Reconfiguring Your Reality

8108980077?profile=originalThe most important question I can ask you is: “ ARE YOU?”


What is your answer? Close your eyes and answer that question.


What was your answer?


You may have answered, “Am I what?”, thinking that I did not ask a complete question. Yet the accurate answer to this question is simply, “I AM”.


Everything that we add beyond this statement is a merely qualifier of either 3D, 4D or divine consciousness, such as “I am hungry, irritated, bored, sad, angry etc.” These are conditional answers, reflecting on our response to our 3D environment. Though not exactly TRUE, we allow the language of experience often take precedence over the language of consciousness.


In the last month, the Avatars have asked me to pay special attention to the ticker tape of thoughts that trollop through my consciousness. In addition, I have been guided to choose very empowering thoughts that reflect the true nature of our being, “I AM.” Originally, these thoughts were offered as the Litany or declarations of true consciousness. This Litany was offered to counter the many limiting thoughts that define our reality day to day.


To contemplate this further, consider that any thoughts that describes our true nature as hunger, thirst, anger, separate, sadness, fear or polarized dilutes the truth of your beingness, whether embodied or in spirit form. To get a clearer picture of the nature of your consciousness, close your eyes and disappear your body parts one by one until gone. You will notice that there is now an observer without a body! You simply “are” and can now answer the question above with “I AM”.


This is the declaration of Source consciousness itself, “I AM.” Source may clarify this as “I AM, I AM”.


Beyond this simple statement of “I AM”, we may now choose to qualify our consciousness with how we wish to manifest our 3D and 4D reality. While our thoughts and verbal declarations will affect and create our personal reality, certain choices affect the structure of limitation we currently witness here on planet Earth.


One of the most powerful declarations that serve us as individuals will eventually serve the planet as more and more beings log onto this state of beingness. Quite simply, it is, “I AM FREE.”


Now, I do not mean free from value or free for lunch or even free from disease. I mean, “I AM FREE from the stipulated responses of separation, greed and self-destruction as their resulting emotional states of fear, anger and grief. I AM FREE indicates that you are stepping out of the human 3D reality format and opening heart-mind-soul BEING your divine consciousness. It means you are FREE to observe the events unfolding around you with compassion and detachment. You are then FREE to choose the thoughts that create your reality.


Somehow this is infectious. This thought, I AM FREE expands your field to ten, fifty, a hundred feet out from your physical body. Animals, plants and other humans respond deeply to this thought…especially when held for minutes at a time. My animals enter into very deep states when I affirm this thought and other declarations repeatedly. They evolve, changing into more conscious beings, able to listen and communicate their thoughts. The field around us then takes on a coherent vibration, allowing higher frequencies to take hold and guide our lives.


How to remember to make this simple declaration? Creating triggers to remember have been very helpful. Whenever you look in the mirror, substitute any evaluation of your looks with I AM FREE. Before you go to sleep or upon awakening, declare "I AM FREE" over and over. Driving, eating or working out can be powerful times to make your declaration. In the midst of a disagreement, say to yourself, I AM FREE. If you find yourself judging another or resisting what is showing up in your reality, anchor in I AM FREE.


The result is that you will be a great boon to others in times of turmoil. You will become a calm ocean that will allow you the inner silence to receive guidance and divine grace. You will breathe more freely, love more deeply and like a sunflower, turn your radiant countenance towards the SOURCE OF ALL, I AM. And, when enough of us have anchored in this declaration of FREEDOM, the grid of separation, greed and self-destruction will crumble to be replaced by pure consciousness. In this freedom, I may now choose to intend this reality for myself-and all sentient beings. Can I hear an I AM FREE?!


How many people can you pass this missive or message to? We do not have to wait for a revolution to be FREE. Decide and declare! Proclaim FREELY! Let me know how it goes!

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  • ValerEE,,, U are a Dear Soul in DeeD

    I Luv Ur  Picture in this Blog that I just noticed,,, NOW,,, in which was the same time U posted it,, : )

    Its LUvly ,,,   like a Galaxy spinning around a Heart,, with Vibrational pedals flowing Owt in every direction,, BaYoot TaFull,, : ),,, thankU thankU thankU,,,  U are WunderFull a CreaTor U are,, ,, MarQus : )


  • This affirmation has FREED me to instantly go into grace and flow at key moments. Loving that it is so simple.

  • are they must have heard me complaining and suddenly this message came up on my email thank you for that nice one. I am free to think as i desire.

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