Cobra update September 29 - Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System
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Thanks FW for sending me this tip. I have been sick and so not much on the net anymore. But this one from Cobra is another False Flag Folks. Same ol ,same ol- Hog wash. No proof, no pics, only a continuation of the dame old story that never changes. Just moved around a bit, here and there, with the same old promises, 1st they promise someday a lot of cash for everyone, then a cashless society cause they will come down and take care of all of our needs with there superior tech. They have just put a bigger carrot in front of the mule. There still playing mind games, yes the "Matrix" again. Did anyone read the posts I put up about Ben fulford admitting there is no Gold in Asia and Indo islands and maybe never was, he was duped , we were duped and the duping continues on.
Can't people see these are all lies, false Flags to keep us hanging on, and what are we hanging onto, fools gold. There is no real money, so when and if the DC Banksters go broke, it will be just like the housing bubble of 5yrs ago. The people will rescue them with Tax money, so that they , the same Banksters can do it -to us=all again. What the world needs now is real currency backed up by real Gold and Silver,no more play money made out of thin air. We don't need to be rescued by Cobra or anyone else. We do need a lot of help to learn to do this right ourselves. We do not want to be dependent on them nor the DC, Arhon and the Visitors. We must be dependent upon ourselves, no hand outs, no free-bies. We must take responsibility and action on these things ourselves.
First we need to get our brain, mind and body functioning correctly. Stop all the poisons in our air ,food and water, especially the CHEM-TRAILS, HAARP and GMO's. Then the people can wake up, decalcify the pineal gland so that people can awaken and remember. We need the whole society behind us to be able to overthrow the DC and Allies. And in the midst of allof this we are to ascend, but how can we Ascend ? if we are sick all the time and barely ably to function. We have to stop all the poisoning 1st to us and the rest of society the as a nation of the world , as one people, we can rise up and make all the necessary changes. Until then, all these discussions are just "pissing in the wind". Going nowhere fast,"chasing our tails" Were going in circles, thinking that we are getting somewhere using all the False knowledge that they are "Spoon Feeding to us" to pacify us, keep us guessing,& bickering and in the line that they have created for us.
Ask yourselves this; Just who self sustaining are we? what if the DC Banking system and the $ failed TM? what would and could you do, how long can you go with out food and other basic needs? How long can you survive with what little you have now? And who's gonna come Rescue you? Just look at all the False Flags so far, what has all these promises done for you security? anything. Don't be caught with your pants down! put up or shut up as they say. Time to get together with like minds and secure your own future, what ever and were ever you choose it to be. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Come together right now, over me for we are all one and its time to come together as one, time to build the communities and communes, before its to late huh. Adonai,rev.Josh
You got it, FW. We are the ones that we have been waiting for, finally somebody is seeing the light. I was beginning to wonder if people would ever understand what we have been told by our Allies. That we need to be in control and put all of these things in effect that we wont to happen. And sure we can use there help, when we ask for it and when there Agenda is the same as ours. We need all the guidance and support that we can get but in the end we must do it ourselves and we will become much stronger because of that.
DJ- We are not loosing faith just changing our belief system from them to us, that is all. This must be done before we can begin. Getting our goals aligned together is most important.Instead of waiting for someone else to come and rescue us !! Adonai
IO know how you feel Rev. Joshua...a lot is asked from us, but we must not loose faith because if we do the rest of the world will crumble! keep up dear brother!