Over the past 25 years I have been having huge amount of joy and bliss coming from human relationships in forms of romances etc.
Been unfaithful to my wife and destroy that relationship to condition that it is very difficult to fix and trying to keep that maintained. Well making log story sort, I made a decision to release all human relationships that have any energy related on romance.
Why this? Well - I realized that when I am seeking love outside of me it simply is endless task and leading repeatedly to point where I find myself in pain. I have had enough of this pain (and enough of creating it for othes) because it is emotional indication for me that I am doing something the way it is not aligned with my highest good.
When I am living with this pain at times I have become conscious that it is slowly teaching my body to live with the pain and I do not feel it to be how it should be. I want to live life where I am feeling good each moment. I want that to be manifested.
Seeking love outside have not provided this for me - it is time to dedicate all expectations to within.
I had very long day yesterday on serious dedication on divine work and asked and released myself from all human conditioning of relationships and made an decision to continue on my life on serving love for all, but only expecting that from myself.
While I was working the geo yesterday on my oher aspects I understood something very deeply profound (The geo is below). It is representing my highest love and I created shield around it, these white circles around the two balancing energies.
My finding was; It does not help to but a shield around, if one is not balanced because the whole thing collapse within.
Now asking and intending only the highest good and highest love of divine, two angels and their angelic families to be present in my life on this planet until I leave and go back home.
This is serious intent because what I have asked has become the truth. It is a bit scary to make this, but there is points where we need to make up what we want from our life, and so it is.
With love
Source, love@unconditionally