to relieve the pressureis to abreact in natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and soon, and so on. The huge imbalances in the Earths energy fields andenergy centres creates great suffering. The nature spirits who were puton the Earth for the very purpose of helping to balance Earth'senergies are not able to do their work because humans are not helpingwith the task as was intended. Humanity pollute the Earth withtechnology of different kinds: electricity, Gps, Internet, mobilemasts, satellites

...Allthis is interfering with and blocking Earth's natural network of energythat embraces the whole of Earth, and creates imbalances. It alsocreates imbalances in the energy systems of humans. These greatimbalances in the energy system within humans are causes of the hugespiritual, physical and mental imbalances that exist here on Earthtoday.


Humanity has forgotten how to heal herself, how to balance her inner energies, and how to receive equal admounts of female and male energy,how to heal her blockages, how to heal her inner conflicts and traumasthat is activated. This is exactly what is happening during thetransition into the New Spiritual Age. The waves of male light arerolling in over the Earth and activating everyone's karma', all thetraumas, inner conflicts, energy blockages we are carrying, everythingthat humanity has stored. Every single person has stored memories fromher previous incarnations. Everything is still there, and she carriesit around in her rucksack. This affects her, through blockages beeingactivated in form of fear and limitations. All this is now about to beactivated due to the great frequency raising that is occurring onEarth. This means that she will have to face all the fears andinner conflicts that she is carrying around, over and over again untilshe has resolved them. The incoming energies will seek out and bring forth all hidden fears and inner conflicts. In other words: You attract to yourself exactly what you're trying to avoid.The traumas you carry within you and haven't resolved and reconciledwith, will be reactivated in the physical world and you will face thesame dilemma over and over again until you have healed the conflict andhealed the trauma.

This is growing stronger and stronger in the humans of the Earth. The more sensitive and open you are to spiritual development andenergies, the more powerfully you will experience this. The more theenergies and the frequency raising are coming through, the more peoplewill feel this until every person on the Earth will feel it. This alsois the cause of disease on the Earth today that so many people feelsick and carry diseases and symptoms you can't even name. The primarycause is the same. This process is what is often referred to as "TheGreat Purification", in other words all humanity's inner imbalances andtraumas are activated so they may finally be addressed, healed andreleased.

No money, walls nor weapons in the world that can protect humanity from this process of change. Everyone will have to face thistransformation of human consciousness, the rich, the poor, the

high and the low; nothing can be done to stop this process. For some it will be go fast,for others it will go a bit slower. Either way we will all be sweptalong by the divine flow of energies that are flowing in over theEarth.


In the transition to the New Spiritual Age, the gates to the Earth's interiour on the energy centers around the Earth will be opened up, andthe female red energy will pour up from the inner of the Earth to the surface in very, very large quantities.This will be a powerful healing process where all the of Earth'simbalances will be cleansed and healed, and the remaining karma ofEarth and all of humanity will be cleansed. This is the culmination ofThe Great Purification. All light that is pouring in will be met by thedarkness and the female red fire from within the Earth. Light anddarkness will meet. Spirit and matter will meet and unite and becomethe perfect divine power of love in the transition to the fifthdimension. That is the transition into the New Spiritual Age and thebirth of the Divine Human, the one we are all carrying within. I am onewith you, and you are one with me.

The Earth will need help from mankind to manage the amount of energy that will stream up from the inner Earth, she cannot manage this taskalone. The energy centres in many places on the Earth are blocked andshe cannot activate or open them alone. This puts the Earth underenormous stress and pressure which then gives rise to natural disastersof various kinds. This is where mankind must help, this is yourbiggest task, and your biggest challenge; to help heal our Earth, tohelp her in the healing process.


The whole galaxy is watching with excitement what is happening on Earth today. Your cosmic friends are participating and are trying tohelp you the best way they can. You should know that they are doing alot for you, and they have saved you many times from difficultsituations when humanity has not been able to make use of the energiesof the Earth when imbalances have occurred. You have sent out greatamounts of very destructive and imbalanced energies straight out intoCosmos, through your nuclear power and the testing of your nuclearweapons. This is truly life threatening for the whole of humanity andthe Earth, it's important that you know this. The quarantine thathumanity has been under towards the rest of Cosmos during a very longperiod of time is finally to be lifted. This means that you haven'tbeen in contact with the other civilizations that are present in yourgalaxy and other parts of your Cosmos. You have in many respects beenkept away from them. The reason for that is simply that you haven'tbeen ready for that contact. This quarantine will, in the transition tothe fifth dimension, be lifted. You will be become aquainted with othercivilizations. You will have visits, exchanges will happen andcooperation will be developed

Do know one thing. There is a cosmic wisdom that you will one day take part of. There are unlimited resources of energy. There isknowledge about how to transport yourselves to the other sides ofCosmos, how to travel beyond time and space. There are infinite amountsof knowledge that you one day will take part of here on Earth. But itwill not happen until you are ready for it. Not until you have stoppedfighting each other. Not until you've created peace and equality onEarth. Not until you've stopped polluting yourselves and puttingyourselves and the rest of the Cosmos at risk through nuclear power andthe testing of atomic weapons and similar experiments. You will nottake part of the cosmic knowledge and wisdom until you are ready for it.


In this way, I want to encourage you to see the infinite possibilities that lay ahead for you, and the amazing future that theEarth is facing. You are now ready to take the final step into the NewSpiritual Age, but you have to make that decision yourselves. You haveto consciously start the process and the spiritual transition thatcomes with it yourself; by healing yourself, by channeling energy from Earth's interiour, by channeling the female red fire,in order to balance your male and female energies - you will cleanseyour karma with the male and the female energies. This is the waythrough the darkness towards the light. This is the way to expand your consciousness, the way to enlightenment. You are now ready to in earnest begin this journey.

Some of you can take big steps in this lifetime. Spiritual transformation is available for everybody sitting here today, and allhumans on the Earth. But for some that are living here on Earth todaythere are possibilities to reach spiritual enlightenment in thislifetime, because the energies are so strong and omnipotent you canreach it here and now. That goes for some of you, some of your soulsliving on the Earth today.

There is no reason to be afraid of spiritual growth and spiritual transformation. I would like you to set aside all the prejudice youhave against spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is not about sitting ina cave somewhere for the rest of your life, to give up your normallife. It's absolutely not about that. You don't have to give upyour family or all that comes with human everyday life. When the humanexpands his or her soul and becomes one with All-That-Is, becomesall-embracing, becomes one with love, everything will be done in thename of love. It is about expanding your potential, becomingco-creators of the reality, to be able to visualize and manifest yourown reality and create the paradise we're talking about, in theeveryday life, in the life you are living today. It doesn't mean youcan't have a family, children or a sex life. It doesn't mean you can'thave a life like everyone else. You could be anybody. There are no suchrules or regulations, they are illusions. The enlightened one lives among the people, lives a normal life and is standing with both feet on the ground.

I am still standing here, waiting for you. Patiently and loving. I've always waited for you and I always will. I love you. You are mychildren. If you want anything I'm here for you, always, every day,every second, in every moment I am there behind your eyelids, in yourhearts. If you need my help, you just have to call for me, ask for it.I'm always present with you. When you feel the love in your hearts youknow it is a greeting from me. Then I am expressing myself through you.I love you. My beloved children. Thank you.



The Mother Earth Network is a global spiritual network run by Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg outside of Stockholm. Maria is a spiritualguide, healer and medium, and Manne is responsible for information andcommunication. The network's main purpose is to bring people togetherfrom all over the world to help our beloved Mother Earth throughmonthly global healing sessions.

Maria receives guidance for the network's activities from the Divine Consciousness, nature spirits on Earth, masters and other helpers inthe spirit world, and friends from other civilizations in Cosmos. Mariawork as a channel to bring messages from other civilizations. She'salso a link between the Mother Earth Network and a gigantic cosmicnetwork with all of the friends mentioned above, that we cooperate within the healing of the Earth. They are always present and contributingwith their energies during our global healingsessions.

The ever growing network consists of more than 1700 members worldwide (July 2010). Our most important activity is to send healingto the Earth at every (Swedish) full moon from 8:00 pm-8:30 pm (Swedishtime zone - use

www.timeanddate.comto translate to your local time zone). The healing is sent according tochanneled instructions. Our vision is to bring together all thenetworks and individuals across the world who want to help our MotherEarth, and together send healing to her regularly. During thesesessions we're sending her the red female energies from Earth'sinteriour, that she needs to rebalance her energy system.

We hold free public channelings in Sweden of the Divine Consciousness (God), and we plan to hold public channelings of othercivilizations in Cosmos. We are also spreading instructions on how tochannel Mother Earth-healing for yourself (channeling the red femaleenergies from Earth's interiour that humanity is lacking today). Thischanneled technique is a very powerful tool for your spiritualdevelopment that helps you preparing for the shift into the NewSpiritual Age. We don't have a website yet, but it is in the planningstage. The network is run non-profit and everything we offer is 100%free.

If you are not already a member - send your e-mail adress to to recieve our newsletters with healing instructions, global healing session reminders, new channelings and other updates.


With Light, Strenght and Love
/Manne & Maria, the Mother Earth Network

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