RETURN OF THE CLAN OF THE BRIGHT EYES Greetings from Home, Dear Ones, Today we take you on a journey to share with you what is taking place right now and over the next several months. There are changes taking place to allow all of you to start to anchor your real work. Yes, that is a question that many people have regularly: What is my work? What am I supposed to do? Although we are to find our real work in our passion, what if we don’t know what our passion is? Well, that is understandable for many. You are playing the game of pretending to be a human. That veil that you yourselves have devised is very thick and works quite well. It keeps you from re-membering who you are and your history before this life. It also keeps you from re-membering your own spirit. When we call you by your original spirit name, most of you don’t even turn around. That’s how long you’ve been playing this game of pretending to be separate. So, welcome aboard. Today, we’d like to share with you something to watch for. It does not apply to every single person, but everyone on Earth will experience some of this in the next few months and into the years ahead. You see, there’s a whole shift of energy that is taking place for many reasons. We’ve spoken before about the evolution of planet Earth and the 11 dimensions of humanity. However, moving into this first level of this morphogenic body is probably one of the most difficult changes as you overcome inertia. You must reach the forward movement by leaving the comfort of the stillness and stability. Getting yourself into motion is very challenging and you’re doing rather well with it. Miracles Unfolding We’re very excited about the overall forward movement. It is quite substantially more than even what we had expected in this short time frame. Bravo, dear ones! It means that you are grounding the work. But how did you do it? Were you in your passion and didn’t realize it? Maybe some of you were doing things that you weren’t even aware of? We tell you, dear ones, it is challenging to tell someone what their job is. So, what we do here is to give you an idea how many people are fulfilling these roles and what you should watch for. Indeed, miracles are unfolding right now on planet Earth. It’s very exciting for us to watch. Some of you perform healing work when you’re asleep. Many of you already know that because you often wake up exhausted,and it takes you an hour or two to get your energy moving again. Some of you have worked in these other dimensions and aren’t even aware of it. Much of that starts in the evenings and during the restful times, particularly as you go through your restful states and rejuvenation periods, which is huge for many of you. Even though you don’t always do your spiritual work during the day, you get recharged at night. Other times, some of you become so charged up that you travel into other dimensions and do work. One method is not necessarily better, but some of you simply feel the truth to one approach and not the other. The most important piece is that you’re not alone. So, how can you find what is most effective for you? Without a doubt, that is your passion even though sometimes you don’t always know what it is. Sometimes your passion as a spirit does not actually fit into that human experience. That is rather challenging, because you don’t see your reflection in the ways that many other people can see themselves. Know that is changing now and in truth several things that are taking place. Let us share one of them with you. The biggest, most important part of this and the miracle taking place is something that we will simply refer to as the return of the clan of the bright eyes. The Seven Clans of the E-Family You see, in the beginning of planet Earth there were seven clans. The Family of E had traveled the universe keeping games on track. They worked with games which were prematurely falling out of existence. In doing so, they learned all sorts of attributes to help games stay in power and how to evolve to the next level rather than end the game. Then they had an idea: What if we put a game out there with no rules at all? After some discussion it was set into being. For the very first time some members of the Family of E decided to incarnate and take physical bodies. That meant they would have to let go of their beautiful vibrational status and lose their memories. That’s right, they would come in, put on a veil, and play human right next to all the humans. Return of the Clan of the Bright Eyes They brought in seven important attributes that are needed for all games everywhere. And they brought them in with seven different clans. In the very beginning the clans were actually together for a short time while they integrated their energy, then they dispersed into other clans so that these seven important attributes were distributed on planet Earth. These are critical to any game making evolutionary steps. The interesting part, dear ones, is that you’ve already won the game. That may be difficult to understand, but trust that it doesn’t mean you’re going to stop. You’re creating a new game, dear ones. The challenge is that the game you’re creating is being created every moment of every day, just before your foot hits the ground. So, you’re literally creating every movement. Now you will start to align that to a higher purpose, as you step into the morphogenic body and into higher levels. That’s happening with the help of the Family of E. One of its clans is the Clan of the Bright Eyes, and they are stepping into power now. Have ever seen anyone who has eyes that you simply can’t look away from? Eyes are completely unique, even more unique than your fingerprints. Yet there are those who’ve come in with attributes that empower them to plant seeds of light on planet Earth simply by opening their eyes and smiling. For those people who do that, even if they do that every day their entire lives, they may not realize their true power. If you’ve often heard comments such as, “There’s something special about your smile,” then you probably have direct ancestry to this line of spirits. Unlike the blending of a genetic line of ancestry, these energetic lines of the Spirit ancestry tend to remain unaltered over time. If this resonates with you then you will not likely ask yourself: How do I make a difference? And you probably wouldn’t realize that you’ve profoundly affected every single person in whose eyes you’ve looked. How did that happen? Because you have reminded them of Home. This is how the Clan of the Bright Eyes works, planting seeds of light. The bright eyes are returning. Not only are the adults who have managed to hide their abilities for all these lifetimes starting to reclaim their abilities to do that, but also many of the youngsters coming in have very bright eyes. Hang on, humans, here you go! This is happening today and not only with the new energies coming in. It’s happening globally, and that wave can help to shift energy on Earth. What will that change? Dear ones, it will change everything on Earth. Suddenly your news will become very quiet and you will have only good news. Yes, there are certain realities which are going to insist on staying in lower vibrations and you do not have control over those. You can easily step out of that, for you create your reality by what you open your eyes upon. Please do not attach yourself to or judge those who intentionally choose to stay in the lower vibrations of the old planet. You have an opportunity to step up, and we encourage you to take it. Many who are reading these words right now are actually from that original Clan of the Bright Eyes. We will help you to re-member who you are. And even if you don’t, even if you don’t feel that you are one of those people, watch for them because they are awakening now and all you need to do is to smile. If you see one and you think, “oh, maybe that’s it,” smile at them. If they smile back and hit you with their light, then you’ve been imprinted because that’s their job. We hope that is not too simple for humans to understand. Well, it’s fairly simple, but it’s entirely up to you. A new wave of seeds of light planted on Earth will begin. If you are a member of this sacred clan, then you will find your smile glowing in a new way. If this is not your clan then it is your job to accept these seeds of light, integrate them and pass them on as best you can. How does it Work? Just Smile and Leave It Be. The timing of human advancement is right for those seeds to be planted. They will find fertile ground in which to flourish, which is why the Clan of the Bright Eyes is returning. There’s been a true alignment happening and we hope many of you are in a position that you’re comfortable to move. Yes, that is part of what’s now starting to open up. And if you feel like you’re stuck, or that you’re not doing something that you should be doing, simply look around until you see one of these bright lights. Dare to open your own eyes and see if you have that power. Many of you do, but you aren’t even aware of it. Work with it consciously and don’t worry, because that’s just your head. Your heart has no need for fear. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. You have a new ride in front of you and we tell you it’s easier than you may think. When you dare to look deeply into the eyes of another person, even if you pass them in the street, you will change this world. Even if you’re not from this clan, you can carry on the traditions of the Clan of the Bright Eyes. And for those of you who have been quietly hiding, sorry, but there is no more hiding on planet Earth. Just enjoy it. Smile. Send out your light freely and lovingly without expectation. Then watch as everything starts to align in an entirely new way. The magic of the new Earth is just in front of you, you’re stepping into it right now. We tell you, you’re in good hands, dear hearts. You see, there are beings all over planet Earth who are waiting for these triggers. All of the clans will be needed, but the first trigger is the return of the Clan of the Bright Eyes. Well done! Keep up the incredible work you’re doing in your beautiful game of evolution. Know that you’re never alone. We’re right behind you all the time and if you wish to talk to us, we’re right over your shoulder. Enjoy the journey. We leave you now with these little reminders: treat each other with respect, nurture one another. Look for the Clan of the Bright Eyes and play well together, dear ones. Espavo, the group |