Bhttp://www.quantumjumping.com/webinar-invite/index-2urt Goldman, the 84-year-old inventor of Quantum Jumping, just held a
MASSIVE webinar for over 2000 people across the world.
>>> AND he's just announced two repeat broadcasts for ever...
In this webinar Burt revealed everything about Quantum Jumping, the
infamous visualization technique that he claims you can use to 'jump' into
alternate universes...
And meet alternate versions of yourself who are ready and waiting to give
you all the knowledge, skills and inspiration you need to become ANYONE
and accomplish ANYTHING you want in life.
Yup - Quantum Jumping is one of the strangest personal growth techniques
we've ever come across.
But it's also one of the best selling personal growth programs on the internet today.
Over 25,000 people worldwide have used it to make massive leaps in their
careers, finances, relationships, even their health.
And now you've got a chance to see how it can change YOUR life, without
paying a cent...
Because Burt's hosting two repeat broadcasts of this webinar as a favor to
everyone who missed the first.
The first repeat broadcast airs tomorrow, 22nd July at 6pm Pacific Time.
The second repeat broadcast airs on Saturday, 23rd July, also at 6pm
Pacific Time.
Just like the first, participation is 100% F-O-C - and you can choose
whichever broadcast suits your schedule.
Just RSVP here:
>>> The Quantum Jumping webinar
Better and Better,
The Silva Team
P.S. Check out what people are saying about Quantum Jumping:
"I've always wanted to write so I Quantum Jumped into a parallel world and
caught up with my alternate self who happens to be a published author who
has written many books. It was a truly awesome experience.
My second experience concerned public speaking. I jumped through the
doorway and found my alternate self who is a world recognized public
speaker. I learned so much from him that I now know if I should be asked
to speak, I can do so with all the flair and skill that I learned during my
Quantum Jumping."
- Stan Walters, Australia
“I tried Quantum Jumping to achieve a life of wealth and abundance which,
despite my efforts, was progressing slowly. Quantum Jumping has
provided me the vehicle to really know that life is right at my fingertips. I
see the progress I am making in my life and the ability to control my
thoughts to any end I desire. Would I tell my friends about Quantum
Jumping? YES."
- Dee Hoffman
>>> Go here to book your complimentary spot for the Quantu...
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