Dear Lightworkers,
Just to clarify any confusion about the Galactic Federation of Light…..Please remember that they are the lighted ETs, in opposition to the formerly dark ETs; Sons of Anchara, the Draco, Zetas, Annunanki, and Orion Greys, among many others….Here is the real history:
The Federation comprise many cosmic races, of which 45% Star nations are Humanoid, such as the Sirians, Pleiadians, Andromedans and Lyrans……In 1994/5, the renegade Pleiadians known to history as the Anunnaki “gods” of Sumeria, turned to the light and ended the galactic war with the Galactic Federation of Light..That long war centred on “real estate ownership” of planet Earth, the cosmic “seed” planet…..Fought over by the GFL & Anchara Alliance (Draco-Orion alliance) for aeons.
This planet has had a well established Reptoid colony for aeons and Humanoids from Lyra and Vega came to Earth afterwards…..Some 18 million years ago..The bi-pedal reptoids had evolved on Earth from the Dinosaurian kingdom, established long before the arrival of Humanity here, who migrated with the Logos, from the Venus-chain evolution and before that, Lyra.....and later Sirius and Pleiades.
There are two basic Sirian genetic types and they are both Humanoid…and related to Earth Humanity. One branch has white skin, the other, pale blue skin….Indeed, the very expression “blue-blooded,” denotes ancient royalty and there are Human “legends” of “creator gods” with blue skin and they would be the Sirians. Cosmic aristocracy, as it were…..
ALL Sirian diplomatic corp personnel are mandated to assume racial body types which are generic humanoid…They physically appear as taller, though perfectly proportioned, human beings…There are no reptoid Sirians at all…And I speak of those from the Sirius B star system…Sirius A has a non-Humanoid racial type of benign beings who have some leonine features, but not reptoid….
It is the Inner Earth where the original Earth colony of Reptoids settled, alongside the Humanoid Argathans…Our relatives within the Spiritual Hierarchy, the leaders of which comprise the Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters…upon the manasic plane..and higher aetheric.
The Black Lodge, on the astral plane, are the ones that David Icke speaks so vocally about and these beings are more connected to Earth, in terms of history, than the Human race is…
Thus the conflict they have fought for control…That conflict is now over and they no longer receive protection from the Anunnaki (Pleiadian renegades) who were their former allies. The Galactic war between the Anchara Alliance and Galactic Federation is also over and the former off-world and inner-world Black Lodge masters of the human eites, no longer protect them, nor co-operate with them…
Game, set and match to the Light forces….now we await the surrender of the last dark cabal on earth.
Drekx Omega
Didn't Alex Jones create similar panic with Y2K, at the turn of the millennium, causing vast waves of people to head for the hills in fear for the loss of civilisation as we know it...?? LOL
Some of his data is OK, but does he push fear buttons in people...And is prone to getting it COMPLETELY wrong, on several occasions, including Y2K..
Knowing it was CIA disinfo, I was tasked to monitor "Zeta" talk in the 1990s...
Marduk is the Babylonian name for the chief Anunnaki "god" who was once in alliance with the dark forces of cosmos...He and all the Anunnaki switched sides in 1994 and now serve within the GFL...
"Omnipotent Krill" is a fiction and ZetaTalk is full of disinfo from the dark shadow government...Their most spectacular failure was their prediction of planet X sweeping past and destroying earth in 2003, which, of course, was a scare story only...
There is a planet Nibiru, but she is an artificial former battlestation planetoid, now safely under Federation control and located at far orbit beyond Pluto...
ZetaTalk mixes some knowledge with disinfo, so I would avoid it if I were you...
Thanks rsolor,
Indeed, among cosmic humanoids, which make up about 45% of the GFL star nations, the genetic roots of pale blue-skinned humans stem from the Vega system....
Some Vegan colonists even settled on earth in ancient times and eventually lost the blue skin colouration they once had, under the fierce sun here, minus the filtering of the Firmament layers, resulted in a brown skin instead...Those races on surface Earth with brown skin, such as the people of India and Pakistan, the sub-continental area of Asia....
Likewise the races of Agartha that originate from Sirius and Vega, also possess blue skin...and because of the benign radiance (note I do not say radiation) of the Earth's inner sun, the skin retains the pale-blue palour made famous by the Hindu God Krishna....often depicted thus.
thanks for info.
about six months ago i saw a light blue beutilful being for about 10 sec. no words spoken, i never seen this before while i was meditating to silents the mind.
bless you all
I the delays were caused by several humanoid star nations becoming divided in their loyalties to the GFL and as with 1930s Europe, choosing appeasment rather than making a definite stand for the Light..
And there have also been planets in which a definite peace has developed naturally between the waring parties, to insure mutual survival and then these neutral systems, such as Aldebaran, weaken the resolve of the Light to truly counter the spread of Anchara....
In ancient times, there were also many Sirians, Plejaren and Centaurians co-operating with the dark, rather than making a definite stand....Thus the delays..
Regards, Drekx Omega
..@ Ravinder, it's simple... they delay because the leader of the Dark Forces, who goes by the name of Dapth Vager, is not an easy mouse to catch... he still has a few cards under his sleeve... and he prepares for a strike back at the galactic empire..
... they are building a giant star-ship... its so big that it has the size of a planet, and it is called "Dreath Star"...
...from there they want to continue their opperations against the forces of the light... but the galactic light has the great Light Warriors, (which also go by the name of "Je-di"... cause they were Disciples and were trained by master Je... of the Nogla planet in the Nexeliph Nebula) on their side with swords made of lazer beams in various colors...
they will counter attack and strike the enemy at their heart... so, we will see "The Return of the Je-di"..for one more time.....and the good will prevail .
. we will all live happily ever after...and for once more we will be living life with a "New Hope"... has much more to story to be told... but that is for another episode.....stay tuned.. ;)