Quantum Entanglement And Physics of Telepathy

Many skeptics doubt telepathy on the basis that they seem incompatible with known physics. Let me use an example where an andromedan telepathically tell you to raise your hand, then you instantly raise the hand! Since our science trace the action to electromagnetic signal switched on from the brain and the switches in the brain are controled by isomerising molecules, then there has to be a way in which molecules can be caused to move that is yet unknown to science and/or incompartible to known science.This is also good in showing the serious problems with the 'beyond science' wishy washy joker card that religion has taught us to release when cornered. Either we can prove telepathy in us and that telepathy is physics or telepathy is not physics and we must forever rely on blind faith. So we must explain telepathy at least to show that it is compartible with known facts. There is nolonger need to form a no-answer-answer theory.My attempt to inject sense to telepathy is to hold that indead there are ways in which particles can move that is yet to be known by physics. So our physics is INCOMPLETE yet. But how exactly has this motion eluded physics? Let me use an analogy. Consider a piece of iron. If you were to test if it is a magnet, you will conclude that it is not, but you are wrong!! Infact EVERY OBJECT IS A MAGNET! It is only that in what we are acustomed to call it magnet simply has all its tiny magnets alligned in a single direction. This causes the metal to manifest its magnetism.In a very analogous way, the brain has a way of aligning very tiny 'vibrations' to form a coherent 'vibration' that we perceive it as 'us' that are acting freewilingly. Infact without such an explanation, our freewill itself is unexplained as the series of actions in atoms that eventually constitutes our brain, when studies in isolation are too seperate to eventually form the unity whole that we perceive as ourselves. So mere need to explain the so called 'binding problem' in the philosophy and the science of mind naturaly brings in telepathy!QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENTAn amazing teaching in quantum mechanics is that in a multiparticle system, we donnot treat them as many particles. Remember that these particles are infact wavicles. So we don't treat the waves of the many particles as many waves. We treat it as a SINGLE wave! There is no true seperation in quantum mechanics. Seperation is an EMERGENT phenomenon due to DECOHERENCE. We only need to wonder whether consciousness is due to sensing this SINGLE field as opposed to the many particles wiggling around on top of this ocean.Tied to this mystery is yet another one termed 'collups of wavefunction'. But I want you to understand exactly how this 'collups' implies the reality of 'spooky' action-at-a-distance relevant in understanding telepathy. Quantum mechanics say for instance that before we measure the position of a particle, there is always a non zero probability of finding it anywhere within the boundary condition! The point is that immediately we measure and find a particle somewhere, the entire ocean somehow 'freeze' everywhere in that the probability of finding it anywhere else now becomes zero. The question what happened to make it so? Or rather how did the rest of the ocean now suddenly 'know' that the particle is now certainly not here any more? Surely it must be an instantaneous communication throughout every region in the undulating ocean! Can such a way of communication explain telepathy?Many physicists will say 'NO' because any such a communication violet Einstein's Relativity. But I say YES for I have long sinse droped Einstein's theory in favour of an equally empirically correct theory termed Lorentz's theory which does not prevent such communication IN PRINCIPLE. Infact, you should be able to easily see that the reality of quantum entanglement makes Einstein's theory trivialy true! It is NOT a law of nature, it is a practical difficulty on the part of a human with his tools but not in nature. Nature has a way of superluminal communication.This practical difficulty comes because with instrumentations, we can't realy get to decide when and where exactly the particles should collupse. Also we can't get to make many of them collups at a go, i.e coherently. Ergo we cannot modulate them to carry information. But what if physicists are wrong in this and that when we use the mind, things are different? Infact, this latter makes perfect sense when we want to say that quantum uncertainity is realy due to freewill. Remember that we are not strangers watching the particles from remort. WE ARE THE PARTICLES!!
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  • Otherwise a mind chatter is a chattering without knowing what we are talking about. It is the THOUGHTS and not the CHATTER that we intend to convay it telepathically. If we were all telepathic, then we would not even need to invent words. There would be no mind chatter but thoughts would still be there intact. So any mental image, be it smell test pixs, my friends, are THOUGHTS.
  • Ok 'thinking' and 'mind chatter' are not the same. In the latter, words keep poping up. In the former, the MEANING of the words themselves are the main character. Thinking that the lion is in the bush is not the words; 'the lion is in the bush' that might pop in your head unconsciously. The thought must be the lion itself as imagined in the head. Ergo thoughts ARE feelings albeit of different type as emotions!!!
  • Perharps what atheist feel when he think there is no god is what I feel when I think there is god!

    So telling the atheist to 'go with the heart' is inapropriate till I get a telepathic connection with them and know what it feels to them to think the way they think.
  • It is mostly about feeling that makes me wish a telepathic communication. Only that the word 'mind' should realy include 'heart'. We cannot think without feeling. I.e feeling the thoughts themselves. Thoughts too like anything else comes as sensations that too cannot be described with words. When I type with words, you just get that, the words and not realy my thoughts as one might be tempted to hastly conclude. When you try to get the thought, you get YOUR THOUGHT and not realy my thought just like if I say that the sky is blue and you wanna know more than just the word, you get your perception of blue but not mine. But things are different in a telepathic communication, both for the sensation of blue and the sensation of thoughts. Lets say I am an atheist and I type some things against a beleif in god. What it feels for an atheist to think about God is not necesarily the same as what it feels for a christian. Thats why if it feels bad for the xtian, he should not necesarily tell the atheist to stop thinking and feel. Perharps the same feeling you get when you meditate, sing, pray etc is the feeling someone else get when they do math, think about god etc.
  • When I set forth to attempt to explain telepathy, I had in mind its difficulty to attain. There is utterly no reason to worry of an hive mind cause if telepathy was just like shouting in streat for anyone to hear, sure scientists would have discovered telepathy thaosands of years ago! But all such experiments such as gansfield experiment produces inconclusive results meaning that if telepathy ever happen, it is extreemly difficult to tap into the brain of another person even given an expert psychic. If this could easily happen as to creat an hive mind, then pple could use this to do every $hit such as steal pin numbers etc.

    But in my explanation above and below, there is no reason to think that this can be easily done. Set aside even telepathy, imagine building a nanobot or something like that into pple's brain. Scientists can do this and be 100% sure that they are tapping signals in one's brain but they can't read the thoughts!

    But the explanation is pretty simple. It is like a tinkering boy connecting wires to a computer thinking that he will hack into it without a password. Yes he will get signals, but meaningless ones! But our brains are infinitely more complex than a computer!
  • Thanks alot, huger.:)
    What Panacea is raising is exactly one reason why we need to understand telepathy well. If possible even before we use it. Thats why I have gone extra miles to explain it in details.

    First of all you just cannot read the thoughts of another person cause their brains are wired in unique way. Unless their neurones are well connected to yours, their thoughts would be meaningless dodles. Another way of saying it is that their thoughts are ENCODED. Without a decoder, you woun't read them.

    There is also communicating feelings such as love etc. Also sensation such as smells etc. I would like to know how a song feel to Sky etc but one cannot describe such with words, thats why we need telepathy. If people communicated telepathicaly, lots of conflicts and misunderstanding would never arise. You will know that such and such realy doesn't hate. You see we INFERE these things by judging what they say, how they look etc and we often get it all wrong. One normally say I wish there was a way I could read your heart. This is exactly what telepathy is meant to solve. Not to creat an hive mind.
  • Sends Roaring a telepathic hug :)

  • Soo nice. Reading through what we all wrote here makes me wonder if we all have telepathic connection! Panacea, Juliene, EThuger, Sky, Wings and me.:) Lets see how we will get.:)
  • Sounds like a plan....  I was just thinking about the entanglement...and how things stay connected through time and space with all the other people and things that we have had contact with in all of our evolution.  Perhaps I can dream on that one tonight...

  • That is great! If we can intentionally grow as big things as neurones, then surely we can 'collaps' the smaller particles. Farthermore it shows that we can grow even the smaller ones. Sure, the question is realy not whether or not we can do some things. The 'question' is DO IT! That is if you want. We should replace the know, beleive, prove mindset with the understand, explain, create mindset. My moto is 'if it is not there and you want it, create it!'. With such explanations like I offer, sure we can create telepathic connection and am sure leaving beings throughout the universe have created it.:)
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