I would like to ask you to join me in placing these pink pearls in the hearts of those you know and love, who are suffering, who have felt betrayed, who are worried about money, who are somehow in fear or alone and separate. Channeled by Dana Zook.
Yes Dana, you are correct that it is me, Quan Yin.
And you know, dear one, that you do come riding on your dragon with me sometimes, for we do take the pearls that are pink and of love and toss them into the hearts of people all over the world.
I am here to help bring the upliftment of all humanity and it is my heart of love and service and commitment to continue this until people are lifted out of the fear and separation that is the third dimensional consciousness. I would like to ask you to join me in placing these pink pearls in the hearts of those you know and love, who are suffering, who have felt betrayed, who are worried about money, who are somehow in fear or alone and separate.
Imagine me on my dragon placing these pearls in their hearts. See the light sparkling from these pearls and encompassing their entire aura with pink sparkling light to soothe and abate the fears, the loneliness, the despair.
I also come today to speak to you about the treasure that has been set aside for humanity that you are well aware of but have of late been having doubts. There is so much fear around lack that there won’t be enough; there won’t be enough love, there won’t be enough money, there won’t be enough food, there won’t be enough of whatever.
This is easy to tap into when you are operating from third dimensional consciousness and this is the place where the shadows try to keep the people, to keep them in fear of some sort or another. Because as long as there is fear, the light does not brilliantly shine as it can or should or will. And there is a great deal of fear in the masses because of the changes and the chaos occurring.
I would ask you, beloved beings of light, to continue and if not double your efforts to stay in the calm, in the center of your being with your I Am Presence, to blaze forth the Violet Flame or the Lavender Flame wherever there is dissension, wherever there is need of more love and harmony.
Blaze the violet fire, place pink pearls in the hearts and surround all with your unconditional love. This means, dear ones, you have no conditions on your love for anyone or anything no matter who they are or what they do. You have love for them, for this will bring out their true nature much more quickly.
The storehouse is unlimited. There is so much abundance waiting to come through and yes, it is almost here and yes, it is not because what is stopping it is the consciousness of humanity still caught in 3-D thinking.
This is mostly the responsibility, chosen I might add, by you beautiful light workers, to continue to keep trust, faith, hope.
Understand it is the Divine Plan. This means it is Creator’s Plan. This means it will manifest and you can help this by maintaining the vibrations of knowing it is occurring and removing your own doubt and fear and feelings of separateness.
Because, when this day arrives, it will be a flood of abundance to change the world and your life will be very different in some ways and not in others.
I just wanted to come today to reassure you that this is occurring as it was planned and set up initially by myself and St. Germaine. So tune in to the higher vibrations as often as you can. Try to maintain joy in your hearts in whatever you are doing to help raise the vibrations of humanity.
When there is dissonance, call on us; call on me to help remove it. Because when there is harmony, when there is unconditional love, the light explodes.
The best thing you can do for those that you are connected to in your hearts, who are going through their own suffering, angst, despair, fear, is to call upon the entire Counsel of Love to surround them, for we will do that. For every bubble of dissonance, we surround it with love to dissolve that and raise the frequency thereby helping change the whole collective of humanity.
If there are those who can see this and ask us to help others, we will do so to the degree that we can, based on their own choice of their soul journey.
Sometimes the despair and the darkness is brought on by their own fears, opening holes in their aura. And some of it has been engineered, as you have said. And some of it is a set up that their soul made before they came so that their soul could walk through this, so they could become a master.
And it is hard to believe that when you see somebody who looks like they are sinking. But call us and we will be there to at least put a life saver around them. We may not be able to pull them out of the water if it is their choice of their soul’s journey, but we will make sure they do not drown, and we will keep the sharks away.
As we have said before, this beautiful group is surrounded by us with love during each channeling and all of you are involved in this energy, including the ones who hear or read these messages at a later time. During the channeling they are also surrounded by our love and also when reading or hearing it later. It is a beautiful gift that you give to us and that we give to you and we are making a difference; do not give up dear ones.
And do not forget to call your dragon and come join me once in a while, for we have great and wonderful adventures in our service to humanity!
Blessings to you, dear ones. We love you, we embrace you, we surround you, we honor you and we hold you in the highest regard, for we know this path can be challenging and we know and can see the brilliant shining lights that you are in spite of all of that.
Go with our love. Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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