Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings (Part 1/4)

010.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253Written by Wes Annac


I would like now to explore some of the ways we can develop into the multidimensional souls we have always been, and realize our infinity.


As aspects of the One Infinite Creator, we have always naturally possessed within, the abilities and expanded perspectives so many people are just beginning to open up to and find for themselves. We can tap into the infinite array of abilities we have always possessed and here, I would like to offer my perspective on how we can work toward attaining our personal infinity; while recognizing that mine is one perspective out of everyone’s.


You are encouraged to share yours as well.


Power Gone Unrealized


For the most part, humanity has not realized the enormous power we hold. The power that we hold within has been forgotten and in some cases, suppressed as we were kept feeding a limited and finite way of Living and being. As such, it is important for us to discover our hidden-away abilities now, so that we can further work toward recognizing the harmony that is meant to be established between every nation, every race and every individual soul.


By now, it’s been said quite a bit that our collective will benefit immensely from every individual soul on this world finding and attaining a personal happiness, wholeness and a realization of their infinite abilities and their interconnected nature with every person around them. The power we will have as a collective cannot be overstated; if for no other reason, than because of our already-strong power as individual, sovereign souls.


In many cases, we have been kept in a perpetual state of unawareness to the realities and planes of perception that lay just beyond our physical reality waiting to be explored via an inner-connection with them, as well as to the continual acts of injustice taking place on this world every day which, for the most part, are orchestrated and funded by entities who have assumed the positions of power on our world that they are in because of the very unawareness caused by the blinders that have been put over the eyes, minds and hearts of humanity.


The few with influence and increasingly-dissolving power have been able to continually manifest injustice, and the unaware collective have unknowingly fed the acts of injustice taking place every day by remaining unaware to them and employing the resulting complacency. Opening up to our inner-perceptions is the most important thing we can do, for ourselves and for our world, because we will find personal revelations and assistance with our Lives as we realize more and more that we are infinite, spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.


The Orchestration of Reality & Creating Something Better


Along with an inner-awareness and garnering of personal happiness and peace, we will become increasingly aware of the, for lack of a better term, puppet show being played out on the world stage in an effort to keep us distracted and unaware. We will begin to notice so many aspects of western and progressive society that seem quite designed to keep humans in the states of limitation and distraction that form a barrier around our inner-perceptions and our very ability to see or feel anything beyond what the physical senses can perceive.


We may find personal motivation to help change the condition this world is in, and our eyes will be opened fully to the pollution being fed every day on this Earth which is of course, bad for the environment, for the collective consciousness and for the planet who we will begin to realize has and is its own sentient spirit.


Upon fashioning the inner connection we are going to explore in this writing, you will find multitudes of other reasons why doing so will be and was beneficial for you and for the entirety of humanity. You will find a clear and pure perspective and everything that’s been written or channeled by another in the way of the ongoing spiritual evolution of humanity will be accessible and understood as the vast library of inner-held energy and information that it is.


You will discover humanity’s interconnected nature and the fact that we are being fed troths of pure encoded energy from realms beyond our conscious understanding, in accordance with the physical and spiritual evolution of humanity currently underway.


You will access and be able to decode this energy, and some of you may even find a known Angelic soul fashioning a connection with you as a result of your ability to communicate with them and in general, because of your access to the higher realms. If any of you out there reading this have fashioned any type of reliance on channeled messages or the spiritually-inspired writings being given as of late, you will be able to soften that connection when you discover that it’s completely attainable within.


We will discuss that subject a bit more later. For now, I would like to get into some of the initial things we can do to begin discovering and accessing our infinity and the abilities that come with such an access.


Realizing the Presence of the Divine


One of the first steps we can take to realize and access our infinity is to see that the Divine is all around us, at all times. We have been kept distracted from the Divine and as such, some people may feel as if it will be difficult to access or feel a connection with the Divine once opening up to such a connection, and this is simply not so. It’s been said before that it takes little more than an acknowledgment of the Divine and the fact that it is all around us, for us to begin fashioning a real connection that will reap us enormous benefits.


Meditation is, of course, a good way to open up to the Divine and the deeper states of consciousness the Divine offers. Upon clearing one’s mind and finding a calm, relaxed state of mind, one will make way for the heart to come through and express the bounties that deeper states of consciousness have to offer humanity. In meditation, one is able to find realizations and epiphanies about circumstances in their Lives, which flow through gracefully and lead one to an “aha!” moment.


For me, meditation these days is little more than an attunement to naturally purer and deeper states of consciousness. The very air around me vibrates and reverberates with pure, colored energy when meditating and the vibrations alone in these deeper states of consciousness are enough to want to find them in every moment. We find a deeper perspective resulting from our ability not to silence mind, but to allow it to express itself in a detached manner and in a manner that sees all of mind’s thoughts flow through and leave just as quickly as they came.


The Influence of Mind


The only reason mind is able to maintain a prevalent influence in some who have difficulty meditating is because of the mental and sometimes, emotional attachment to the thoughts mind is giving out. Upon finding an ability to let those thoughts flow through without attaching oneself to them, one will begin to find an opened connection with the heart and the deeper states of consciousness and awareness that result.


Meditation is one thing that will help us feel and realize the Divinity of every moment. An understanding that we are Living a finite existence and that our natural growth and evolution will lead us onward to purer realms wherein suffering or negativity of any sort are not experienced, will see us find a greater appreciation for this reality we’re Living in as well.


Perhaps some of you reading this are here because you were attracted to the idea of finding your personal infinity and breeding a greater and more enjoyable Life experience as a result.


Well, an important step toward doing so is realizing that right now, in this very moment, everything is perfect and Divine. This statement may not resonate with some of you who continue to experience difficulty and hardship, but it is hoped to help each one of you to see-through the negativity and density which I do indeed experience in my Life just as you do. I am simply beginning to see it from a different perspective.


I speak of a perspective of understanding that negativity and density of any kind are fading aspects of an illusory reality that has been established on this planet for much, much less time than the Divine has been present here. The Divine has waited patiently for us to tap into it and access and feel what it has to offer us and as we are able to do so in much easier ways than we would be led to believe, the impetus in those who seek should be strong and the resulting rewards should be well worth the overall journey.


We are all naturally spiritual beings who have imposed limitations upon ourselves and allowed those limitations to become doctrines for what a physical experience of Life is supposed to be, and the natural spirituality we hold within and our natural ability to draw-upon the energies of the Divine have been fashioned into limiting dogmas and religious beliefs.


Religion: Spiritual Control


Religion at its very core is meant to provide an esoteric or metaphysical understanding of how we were Created, why we are here and what our purpose and mission is while on this Earth.


In many cases, our ability to access the spirituality we all possess within has been taken from us and people in our past who had a naturally strong connection with their inner-realms and attempted to uplift humanity and help us all find the awareness and the states of consciousness they had found, were worshiped and made out to be souls of special importance when they really only had a connection with the Creator that is accessible by us all.


Religion has bred control of the masses and the very thoughts, feelings and actions of the masses, and the men behind the curtains of various religions have been able to orchestrate such control the way they have because of humanity’s natural quest to seek an understanding of this reality and the way this reality works, that is beyond the physical understanding or anything that can be explained away physically.


What we haven’t been taught is that we can access and fashion a connection to the Divine realms so many religious prophets have themselves been able to feel and access, and we don’t need anybody accept ourselves guiding our inner-travels and our quest for spiritual and physical understanding.


As I will say later on, every one of you reading this is a sovereign, powerful individual and you don’t need me to tell you that. You don’t need this writing to know that you are the conscious Creator of the surroundings you find around you, or that your connection to realms beyond humanity’s understanding is both real and strong.


We are kept feeding a false and fading paradigm when subscribing to controlling religious beliefs and doctrines, and if we can all find and fashion the inner-connection that will continue to be discussed and mentioned as much as it has been, we will see our individual strength and power and be able to rightly put an end to attempts to control our Lives via a manipulation of humanity’s quest to re-find the realms of consciousness we once existed in blissfully.


Upon realizing that the Divine is all around us and seeing that our ability to access the Divine has been shelved as we were kept feeding dogmas rigid beliefs that are not in alignment with the higher dimensional experiences so many people are having, we can then begin our real and undistorted search for external and internal enlightenment.


Merging Internal & External Harmony


We can begin to utilize the deeper states of consciousness meditation will provide along with the aforementioned understanding that the Divine is all around us, and begin to seek ways to make our outer-reality reflect the brimming happiness and personal wholeness an open connection to our inner realms will begin to offer.


Personally, I choose to at least attempt to see nearly everything that plays out in my Life in a positive manner. Beyond that, I have recognized the mission I have been offered and do what I can to help uplift this Earth and its collective out of the density and negativity that has remained the rule of the day for far too long, and I use much of my energy delightfully contributing to the ongoing spiritual revolution.


I also choose to get out in nature and recognize the beauty and Divinity of the outer reality around me. I am beginning to find and recognize beauty and Divinity in every aspect of this land and I am realizing that it and the sentient Earth it exists on are more conscious and spiritual than I.


For some, searching externally includes becoming aware of the tyranny, injustice and control that has been enforced on this world by the few with influence and money while for others, it includes absorbing written spiritual material or listening to uplifting music in an effort to feel the higher vibrations of their outer reality, which are based in our inner-realities.


For some of you who are well along your paths, the internal and external searches could have long merged as you are finding your very experience of your inner-realms growing and beginning to permeate the experience of your outer. Those of you who are just beginning to traverse your path will find this is so as you continue to grow and learn, and find harmoniously-pure states of consciousness that you will begin to be able to integrate into your everyday experience of Life.


Continued in Part 2 tomorrow.

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  • I'll meet you there for an astral meditation, Feather! :) :)

    Much Love,

    Wes :)

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