Where is the Love, Raheem?
Don't you know that love has more power than fear? Fear, anger and guilt trips come from a place of fear, not of power. If you were truly empowered you wouldn't give into the deceptive illusion of fear and speak like that. We know that fear is a liar and anyone who listens to it is disempowered, made insecure, feeling a sense of hopelessness, then gets angry or guilty when trying to work out who is to blame for feeling the fear. The whole negative emotion thing has been exposed as childish, not as "Sovereign of the Universe".
Wouldn't you agree that anyone calling themselves Sovereign of the Universe should have some real power?
We are aware that Luciferian religions and Luciferian secret societies denigrate, mock, and even hate Jesus, but run a mile when Jesus is called in. Lucifer calls himself 'God' yet Lucifer, who thrives on fear, only gets his power for as long as people give it to him and for as long as Creator God allows it, for this virtual reality game.
Lucifer is not the source of true power.
We know that Lucifer's reaction towards Jesus is from a place of fear.
So why would a so-called 'God' be scared of Jesus? Because Jesus is Love, our Creator God is Love, and Love, which truly exists, has power over fear, which is a lying, deceptive illusion.
Fear knows that Love goes hand in hand with Truth, and Lucifer has a lot to hide.
Lucifer may be a clever God but Lucifer is not an all powerful God and it is obvious that Jesus wins hand down over Lucifer when it comes to Soverignty.
The same goes for you, Raheem.
Love and Truth are humanity's weapons, and Love and Truth are eternal, unshakable, solid as a rock. We have the backing of our All-Powerful Creator God, Jesus, and our Galactic family and friends.
So our friends in high places who know this about Truth and Love, who live this and breathe this, are more powerful than your friends in less powerful places, who fear it.
So stop trying to scare people with your shaky, fearful lies. You may kill us, but we are not scared of death, and the truth will remain that you did it out of childish insecurity, not out of strength, and you will still have to answer to your Creator for it. You may run foever, but you may not hide. The truth will follow you wherever you go.
I hope you find the power of Love Raheem.
Moanna, we all have our hidden dark secrets. that which we fear to touch on lest we be exposed for being anything less than perfect. It is the shadow of the soul. Our duality.
The ultimate goal of the ascension process is to open the door to the higher self.
To do this, you must enter the shadow and enlighten it.
Raising your vibration is the means by which this is accomplished.
Pubic scrutiny of your secret is the way that it manifest.
Raheen, like so many others at this time, are taking a courageous leap of faith into their shadow. Because they are following the trail of bread crumbs that is an ever increasing vibrational frequency.
He is doing what is asked of him by his higher self so that he may reconnect with it.
The role of Lucifer is demonstrated by those that never take this step. that keep butting up against this boundary. And never take the leap beyond it.
Be excited for him. send him healing, love and light. because when the memory of this is long gone. he will have found the peace he is seeking.
In the process of working to raising your vibration, you inevitably