Religious Snake Oil Salesmen

religion sucks Pictures, Images and Photos

December 2, 2010

There are over 1/2 million churches, mosques, and temples in the UnitedStates existing for the express purpose of attempting to bridge the gapof ancient religions information, and the current state of increasingintelligence. All necessary information to lead a godly, healthy, andspiritual life has, since the middle of the 20th century, actually outdated every word of the ‘museum of religions holy books’. Why then arethese bastions of ancient behavioral rhetoric still existing, with manymythical characters, confusing people, and not paying taxes???

The key answer to that question lies in the cunning programming of thepopulace into fearing to discovering even better answers from a
multitude of sources including the internet. The general populace,would sadly rather let an authority figure, who has been trained tobridge the gap of 100’s of generations from a ‘post caveman age’ to thecurrent milieu of the 21st century, in selling to them ancient,unexamined, biased holy dogma.

Religion is big business - a ‘personal, property, housing, tax freebusiness’ that is milking ignorance and fears of millions who are toobusy to question its historical accuracy beyond what amounts to faith ofwhat ‘god’s salesmen’ have to say. Incredibly, beliefs are taken astruth, from holy books written, and since revised, from centuries ago.During that time, 99% of the people could not read, and came to believethose who saw a way to manipulate and dominate the masses with theblessings of the rulers or politicians who welcomed the control toaugment their manipulation of the masses of fearful. Until recent years,life
expectancy was near half of what it is now. Life was over before itreally began, creating even more fear, and a perplexity that was evengreater than today of ‘what’s it all about’? Those with a little more‘fake wisdom’, often having graduated from religious factories calledbible colleges, appeared to have the answers.

Objective scientists of religion’s history have in recent years, come upwith findings that provide answers at odds with the ‘faith preachers’,but the media continues to shut out the findings for fear of losingincome from advertising sponsorship. Sadly, but complicit, the majorityare still clinging to false hopes of religions teachings, and would notas yet support ‘new information’ that counters what they have become‘hard wired’ with. ‘Fear of money loss’ controls and dominates the falsefears of people clinging to religions.

Better solutions to making it a more evolved world are in place,
and hidden in plain sight, or cloaked by the competition of ancientreligions. If all information concerning human development writtenbefore the middle of the 20th century was put in a ‘museum’, or nottaught in lieu of new information that has arisen, individuals and thecollective consciousness would begin to soar. Consciousness provides allanswers that are needed for a far more loving humanity. Let the timesfor spinning beliefs be replaced by the truth. Let ‘beliefs’ be replacedby searches for truths, and the real meaning of the word, God.
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