Achtung! baby. We’ve got this. The beginning of the end of the fake pandemic and the New World Order.
Before I say one more thing, you MUST listen to the update below from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the attorney spearheading the committee addressing the Nuremburg 2.0 trials and class action lawsuits.
This is their research, collected from many competent and uncompensated medical professionals and their own expert legal knowledge. He says it.
He says it all. He leaves nothing out. Psychopaths. Plandemic. The facts. Thanks to the crew.
Wow. Just wow. SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! 40 min.
You know it’s a good day when the first parcel you have to ship weighs in at 17 ounces.
A lot of people are getting dragged down by the drama and it helps to remember it’s all theatre for the development of the soul. It’s a soul journey. Don’t panic and don’t give in to fear. Everything is going to be alright.
The degree of theatre is into the “absurd” category now. It’s so over the top it’s no longer a movie it’s slapstick comedy. It’s just not believable the performances Biden is making, and the media feed cut… crazy.