I don't know what to type, so I'll just see what comes up.
I don't think anyone is telling the truth. Whenever someone is saying something on here, it just makes me think that they've got it wrong.
Ooh, I'm thinking. Should I be doing that?
But just by asking that question I see that I'm trying to separate into thinking, not thinking.. duality.
But then I say, Isn't duality bad? And then we go all over again.
So my mind says, Why do we think? What led up to me thinking right now about me thinking?
And then my mind says, that's thinking right there. Bad, yeah?
Well how exactly do you expect to do something if you are not thinking?
Well then maybe it's there for a reason?
Isn't reasoning a thinking aspect? Only if you are thinking do you require a reason.
Another voice says, Dude, you are like, going insane or something.
Yes, going insane might be good, if that's what's required to not think.
But isn't that also goal oriented as well? To stop thinking?
Hmm... so maybe "dualistic" thought is just goal oriented thinking.
Another voice says, Is there an issue that's producing all this thought?
But wait. Are we supposed to do this? Are we supposed to stop thinking? And if so, when did it all start? And what if it's circular? What if we have been thinking forever, is there a point to stopping thinking?
Another voice says, It looks like you are trying to reason with the unreasonable.
So... what do I do?
Stop wondering, that's what. You are still dependent on your self-- you have created this guy who screaming No over and over again, and you have created me so that you may rely on "just yourself", and to solve your own issues. Apparently I am an authority, and I'm supposed to solve your problems for you.
And you are supposed to be the client, you are supposed to be the one who is supposed to get help, and have your issues solved.
What issues?
Well, there's the one you raised, about thinking.
Oh yeah.
And, just by admitting there is an issue, i. e. thinking, you have created a problem. And you have created me to help you.
But wait, are you really me? Or are you someone posing as me?
Perhaps I am. Perhaps not.
Another voice says, Dude, I really think you have some issues to work out here, right?
Craazzzy, toys in the attic he is craaazzy. (The Wall comes to mind.)
(Breathes out) So what am I supposed to do.
Stop. Stop making a problem.
But what if there is a problem, and by not admitting it we're just shutting it out?
That's the nature of it.
Oh, golly, I'd really like to know what my "goal" here in life is... it's enough just trying to figure out what it is.
Well, I think I'm gonna go think for a while.
LOL! my advice...
Get out of your head and into your heart! We have to me human beings not human doings.
That is all that matter anyway.
Love and light
Anush (Marshal Law)