Reality is a Consciousness Hologram set in linear time to experience emotions. It is a laced with metaphors to help us bridge the gap between the physical realms to our soul then back to source consciousness. The goal is the return to conscious awareness of who you are and why you are here - as you come to realize that you are not a physical being having a spiritual experience - but a spiritual spark of the light - the spark you see out of the corner of your eye at time - who seeks reunion of self and of self - somewhere 'over the rainbow'.
Therein lies the metaphor 'the pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow - gold referring to the alchemy of consciousness.
Reality is created by sound, light, and color frequencies which create grids or a rainbow bridge that allows human consciousness to experience through spiraling consciousness or Sacred Geometry
Colors have frequencies. As you move through the color spectrum of the Rainbow Bridge your frequency experiences at different levels. The higher you go on the ROY G. BIV scale, the faster your consciousness moves ... along with your ability to see beyond physical reality ... which is the color red, or the slowest moving frequency of light and color.
The Rainbow Bridge is also known as Antahkarana - a Sanskrit term. Translated literally it means that which acts or works between. It is like a spiritual filament of light that is built like a spider builds his web, hence the spiderweb effect that links as all to a central source of creation. It bridges the vibrations of the physical with that of higher light - or faster moving frequencies of light which we refer to as the spiritual realms and beyond.
The rainbow bridge is sometimes thought of as a DNA ladder - Jacob's Ladder.
The journey over the rainbow bridge is the journey into higher awareness. It is the journey home, to OZ - everything is spiraling back to Zero Point. 'O' - Zero - completion of the cycle of time.
The Rolling Stones /artist/the-rolling-stones?feature=watch_video_title - She's like a Rainbow