Don't knock it until you try it. Shift really does happen and many of the tips listed here may help relieve some of the stress. Fear Matrix is being broadcast loud and clear and we continue to hear from many about the Mad Max dreams, the disrupted sleep cycles, the intense aches and pains that "magically" evaporate after a "download" of higher energy. Daily news casts detail the planetary cleanse that is now underway. Each new wave hits hard so read, enjoy and employ the relief wherever possible. Thank you Charlotte Szivak!
The Earth and all her sentient beings are Ascending; elevating in vibrational frequency collectively as we are all disengaging from the Fear Matrix of Illusion. The Fear Matrix is nothing more than an accumulation of past anxieties, stress- filled worries to sometimes evoking paralyzing fear resulting most to feel left in a mental fog. For those of you with Clairvoyant abilities the Fear Matrix's usually shows up looking like a cloud above your head that travels with you as well as a part that remains stationed draped above your bed as gray and black clouds seeming like weeds intertwined throughout your subtle bodies.
The important thing to remember is that this is all an illusion treating you to some sleepless nights spent in over-analysis and strategic planning similar to a chess match leaving you mentally drained and waking up in a frozen state. Awareness is key and these are just some of the "symptoms" of the Fear Matrix fog clouding your perception.
SOME BASICS to remember...
Simply begin with smudging your room, above the bed, your own body especially above your head with sage (white buffalo) or sweet grass. This will instantly dissolve these clouds leaving the room feeling energetically fresh and light.
Another great idea is to create your bed as an alter with these specific stones:
A powerful and protective stone that's a natural tranquilizer bring serenity enhancing sacred space the healing and cleansing of your sacred space and aura. Superbly beneficial to the mind, calming and stimulating when appropriate. Over come insomnia, nightmares awakening the divine connection with the brain

One of the most magical symbols in existence. When tracing these lines you'll notice an awakening serenity overcome you as it begins to infuses your pituitary /pineal gland igniting the Arc of Light above and around your forehead blending and merging the left and right brain hemisphere's together for brain illumination allowing you to gain access to parts of your brain you may have never used. Awakening your Mind of Light the Mind of God enhancing your natural abilities and gifting you with a greater sense of foresight.