
There are millions of souls on this world who know of ascension, who know that it is real and who know that the reality we have been subjected to is not the only reality that exists...The division that has been noticed ...has been between those who believe in ascension as well as the extraterrestrial presence, and those who believe in ascension but place no faith in extraterrestrials or messages from extraterrestrials...If you wish to, do not follow us or our messages anymore, as now is truly the time to turn within, to look yourselves in the mirror...We never wished for any of you to look to our or any other channeled messages as a sole source of spirituality, rather we look for you to do the inner work that is required




by Wes Annac


February 11, 2012



On February 7th, 2012, the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes began to inform us of the various octaves or ‘stages’ of reality and how we are progressing along these octaves as we ascend:


“You are on a constant, ongoing cycle when it comes to integrating these energies. As you adjust and get used to the cycle you are on, with such an accelerated ascension process occurring on Gaia’s surface, you are then usually immediately exposed to the next level of consciousness, the next purity of densities to learn lessons on and to experience.”

“This entire process fits in with how you are energetically adjusted to and a part of the various octaves of reality. You move up the ‘ladder’ so to speak of each octave through your learning of lessons and your finding of Love in its various forms and in various ways.”

“At each and every juncture, the energies which are coming through you every single moment of your existence are increased by levels, by stages in purity. You spend the time [between the synchronistic dates which bring you this purer energy and the next synchronistic alignments] slowly integrating the increase in purity of the energies that Create your reality.” (1)


In my view, it is clear that we as a collective have been exposed to the next ‘octave’; to the next purity of consciousness to experience. This has been ongoing for quite some time; we have been growing quite slowly up the ascension ladder and as mentioned above, this happens in stages and as we grow and learn more lessons, we are exposed to the next octave of consciousness on which we will learn even more difficult lessons.


These lessons serve to test us to our very cores. They serve to expose in us our most deeply-rooted beliefs, joys and fears alike. When we reach the newer octaves of consciousness, all that we have known and held close to ourselves is shown to us in a new light; fears and mistruths are exposed to us, for us to ponder upon and if necessary, give up that which is based in deception and in the lower dimensions of illusion.


Since the progression of my own awakening a couple of years ago, this has happened to me time and time again. Beliefs and things that I knew in my mind to be true, were exposed in difficult and painful ways as illusion, along my own progression and rise in consciousness. We have all had to give up beliefs that were cherished and closely held, because upon review we realized that such beliefs only feed our own lower vibrations. As we are exposed to the next octave of consciousness, we are given a whole new set of illusions to transcend.


These illusions are held in our own body and spirit complexes and in many cases have been over lifetimes on Earth. The illusions masquerade as truths, and when we attach ourselves to them we begin a rigorous process of continually feeding them, until we are exposed to a purity of consciousness that shows us indefinitely that what we have believed in has been false all along, and has kept us feeding the vibrations of illusion rather than the vibrations of the higher realms.


Now that we have been exposed to an octave, to a purity of consciousness that is more pure than what most of us have felt or experienced in quite a long time, one of the biggest issues that has been dividing us is whether or not the extraterrestrial help we have been given through channeled messages is legitimate.


The ten day excursion to the Neptune Mothership and resulting disclosure would have been a great aide to this movement, and instead this movement has now taken quite a blow. When I say this movement, I do not mean the ascension movement, as our ascension is a natural process that will happen whether or not we receive extraterrestrial help, as long as we put in the vasana-clearing work and effort.


No, I mean the aspect of this movement that claims that Lighted extraterrestrial organizations such as the Galactic Federation not only exist, but have made their presence on our world known in the past and are currently assisting us with our ascension process through telepathically transmitted messages and guidance. Any ‘normal’, discerning and in many cases unawakened person would see that sentence from me as outright crazy, because possibilities which are outside of one’s own natural paradigm of understanding are usually branded as ‘fake’ and get ridiculed.


There are millions of souls on this world who know of ascension, who know that it is real and who know that the reality we have been subjected to is not the only reality that exists. False paradigms of what is ‘real’ have been shattered as so many of us have discovered other realms and realities, as well as our own abilities to Create what we desire in this reality. The understanding of Ascension and the various Laws which shatter the majority of Earth people’s illusory limited paradigm of understanding, has united millions of us who have awakened to such things.


The division that has been noticed by myself and plenty of others alike, has been between those who believe in ascension as well as the extraterrestrial presence, and those who believe in ascension but place no faith in extraterrestrials or messages from extraterrestrials that have been channeled through a soul on Earth.


Channeled messages, especially messages given to us from extraterrestrials, have certainly had their flaws. Upon the foundation of ascension, has been built a scenario in which not only is the extraterrestrial presence real, it is disclosed to the world along with the many ways this world has been kept in the dark. With this scenario which has been presented, many physical dates have been dropped and many events said to manifest that of course, didn’t happen. This, in my opinion, is the most fatal flaw of the channeled messages that are claimed to come from extraterrestrials.


Of course we all know of the latest failed prediction, that of the above-mentioned Neptune Mothership excursion. I believe that this prediction-event was orchestrated right as we as a collective were exposed to the next purity of consciousness on which to learn even more difficult lessons than what we have so far been exposed to. I personally believe that with any prediction, it is up to us to manifest such a prediction happening and if we fail to do so for any reason than well of course, the event won’t manifest! This belief has resulted from discussion with my own spiritual guides on such matters.


For a very long time, many of us have carried the beliefs that at a certain point (see the fabled word ‘soon’) extraterrestrials are going to themselves make their presence known and help us to mend our admittedly broken world. This paradigm of belief has been carried in many for a very long time; for some it has been decades. The fact that extraterrestrials exist and are assisting us has been taken as a given for  many who have believed, and now we have reached the next octave of consciousness which has already began to shatter many paradigms and belief systems.


The continual following of channeled messages and for some, placing every last bit of their faith and energies in such messages and the souls bringing them to us, is one such paradigm that is being shattered now. Think upon it; a channeled message brought us the latest prediction of a Mothership excursion, and channeled messages have been [somewhat] responsible for many dropped dates and failed predictions. Of course as mentioned before, it is up to us to manifest such predictions but the problem has been that too many put their faith completely into channeled messages and the manifestation not by us, but by the predictors of the predictions given, rather than using discernment and steering their energies and efforts toward manifesting the event themselves.


I think it can be safely said that anybody who does the research for themselves will know that this world has been visited by extraterrestrials in the past. One can ridicule that statement all they like, but it does not make it any less true. Extraterrestrials have been here in the past. They have helped civilizations prosper, they have given us technologies and revolutionary inventions along dates on our Cosmic Calender that we as a society were meant to advance; along new octaves of consciousness if you will.


I personally have been contacted and taken aboard starships and motherships in the dreamscape, as has my fiance. I know of these benevolent beings, and I know that they are doing everything they can to help us and their preferred method of giving us advice is through channeled messages. This is mainly because the energies of surface Earth are still far too dense for them to be comfortable inhabiting, as the densities would invade their spirit complexes and bring them down to the level of consciousness we are currently experiencing.


I know that these souls are real, that they exist and are assisting us in many ways. I have been through many paradigm-shattering events as I myself was exposed to new octaves of consciousness, and my belief in them as well as Love for them has only grown stronger. Lately, this has not been the case with many others.


As predictions come and go with no manifestation, many are now growing weary of channeled messages from extraterrestrials as well as the extraterrestrials themselves. I have noticed a certain linear state of mind in so many, a mindset of ‘I’ll believe this when I see it’. The problem is that such a mindset is purely physical, is based in physical expectation and a need for verification for one’s own ego to be happy. Ego is exactly what we are growing out of, and past ego and its need for physical ‘proof’ to align with its own physical perceptions, we exist as pure Christ consciousness.


Christ consciousness sees no need for physical ‘proof’ of anything as Christ consciousness does not exist in the physical. Christ consciousness sees all, feels all and knows all, and in fact the perceptions of Christ consciousness transcend our physical senses in profound ways. We are growing away from ego and growing toward Christ consciousness and as such, anything based purely in the physical, such as a need for physical verification and proof, fall away as the barriers of consciousness are transcended and one fully sees, feels and knows all.


Our extraterrestrial allies only wish to help us discover and grow into Christ Consciousness, and they offer their help and energies for us not to follow blindly, but for us to integrate and use if necessary. My own sources have expressed the need for some not to follow the channeled messages that they [on Earth] feel are deceit (2), because only help which resonates with one’s own energies will be useful for those earthly souls. If it means not reading their messages or taking their help, than that is all fine and dandy as long as the soul is receiving help along their ascension paths. It certainly expands the term, ‘Service to Others’.


There are plenty of channeled messages that in my view are valid, are genuine and have helped me personally along my ascension path. There are also channeled messages that were clearly not valid, that come more from the ego filter of the channeler rather than than ascended source giving the message.


So, what does this mean?

Where am I going with all of this?


I guess the main point of this article would be this: we have recently been exposed to an entirely new and more pure level of consciousness, and the issue of the extraterrestrial presence as well as the validity of channeled messages has been coming into question on a massive scale, finally. This issue [of whether or not channeled messages and the extraterrestrial presence is valid] has needed exposure! It has needed exposure so that it could be expressed that only by turning within will we find all that we need to ascend.


The channeled messages which are  genuine and contain Lighted, ascended energies; the energies behind these messages are absorbed and integrated into our body and spirit complexes, serving to uplift us and expose us to more pure levels and octaves of consciousness as we read the guidance given and use it in our own Lives. The problem has been that some have stayed completely reliant on channeled messages and the energies behind them as a sort of spiritual ‘fix’.


As long as one reads the message and absorbs the Loving energies behind it, one feels that they do not have to do anything else in the way of spiritual progression and that the messages will give them all that they need to ascend. Do you feel the illusion at play with such beliefs? The illusion is fed further when a message comes out that predicts some kind of miraculous event to occur, which such souls see and then feel that it is all over! No further efforts or vasana-clearing is needed, because the ETs are coming to save the day! 


‘I could stop smoking cigarettes or stop drinking to aid greatly in my ascension process, but now I don’t need to because the ETs are coming to save the day! I don’t have to clear the emotional issues from my past because the ETs are arriving, and they will place me in a healing chamber which will do all of the work for me!’

‘I don’t need to do the work to ascend, the ETs are coming and will do it for me!’


This has been the absolute biggest problem with channeled messages, and my own guides and allies in the Galactic Federation have expressed concern over this, as they do not wish to be followed blindly in such manners. In their view, it would be much, much better for such souls to stop following them and their messages when a potential prediction given does not manifest, if only the souls who are turning away would look inside of themselves for the help and guidance needed to ascend, rather than endlessly searching for outside sources to hand them their ascension. It just doesn’t work like that!


I’ll leave you all with a last few quotes, which are themselves channeled from an extraterrestrial organization (the Pleiadian High Council) :


“Now is the time where you bring about your own release from the dark on your world, and while we are here to help you achieve such a difficult mission, we are not here to do this work for you dear ones. We are simply with you to be observers, while at the same time slowly disengage your dark so you can all feel more free and less dense; so you can all get the work done that is required to see you taking on an ascended Light body form.”

(…) “We wish you to know that indeed, we never wanted you to blindly follow us or our messages. We never wanted you to become fixated on certain dates dropped, or to hang on our every word. We are just one source of many assisting Earth right now, and your ascension and the events that are leading up to your ascension are in fact decided by you, not us.

We simply work with the energy that you on the ground manifest for us. When your sights are high and your moods are good, an energy is manifested that we are able to work with and use to the advantage of the Light. When you are down, upset and especially when the lower moods and energies are aimed at us, we are able to do very little and at times we must in fact leave your atmosphere if the vibrations are too low.”

“It can be compared to the unquestioned fixation on religion; how much many of you seem to follow our words and fixate yourselves on specific dates and occurrences. We have watched many of you ignore genuine advice about how you can progress on your spiritual path in favor of a date dropped or an event said to manifest. We do understand fully that many of you wish for a sweeping miracle that is to suddenly change Life as you have known it, but this is simply not how we operate.

Yes, after a certain point we will need to take over on matters because Earth and heaven wish to wait no longer, but we are not out to personally please anybody by acting upon specific standards set by you on Earth that we have nothing to do with. As we point out events that could occur, we pour a specific amount of hopeful energy into it, but never too much as we fully know and understand that the situation on Earth is constantly changing, is constantly evolving and as such sometimes matters do change.”

“If you wish to, do not follow us or our messages anymore, as now is truly the time to turn within, to look yourselves in the mirror and see what aspects of yourselves are incompatible with ascension, with the higher vibrations.

Many of you have felt that following channeled messages somehow makes up for the lack of inner-work that we dearly wish to see you doing, and we guide that if you follow such hollow ascension procedures, than you are bound to be disappointed when events that are predicted do not transpire. Do you notice dear souls, how there are plenty of ascending souls on your world who are far more interested in the steps needed to progress along the ascension path, rather than when extraterrestrials will arrive on your world?”

“We never wished for any of you to look to our or any other channeled messages as a sole source of spirituality, rather we look for you to do the inner work that is required.”

 ”Many have taken on the assumption that we are out to deceive, and to those beginning to subscribe to such opinions we say to you now, if you feel we are deceptive, if our messages do not resonate with your hearts or do not feel right for some reason, any reason, than we are a source that does not match your own vibrations and as such, we would recommend turning away from our messages or any messages or messengers that do not resonate, and instead of looking outward for other sources that may resonate, turn inward to yourselves, to your own guides and your higher self, because your own personal ascended energies will always resonate, and will see you progress upon your paths as you know you should be.” (2)


Do you now see just all that is required to ascend?

Hopefully so dear friends.

Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC





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  • I appreciate this thanks it does make sense to me.

  • Now THIS resonates! Thank you.

    Star Flower

  • for me channelled messages are interesting and often insightfull ( some are not!)

    wise opinion from disincarnate agencies i admire and apreciate

    yet even those that are insightful from my perspective ...for me

    i take with a grain of salt so to speak

    think for yourself

    is a mantra i hold dear

    channel your highest self!

    is an opportunity to explore perhaps

    "the difference between you and i , is that i recognise i am god , you have yet to see that fact in yourself"

    is a lovely paraprase of the now departed from his body sai baba

    surely the creative singularity does its own evangelism

    truth is whats useful..

    is a lovely paraphrrase from the dearly departed karl marx

    in the wash up all will be cleansed




  • these messages are crap and con

    mwahahahahhahahahah weed

  • Very well stated....ultimately we are our own  "source"; becoming more refined in discernment and wisdom as we complete this most challenging school, in our continuing expansion.  We are the ones we have been waiting for...Thanks

  • well for me its not about when they will come and help us here on earth the gem is in the messages that are revealed within Fact; if it does not resonate do as is mentioned .

  • Picture a deep well with a thousand steps leading downwards. There is a person sitting on each step and there is a big, sturdy pole in the middle of the well. All the people, who live in the well, look up through the opening and say, “I wonder what is up there, in that world?” The life in the well is arranged in such a way that they give orders to each other while being unable to raise each other further up; everybody just sits in their place and will not move from there. The one, who is on the highest step of the well, is only ten meters from the opening, but he does not realize it; he thinks that he is far from the opening. All the people in the well have been in this situation for years and none of them has been able to rise even a step higher from their situation. After a while a wise man comes along, looks down into the well, and seeing all the people in it, asks them, ”What are you doing down there?” “We are sitting in one place.” “Can’t you move?” “No, we can’t.” “Will I be able to help you?” “It is very unlikely that you could. We have been sitting here for years and we have been firmly planted each one in our own place. This pole here has been sitting in the middle of the well for a thousand years.” Then the wise man brings a rope with a hook on one end and lowers it into the well. Everybody watches to see what will happen. What happens is that the hook catches the person on the highest step by his clothes, and without realizing it, he finds himself outside the well, in the bright, wide world. The rest wonder where their friend has disappeared, how come he just vanished from before their eyes. The absence of the man on the highest step creates a small movement in the well. The second one immediately moves up to the place of the first one, and in this way, everyone climbs a step up. The wise man asks them probingly, “What is happening down there?” “One of us has left the well and the rest of us have climbed a step up.” This is what we call evolution. “Can you move now?” “We can’t.” He lowers the rope into the well again and catches the next one. The rest move again and climb another step up. The wise man lowers his rope this way into the well 999 times, each time pulling a man out until there is only one man left in the well. This man says, “By now I have travelled 999 steps up. I am ready to leave the last step I’m on.”

    I ask this now; can this gradual climbing from one step to another be culture? This is no culture at all. Is there anything important about the ladder you have been climbing? There is nothing important about it. The important thing is in the rope and in the hook. This is where the world’s culture lies; you lower the rope into the well, catch someone with the hook and fling him outside the well. Evolution, on the other hand, is all about the gradual climbing of the steps.
    Tuning Forces
    Beinsa Douno, Peter Deunov, sermons, lectures, talks
  • Picture a deep well with a thousand steps leading downwards. There is a person sitting on each step and there is a big, sturdy pole in the middle of the well. All the people, who live in the well, look up through the opening and say, “I wonder what is up there, in that world?” The life in the well is arranged in such a way that they give orders to each other while being unable to raise each other further up; everybody just sits in their place and will not move from there. The one, who is on the highest step of the well, is only ten meters from the opening, but he does not realize it; he thinks that he is far from the opening. All the people in the well have been in this situation for years and none of them has been able to rise even a step higher from their situation. After a while a wise man comes along, looks down into the well, and seeing all the people in it, asks them, ”What are you doing down there?” “We are sitting in one place.” “Can’t you move?” “No, we can’t.” “Will I be able to help you?” “It is very unlikely that you could. We have been sitting here for years and we have been firmly planted each one in our own place. This pole here has been sitting in the middle of the well for a thousand years.” Then the wise man brings a rope with a hook on one end and lowers it into the well. Everybody watches to see what will happen. What happens is that the hook catches the person on the highest step by his clothes, and without realizing it, he finds himself outside the well, in the bright, wide world. The rest wonder where their friend has disappeared, how come he just vanished from before their eyes. The absence of the man on the highest step creates a small movement in the well. The second one immediately moves up to the place of the first one, and in this way, everyone climbs a step up. The wise man asks them probingly, “What is happening down there?” “One of us has left the well and the rest of us have climbed a step up.” This is what we call evolution. “Can you move now?” “We can’t.” He lowers the rope into the well again and catches the next one. The rest move again and climb another step up. The wise man lowers his rope this way into the well 999 times, each time pulling a man out until there is only one man left in the well. This man says, “By now I have travelled 999 steps up. I am ready to leave the last step I’m on.”

    I ask this now; can this gradual climbing from one step to another be culture? This is no culture at all. Is there anything important about the ladder you have been climbing? There is nothing important about it. The important thing is in the rope and in the hook. This is where the world’s culture lies; you lower the rope into the well, catch someone with the hook and fling him outside the well. Evolution, on the other hand, is all about the gradual climbing of the steps. /
  • just one question, i have ponder on many yrs.

    our d.n.a. is known to have 13 strains, and only two are working at present, the rest has the label of being junk d.n.a. or just not connected yet. i feel the non connection is more true, and our main problem.

    well man so far can be controled thru the emotions of fear of survial (keep a job, role playing to fit in wolf pack, never be the outsider of the pack, etc.), body language & emotions are almost instinctive, don't say its only upbringing. i feel they are our hard wiring d.n.a. programs to survive in this animal kingdom, and thats just with only 2 strains working right now and it's gotten us this far !!!!!.  what would happen if the other 11 d.n.a. strains came on line, would one think we humans would not change in many ways. my point is we are hard wired to function this way, and no perfect storytelling or ideals of what is a perfect human will sugar coat it. until man gets it's changes like: turn on the rest of the d.n.a and put all of them on line, i.m.h.o. then man will no longer be such an animal reacting to it's emotions of that now moment. enlightment is a tough road for me, i see myslef  go into the action of that now moment, where i see my preset emotions kick in with the role playing reactions(ego,id), and still have to try to control this  like a third person watching the scene taken place, boy i try not to judge just watch, i call this being in the now moment, it's not comfortable, and i cannot go back of being the person who just goes with the flow of my emotions asleep.

    channeling has it's value, with the use of discernment is needed. for man has used religions and beutifull stories of glory, revenge, just any excuse to cause cusades of many different agendas: witch hunts, the kill the other evil race who has all the food, gold, oil, etc. is a con created, in that it kicks in the d.n.a. emotions of survival, i wonder who is very aware of this trait of us humans. it was a usefull tactics in the past when the man's tribe or wolf pack was not that smart in how to use the earth for what we needed, many just killed and took from others, just like animals do, fighting over food, terriotory, alpha role leadership, etc.

    the most dangerous animal (or state of mind) is when one is put & force into a corner, or has nothing to lose (homeless, hungry, getting sick), this will cause a rage emotions of survival with little mercy. man is no different.

    i guess this is being awake in the now moment, and i await the e.t. family arrival, and will find common ground.


    blessing to us all


  •  Very clear to the point and what I feel and know.

    Blessings Light Love Balance Peace and Harmony Kingjeff

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