


RandyFirstContact said:

"I would be interested in a blog discussing a former Anachara Alliance star nation that has reformed and is adopting a more typical Galactic clan-based society."



Drekx response:

Yes, a good example is the Sigma Draconian culture, which is still adapting itself to the Galactic Federation of Light and has asked for very close advice and supervision, during this lengthy process, with the talented guidance and interlocutor diplomacy, of that renowned amphibian species, of the Beta Canceri star system, which is known to them, by the name of "Halal Baktos." The astronomical name for this system, from an Earth perspective, is Al Tarf....

These magnificent liason officers are some of the most gifted psychics in the galaxy and are more than able to conduct unrestriced telepathy comms, with the reptilian species of the former Draconian Empire, without the ill effects we Humanoids suffer from, when doing so...This makes the people of Al Tarf ideal liason officers and teachers for the reptilian aspirant star nation, as it has now become...The Sigma Draconian star system and a former leader of the Anchara Alliance...



RandyFirstContact asked:

"What type of clan structure have they adopted?"



Drekx response:

Work is still in progress. And of course, spirit has furnished the Al Tarfans with the genetic makeup to allow easily rendered telepath comms, with the aspirants and also presented much in the way of historical destiny for them, as the Al Tarfans joined the GFL as original charter members, around some 4-million years ago and before that, they were subjects of the Draconian Empire, from which they later achieved freedom, unlike most, through their remarkable mind control powers, with which they allowed themselves both the protection of that empire, while establishing advantages over it and it's strict leadership, which was then based upon a system of absolute monarchy and now, strives to achieve a clan system of it's own, neither a Sirian 6-clan model, nor a Pleiadian 12-clan model.....

We could say, therefore, that Draconian clans are a work in progress and they want to be uniquely Draconian, while also using the best aspects of Humanoid clan structures, that elevate their ability to serve with good effect....I suspect that two of their strongest clans, will be spirit-warriors and science..They are natural talents, long possessed...art less so...

This whole program of intergrating the Sigma Draconians would not be possible, without the services of Al Tarf/Beta Canceri....The Sigma Draconians are not fully conscious, as yet and require full integration of their light bodies and much of the process of evolution being taught and relayed to them, by the Al Tarfans, is using Earth evolution as an exemplar to learn by....We believe that it will be a simultaneous event that Sigma Draconis will move beyond just political membership of the GFL and become fully fledged within it's spiritual hierarchies, when Solaris does....Noting that unlike Earth, the Draconians based their entire spiritual journey upon the Anchara Continuum, so will have to work harder, unlike on Earth, where the Spiritual Hierarchy is already well established and has been since the Hyperborean era....



RandyFirstContact asked:

"What unique skills are they contributing to the Galactic Federation?"



Drekx response:

A very important skill that the Sigma Draconians are able to bring to us, is their total and absolute knowledge of evil and darkness...Frankly, our own Illuminoids are as boy scouts, in comparison to the Draconians......

This knowledge is useful for the cosmic Light understanding itself more fully and is a definite instruction passed to the Council of Nine, which they relayed on and that is a full self-knowing by Lord Surea, of his own logoic creation, so that spirit can become a more complete and integrated champion, within this galaxy and others....

Moreover, we also understand that as the Sigma Draconians and others of that species evolve, they will be better able to telepathically communicate with us all....Light quotient will make a difference to the quality of the rapport...



RandyFirstContact asked:

"Perhaps which star nations are mentoring them in their transition to the Light?"



Drekx response:

Yes, as described, the people of Beta Canceri, aka, Al Tarf, the official GFL liason nation.....And also, the Arcturians are assisting them and allowing them to monitor much on Earth, which is a type of "main viewing channel" for cosmic learning....



RandyFirstContact asked:

"Have they returned to full consciousness, or what is the schedule for their return to full consciousness?"



Drekx response:

The plan is for Earth to ascend first, create our Solarian star nation and add our contributions to the spiritual evolution of Draconis...To assist us, special technologies using universal translator technology, are being developed, which will allow safe and close, long duration telepathic comms with them...Eventually, the Draconians themselves will develop natural telepathy, without the side-effects which can harm humans...

A bespoke light body anchoring technique, is uniquely being taught the Draconians, by the Al Tarfans, which is especially useful...

Great questions from you, Randy and I hope the answers were helpful to yourself and all readers...





Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏


Col. Drekx Omega

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  • A question from friend Justin, was about the preferred meat consumed by sentient reptillian species. And as that varies between the civilisations across Draconis, including Alpha, Theta and Sigma, I thought it best to focus on just one, as per the title of this blog....So, the preferred meat consumed in replicator template form, and also wild caught, through hunting, on one of two worlds, that orbit the star Sigma Draconis...I will not attempt to use the Draconian language, as it is virtually unpronounceble, however there are English language words, and/or Lyran/Sirian equivalents...The dry planet, we can discount, as food animals roam, but are less preferred...A place though, that holds their military and ritual centre..The other planet is where they hunt for a very special beast and consume it's highly nutritious flesh...A very lush planet, comprising seven continents, and gifted with the poetic name of "wonderful waters, near the lands."
    And it is on this planet that the capital city is located, for the star nation...They are planning to migrate the capital to an inner continent, at some stage...But currently, it's a surface capital..

    Very thick jungles and lush forests, are where they hunt a bison, or buffalo-type beast, which is an enormously large game...It has massive horns and stands at around seven feet in height and weighs over 4000 pounds...It is extremely aggressive and territorial, which provides a great challenge to Sigma hunters, who must use utmost stealth in tracking it and killing it, when eventually cornered...

    The Sirians use the Lyran name of "aurox," for the Sigma Draconian bison...A truly fearsome animal, which possesses highly rich and delicious meat...A preferred delicacy and game meat, among reptillian peoples, of the Sigma system....
    They eat other animals, of course, but the aurox is eaten with particular gusto and that will include all the organs, as well...It is also believed among Draconians, that to eat the heart of the aurox, increases the powers of any warrior...
  • The device described in the Sirian language, as a "modarin gurixiter," is a small and silver, metallic sphere, with a rod passing through it, horizontally, on a necklace chain, which resembles a silvery grey, flexible cord....It glows when actively analysing and dematerialising...within the sonic field actuation....
    Primarily used by star nation diplomats, it can also be used by star people engaged in private parties, in which they may enjoy eating and drinking produce, which they do not seek to digest, as well....Which means an ET wearing the modarin gurixiter, could drink 50-shots of cognac, scotch, or vodka and still retain complete sobriety and explains how some ETs visiting Earth humans offering wines, spirits and beers, can be sociable, while maintaining their good health, free of any ill effects...
  • It is a fact that ascended beings possess physical bodies that require proper nourishment, while being able to vector interdimensionally, using merkaba and also technology....In fact DNA has aspects that exist on the higher planes, as well as physicality....

    Do ETs eat foodstuffs containing starches, carbohydrates, sugar and all the Earth type foods, which can cause obesity and illness...?? The answer is, they digest only quality foods, containing what we can approximate to the ketogenic diet, BUT, can eat "bad" foods, including very sweet fruit, or alcohol, while not having to digest such food, using a technology that was developed within the GFL star nations, millennia ago and originally designed to allow diplomatic protocol with planetary tribes and ancient cultures, across the universe, including Earth, which might involve the tribal chief, or King, offering local food, to his guests from the stars....The Mayans, as one example among many, visited by offworld civilisations, engaged in diplomacy......
    Offerings made to "gods," by the ancient Sumerians and others...Albeit, those temple offerings were never eaten by the ET guest, simply dematerialised, while the priests were not present...

    The food offfered might be impure, or contain bacteria, or toxic plants, carbohydrates and starches..It might have been prepared with unclean hands, in an unclean kitchen....(no disrespect to Sumerians, Mayans, Toltecs or Aztecs..)
    It might have been cooked, leaving some parasite.....such as tapeworm...There have been events in which deliberate attempts to poison ET guests, have been conducted.

    What I'm suggesting is that in modern times, ETs are still visiting backward planets, in which diplomacy may be practiced and the necessity of consuming officially gifted food, may be required of star nation representatives...

    It is well known on Earth, not to refuse such food, lest one offends the host...As it is on other worlds, also...
    Yet, star nation diplomats are still required to follow the protocols and eat of the offerings.....So how can this be done, safely and healthily, in all circumstances....?

    The answer is a technology which has long been in existence and is even used to allow private parties to be conducted safely, by star people, among themselves..
    This also explains why some of Sheldan Nidle's accounts, suggest that ETs, such as the Arcturians, may enjoy the flavours of starchy fruits....Something that would not normally be digested, but could be eaten....The answer is simple and was provided to me today, in conversation....

    The name of the purplish fruit, with an orange pith and stone, eaten by M'Zupa, is the "gorad." It is starchy and has a very sweet succulence...She did confide in the young Sheldan (when he was a boy and asked her,) that she had a weakness for this "favourite" flavour...
    But what she did not tell the young Sheldan at the time, was that although she enjoyed the flavour and could extract vril directly through the tongue, of this fruit, she could swallow it, without it entering her stomach, using a device used by the diplomatic shiratars of her homeworld...And being a medical team professional, it was of importance that she kept herself healthy, in spite of what she ate, or appeared to eat and enjoy....

    The technological device is very similar to the "sonic shower," that has been mentioned before, in that it can dematerialise targeted atomic structures, including molecules forming the compounds that comprise certain foodstuffs...including any hidden bacterias, viruses, moulds, fungi, parasites, bugs, toxins, et al....

    And the device is worn as a compact amulet on a necklace, so around the neck and adjustable, analysing any food entering the esophagus and dematerialising it, as it moves down towards the stomach...Thus it never reaches the stomach...and so, is never digested....

    The Sirian name for this technological marvel, is "modarin gurixiter." And like the sonic shower process, it removes all targeted impurities, in this case, food stuffs eaten, but not consumed....

    These food protection instruments allow diplomatic missions to backward visited cultures, to proceed safely, keeping diplomatic missions healthy and free of complications...And is also used by ETs when they wish to eat produce, such as something that "tastes good," without actually consuming said produce...

    Our current medical technology could label this as a type of gastric bypass...Albeit, no surgery and ill effects result....Food may be consumed, freely, while wearing the mentally activated modarin gurixiter....
    In practice, most ET star people do not use such devices for private consumption of food, simply because of some craving for that flavour...However, there are moments of childish admissions, made to young and interested minds, as with young Sheldan, when a joyful and infrequent pleasure may be admitted to...As with M'Zupa and her gorad....And I'm told that she does find her admission to be somewhat frivolous, at the time of revealing it, albeit, possesses a small kernel of truth....But, only by using the modarin gurixiter, is she able to maintain a slim stature....In fact I have never seen a fat ET....Not ever...And now you know why....;-)

  • Yes indeed friend and as far as I know, from Sirian records, the amphibian people of Beta Canceri had no GFL to turn to for aid, in defying the Draconian Empire, at that time, as the GFL had yet to exist, BUT I did mention that through their natural abilities to evolve, many of them, and later all of them, attained full consciousness ascension, as they had a unique mind control ability, unique to their species, which enabled them to exist within the wider empire, without being controlled by the Anchara Continuum deity.....They simply resisted the brainwashing of imperial propaganda and could turn tables on their supposed overlords, the Draconians..

    Now, they achieved independence, without needing to go to war, unlike others, such as the Lyrans...And then sought alliances with all other star nations in opposition to the Anchara cult, which was an energy opposed to evolutionary potential....Becoming independent, as mind manipulators of the reptillian brain, without any real violence being needed, they then formed an alliance with others and became charter members of the GFL.....

    Recognising that the galaxy needed a spiritual and political body, with which to oppose Anchara's anti-evolutionary potential...
    So they grew under their own strengths, as it were, before the Federation even existed.....Remember, the GFL is 4 million sol years old...and the Al Tarfans are one of several founder star nations..
  • Drekx,

    I was interested in knowing when did the people of Beta Canceri achieve full consciousness? Was it during the period where they were under the Draconian Empire, or did it happen after they became members of the Galactic Federation? Did they achieve full consciousness through natural evolution or did the GFL bring in metamorphosis light chambers?

    It is my understanding that most First Contact missions are conducted with civilizations who are ready to become fully conscious.

    Anyway, I am just fascinated by the Amphibians from Al Tarf and want to understand this part of their history.
  • Must viewing for those who seek truth about ETs...

  • I note that James Gilliland has suggested the following: -

    "just because you’re an ET does not mean your benevolent. Without proper training people can get into serious trouble, those preaching there are no negative entities out there are being totally irresponsible."

    So for James Gilliland and all the fools that buy into his pompous presumptions I would suggest that it is you and those who blindly follow, that have bought into the dark cabal psyop, of current "negative aliens," In fact, the only negativity is from limited conscious Earth human psycopaths, who have contrived "alien invasion" fakes...And those who persist in the notion that all reptillian ETs are "evil," when in fact, they are not...Thus this blog on the matter....

    Of course, the real Sirian ETs support disclosure and Siriusdisclosure.org, of Dr Greer...The GFL supports this work and I will suggest that you view this salient video, which tells the TRUE story about fake ETs and fake craft, vs the real deal...

    Personally I have more faith in the Sigmas, than the bloody Earth Human cabal of C_A psyop planning psychopaths....
    So let us all get real about ETs and remember that there are dark agendas who seek baddies under every rock...for reasons of control...

  • Randy...I've just returned from a very secretive mission, which was absolutely incredible and should expedite the disclosure process....I note that you would like to ask about the Beta Cancerian history and have removed that question, left just prior to my absence...?? Please place it again and I'll answer it...
  • Oh absolutely, dear friend....The Beta Cancerians have very special methods and techniques of their own, with which to train the various Draconian species, of reptilian and even the sentient dinosaurian types, who dwell among them...

    As I mentioned, before joining the GFL, as charter members, some 4 million years ago, the Beta Cancerians were dominated by the Draconian Empire, as once was, which became subject to the dark spirit of Anchara, their deity....An instruction was therefore presented to the very psychically gifted Beta Cancerians (Al Tarf) not to assist the development of any species who allows Anchara to guide it, UNTIL, that guidance was renounced....And thus, the Draconians, and others of Anchara, such as the Orion greys, et al, never achieved a full integration of their light bodies, as they had no established spiritual hierarchy of worth.....No MANU overseer of the race, to aid development...

    It was only recently that they have allowed a proper training program to assist each reptilian, to attain spiritual anchorage trajectory.....
    This status was only achieved through the efforts of the Beta Cancerians....who filled in for a substituted "spiritual hierarchy" role......as part of the GFL integration plan of former foes....

    Note than surface Earth humanity has never been allowed to become sidetracked in the way the reptilians of the Draconian Empire were, as we have a well established spiritual hierarchy, which has been gainfully functioning, in Agartha and Shamballa, since the planetary Logos first progressed the Earth chain evolution, from planet Venus...some 18 million years ago....It was later, 900,000 years ago, when the Lemurian colony was established on the surface, by Lyran colonists....
    We allowed a "fall" from divine grace in Atlantean times, but that was part of the plan, then...an involutionary phase, which is now back on track, as an evolutionary phase, since the age of Leo....

    Note that there are many reptilian species, in former neutrals, such as in the Aldebaranian system, who possess the ability to develop a light body, which can be integrated. So it's the Anchara diety which prevents such a development in species and needs to be reversed through conscious effort, to get back on a spiritual path to LIGHT....

    The Anchara diety is nothing more than the dark aspects of the galactic logoic mind, which are at odds with the Light, but in a similar way as we each possess lower selves, with which we learn mastery over self..As above, so below....
  • That is fascinating data Drekx and great questions Agarther Z!

    Drekx, so it seems that the inhabitants of the Sigma Draconian star system have never achieved full consciousness, or the activation of the 12 strand DNA helix, unlike earth humans who once possessed full consciousness in our ancient past. Though we know that Spirit has imbued all sentient beings with the ability to achieve full consciousness status and merger with the light body.

    Are there techniques, rituals or meditations that the Amphibian mentors from Beta Canceri would teach the aspiring ascendees from Sigma Draconis, in preparation of the marriage of the physical vessel with the light body?
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"these messages were loaded with support fo obama back in the day-we are now going to find out how completely corrupt he was and he as is a traitor which carries the d sentence-I think suzanne injected her own opinions into the messages"
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* The most important thing is..."Prayer".....
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