The benefits of silence; we decided to tune in and see how we felt; we became very aware of a change in our perception.
We have been going within and connecting to the under-layer segment field and expanding our new D N A field and it is very comfortable the third one is the field of silence, it’s the trinity, the power of three.
These 3 layers of energetic progress are the trinitized light fields.
Going into the ancients places and expanding into the energy of the great pyramid of flickering light and the big orb on Sirius that is called the under layer segment field, has changed our fields of energy and understanding in a way that opens, enhances and activates our dormant D N A.
It is a deep feeling of an understanding of the 10th -12th Ds; how it feels!
We stepped out of the 3rd hologram matrix into the new Gaia light while still ON 3rd D earth but NOT OF IT!
Things changed, even when our physical body has triggered a flair up of the dis-ease, we have not been taken down into the old fear, we are happy to sit and do the right thing for our healing using the inner connection to the under-layer segment field within us, we have kept remembering until it flourished inside our body.
Then we the acknowledgment of the expanding D N A into a large soft cloudy D N A that is far more open than the way we imagined it before and it also flourished.
Then we read about the science of silence! By expanding into the under-layer segment field, the expanding D N A and the ‘silence’ we feel we have become whole: using it coupled with the consciousness of being in the moment, not meditating, just being in the silence and listening to “it”.
As we listen we know it is a field of silence that comes with the energy of Gaia and we could ‘hear’ it.
Q: Is that possible?
A: “Yes when you sit quiet and feel the inner flow of the divine light fields that now prevails, listen to the silence and feel its field adding to the expanding under-layer segment fields of the multi Ds”.
It is profound and has stayed with us, we would love to share this feeling with everyone but all we can do is try to explain or describe how we evolved into it by our conscious creation, exploring areas of life that can seem very scary, we do not feel scared any more about moving into the galixy in our perception and allowing the higher beings to have their opportunity to actually show us how it is beyond the 3rd hologram matrix.
The only way is to share these experiences is to see the accumulative way that the fields merge.
Explaining how we get there:
The process is, separate actions to gain an understanding in parts first, them the whole
The 1st is the under-layer segment field then the awakening and expanding the D N A, then the field of silence.
These fields all add up to this deeper realisation inside our self.
# The field of under-lay segment #
# The field of new D N A #
# The field of silence #
It’s brought together by consciousness, breathing and focus on the heart.
Each and every one of us has stepped into this under layer segment field.
We can choose to go right into it, embracing the alterations, that will occur, lots of souls are on the brink of this change, every one can feel it but are hanging onto their comfortable belief systems because they are not ready to move yet they will shift consciously as the fields of flowing light keep raising Gaia’s frequencies until they evolves.
The description we can give is only from our perspective sharing this will encourage others to find their own way of seeing their true being shine out and expand into their light body and soul.
“Be courageous dear souls and when you feel the different feelings within your body do not squish them down by diverting, it might feel scary but give it love and connect to it, then you will see that it is yours by right of being a conscious human being”.
“Breath- sit quietly- walk on Gaia- link with the silence- feel the powerful comfort of Gaia’s fields holding you safe in your quest, be brave let the light fields flow though you enhancing your progress”
We are using this inner power to anchor, spread, hold and balance Gaia in ALL her aspects NOW, this is helping everyone and it will grow into this hyper under-laying segment that will become wholesome in all things enhancing all souls given with love.
Find your individual way of triggering you own perspective of actually going into this next phrase of the ancient way of living, by the process of the separate elements of the given list coming together to show you how to ascend into these sacred ancient codes by practising during your day, every day.
# Being consciously aware of consciously remembering to go within #
# Being consciously aware of consciously changing your thought when they stray back to the 3rd D #
# Being consciously aware of recognising your fear rising and consciously give it love and let it go. # Change it! #
# Being consciously aware when your are functioning in the 3rd D and bring your self back to the hyper under- layer segment in what every way your can #
PS it’s a bit like taking a step backwards out of 3rd D into this field of trinitized Light Field move your perception back wards out of 3rd D into the under layer segment field. Given with love.
Obviously this up grade has knocked us off our feet and all we can do is succumb to it whole heartily by staying in the moment and connecting to the 3 new phrases of this 10th-12th light it will settle down it’s the adjustments.
Thank you