Dr. Angela Barnett


We have had many new members join us in reading my newsletters this week. As an introduction for those of you who are very new and to those who have been here for less than a year, I will help to guide you through the MAZE of my AMAZING website.

We have designed a Listening Page, where you can go and listen to a little bit of several albums of music and you can listen to audio recordings of me explaining Frequency Music and there is a recording of Elga describing her personal experience of using the music and her Eternal Life Album.


I know that there is a very large audience on Earth searching for DNA ACTIVATION MUSIC. Basically, ALL of the Music created by and sold by CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA is DNA ACTIVATION MUSIC.

We sometimes call it Frequency Music because DNA can only be activated by Raising Frequencies.

We also call it Holographic Music because DNA must be moved into the Hologram of our reality that exists in the Spiritual Universe.

What has been called DNA ACTIVATION is actually much much more than what all of those others out there are telling you that it is. DNA ACTIVATION can and does include the Basics that are found in THE ASCENSION KIT, where I placed the codes and frequencies of internal DNA ACTIVATION on the Ascension Portal, Ascension Vortal, Ascension Vortex and Magic Vortal. That is a very basic way to begin activating DNA.

I have also designed music that activates DNA through layers of dimensional frequencies in the 12 DNA, 48 DNA, 144 DNA 144,000 DNA albums.

The ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION album approaches DNA activation through the Music of the Spheres themselves bringing all of the information of the entire Cosmic Structure into the body.

DNA Activation also includes the entire process of all of the light and sound that has been sent into the Earth's grids over the past twenty years. The Universal Life Force Currents have been bringing in one Solar Wave of Consciousness from one Sun and then another and another and another over the past several years. All of those frequencies were recorded on the Parallel Universe Set, the Mother Ship Set, Om of the Sun, Sun Ra, Sun Alcyone, Ultra Violet Blue Sun, Violet Flame.

And then we got into more specific DNA Activation with the TRANSFORMATION KIT containing the Re Birth Album, Trance Album and Atomic Mirror along with the Magical Mermaid Journey. That set is designed actually place the EXPERIENCE of placing your entire DNA structure into the Spiritual Realm on the other side of the Veil.

That music is structured to go through the neuronets of the brain and seed atom and crystal heart and to align each chakra into the Parallel Spiritual Reflection of the Physical Body at every level. The activity of moving through the Atomic Mirror is actually moving from the atomic structure that is locked into density by the electron and the moving out into the spiritual realm where there is no Electron morphing the body into the illusion of density.

There are more albums that are designed to do these things even more specifically such as the 144,000 DNA PLASMA BRAIN, the MIND ALTERING MUSIC and the LSD album. You see LSD is actually a man made form of a substance that was once used by Royal Families to create a substance in the brain that is similar to Seratonin but it actually alters the mind into a Dream State where the Body moves into the Astral Realm.

All DNA ACTIVATION ad Alteration is to prepare the body to turn into light. Once the old DNA is melted away through my sound and light music frequencies, there is then room for the Original, Authentic Spiritual Template to be programmed into the Cellular structure.

What this does is make the DENSE cells melt away and a much more ETHERIC cell replaces them. This makes the body less dense.
This is what happened to many of us on Earth who had been preparing for it to happen after the shift into harmonic universe two on February 7.

My internal structure is now much less DENSE. This feeling is a feeling joy within the cells themselves.

Now, the next step that we will take on our journey into TURNING INTO LIGHT is coming from the FREQUENCIES of the Consciousness of those who are now LANDING on Earth directly from the God Realm.

As I meet each representative of their Mother Ships, I am, of course bringing their Frequencies into me. These are the Greatest Consciousness that have ever entered the Earth's surface.This Consciousness is transforming me and all who use my music tremendously. Those Frequencies are recorded on THE LANDING album.

The next step we are taking at this time is TURNING INTO LIGHT, which is my latest album. This album is drawing on the Light and Sound Energy Flowing through the Ascension Portals and the VORTEXES that I have created that allow all of the Consciousness of the Universe to flow in and out of the Heart of Mother Earth.

The process that I went through in learning how to open the Ascension Portals, the experiences that accompanied that process and the huge story that has unfolded since the first portal was opened in 2008 may be read in the books 12 DNA Music of the Spheres, LEARNING WHO WE ARE from Cosmic Mary, TURNING INTO LIGHT.

My latest book, Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology explains in great detail how the body will turn into light as a series of shifts in the actual physics of our Earth changes and causes the changes to occur in the body.

12 DNA Activation mp3

48 DNA Gaia Ascending mp3

144 DNA Plasma Brain

144,000 DNA Album


DNA is made from sub harmonics. Sub harmonics are the spiritual or etheric substance of creation. That is the substance that is invisible to the five senses. But, that doesn't mean it isn't real. The sub harmonics are created from over tones, which are the electro tonal frequencies of the Spiritual Cloister Races, and the Base Tones, which are the magnetic tonal frequencies of the Root Races, who are the original Angelic Race Lines of Earth.

Each of the double helix of the DNA is made from 12 sub harmonics. So there are 24 sub harmonics per DNA, and there are 12 DNA in the Normal Human Strand Template.

That is the template of a Human Angelic.

However, the template for the INDIGO is a little different because they represent the spiritual cloister of the over tones. They have a 48 DNA template. We need that template to activate the 24 DNA template.

Scientists think that they can perceive of the 12 strands between the double helix as what they call the junk DNA. This isn't quite true. The sub harmonics are actually on top of each of the two helix. There are 12 sub harmonics on each helix. The template that the scientists think they see, would be the braiding of the over tones and the base tones of the sub harmonics. However, it is not possible that they can see this because the tonal strands were broken apart.

The separation of our DNA was created by separating the OVERTONES of the Spiritual Cloister Race from the BASE TONES of the Original Root Race. The Indigos and Avatars represent the Sub harmonics that were missing from our DNA.

Those entities were required to be born on Earth in order to re-open our Ascension Portals back to Tara. Their frequencies were planted into the Earth's Inner Core of Morphogenetic Consciousness in order to re-establish the correct frequencies that will re-activate our DNA correctly.

Those frequencies can be placed into our DNA through the activity of connecting our consciousness into those dimensional fields of consciousness and into the Morphogenetic Core to activate the braiding of the over tones and base tones of the sub harmonics of the DNA.

Those of us who are Doctors in the field of Multi Dimensional Braiding of Consciousness to activate the DNA Over tones and Base tones to sing together in harmony have gained a complete attunement with each of the 15 Spheres of the Music of the Spheres and the realignment of each and every spiritual over tone through the Center Harmonic and into the corresponding base tone of the etheric Root Race Frequency Signatures.

This attunement is a Cosmic Orchestration that weaves all frequency signatures together into a Grand New Symphony of Love. It required the re-birth of 12 Universes into a new Cosmic Sun and the creation of a new Cosmos beyond the 13 Cosmos who created the 12 Universes. This is a brand new orchestration by the Cosmic Musicians who sing through the Mind of God.

The Immortal Beings, that we once were, contained a complete Divine Blue Print which included the Spiritual and Physical as one. That means there is an etheric substance and a physical substance in creation. The most etheric substance is in the Cosmic Harmonic Universe, then the Universal Harmonic Universe is a little less etheric, and then the Galactic becomes more dense and less etheric, the Solar is much more dense, and the Planetary is the most dense. However, the Planetary was never supposed to be completely separated from the etheric substance that it is made from.

We are now returning to more and more of that etheric substance that we were in the Universal and Cosmic Harmonic Universes. We are being braided back together with our etheric spiritual substance. The braiding goes on in the DNA. The overtones of the spiriitual cloister races must be braided into the base tones of the Consciousness of the Root Races.

This project is taking place through various means at the present time. It has been a very long project that has taken millions of years. The most important part of the project was the arrangement of having babies born on Earth that actually came from the Spiritual Parallel Cloister Races so that our Over Tones could return to Earth. We also needed the births of babies who contained the original perfect codes of the Root Races who were originally seeded on Earth 5.5 million years ago.

We needed the Frequencies of these Indigo Children and Avatar Children to be planted into the Consciousness of the Earth before our DNA Activation could begin.

Our race line has completed a very long period of time when the over tones of our spiritual parallel reality have been separated from our base tones of our physical reality. There were many reasons for this happening. Most of the reasons were because of Invader Races and Fallen Angelic Races implanting Mutations in the pure genetics of our race line, and then our Guardians and Family of Tara needing to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness became purified once again.

Our Guardians have always been very sorry that this has happened and they have been doing everything possible in the Cosmic All Knowing to bring us home. They have designed many plans to purify and activate our DNA at this time.

Each of these DNA ACTIVATION PROTOCOLS is and has been specific attunements and alignments Frequencies of Consciousness from our Parallel Spiritual Cloister Races who have maintained their pure and perfect DNA into the Root Races that are identical pairs of the Spiritual Overtones. The Root Races carry the Base Tones and the Cloister Races carry the Overtones.

There have been a series of activations of this Consciousness from the Spiritual Cloister Races into the Root Races of this Planet. We have been activated by the Paradisian Spiritual Consciousness as a result of the Indigo children who were born with the ability to activate five and six DNA strands at birth We have been activated by Six Avatar Children who restored each one of the Seals that were placed in our Chakras that were created to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness was purified.

The Consciousness Activations are done through the Breaths of Consciousness connecting, streaming and braiding the Overtones into the Base tones of all of the broken sub harmonic strands in each of the DNA.

When I create an Individual's ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM, I am connecting my Consciousness into the All Knowing Mind of God through the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia who knows exactly what needs to be done to correct, restore and activate each Individual's DNA. Through this all knowing Consciousness who has making this plan of accelerated Ascension for the Human Angelic Race Line for millions of years, it is known what Race lines the individual has been connected to through all their past millions of life times, and it is known which Seals were placed on each individual because of certain implantations from Invader Races, and it is known if the individual has already spent life times in Sun Alcyone repairing many of the Seals, and it is known if the individual is ready to wake up from the amnesia of 5000 years.



DNA is made from sub harmonics. Sub harmonics are the spiritual or etheric substance of creation. That is the substance that is invisible to the five senses. But, that doesn't mean it isn't real. The sub harmonics are created from over tones, which are the electro tonal frequencies of the Spiritual Cloister Races, and the Base Tones, which are the magnetic tonal frequencies of the Root Races, who are the original Angelic Race Lines of Earth.

Each of the double helix of the DNA is made from 12 sub harmonics. So there are 24 sub harmonics per DNA, and there are 12 DNA in the Normal Human Strand Template.

That is the template of a Human Angelic.

However, the template for the INDIGO is a little different because they represent the spiritual cloister of the over tones. They have a 48 DNA template. We need that template to activate the 24 DNA template.

Scientists think that they can perceive of the 12 strands between the double helix as what they call the junk DNA. This isn't quite true. The sub harmonics are actually on top of each of the two helix. There are 12 sub harmonics on each helix. The template that the scientists think they see, would be the braiding of the over tones and the base tones of the sub harmonics. However, it is not possible that they can see this because the tonal strands were broken apart.

The separation of our DNA was created by separating the OVERTONES of the Spiritual Cloister Race from the BASE TONES of the Original Root Race. The Indigos and Avatars represent the Sub harmonics that were missing from our DNA.

Those entities were required to be born on Earth in order to re-open our Ascension Portals back to Tara. Their frequencies were planted into the Earth's Inner Core of Morphogenetic Consciousness in order to re-establish the correct frequencies that will re-activate our DNA correctly.

Those frequencies can be placed into our DNA through the activity of connecting our consciousness into those dimensional fields of consciousness and into the Morphogenetic Core to activate the braiding of the over tones and base tones of the sub harmonics of the DNA.

Those of us who are Doctors in the field of Multi Dimensional Braiding of Consciousness to activate the DNA Over tones and Base tones to sing together in harmony have gained a complete attunement with each of the 15 Spheres of the Music of the Spheres and the realignment of each and every spiritual over tone through the Center Harmonic and into the corresponding base tone of the etheric Root Race Frequency Signatures.

This attunement is a Cosmic Orchestration that weaves all frequency signatures together into a Grand New Symphony of Love. It required the re-birth of 12 Universes into a new Cosmic Sun and the creation of a new Cosmos beyond the 13 Cosmos who created the 12 Universes. This is a brand new orchestration by the Cosmic Musicians who sing through the Mind of God.

The Immortal Beings, that we once were, contained a complete Divine Blue Print which included the Spiritual and Physical as one. That means there is an etheric substance and a physical substance in creation. The most etheric substance is in the Cosmic Harmonic Universe, then the Universal Harmonic Universe is a little less etheric, and then the Galactic becomes more dense and less etheric, the Solar is much more dense, and the Planetary is the most dense. However, the Planetary was never supposed to be completely separated from the etheric substance that it is made from.

We are now returning to more and more of that etheric substance that we were in the Universal and Cosmic Harmonic Universes. We are being braided back together with our etheric spiritual substance. The braiding goes on in the DNA. The overtones of the spiriitual cloister races must be braided into the base tones of the Consciousness of the Root Races.

This project is taking place through various means at the present time. It has been a very long project that has taken millions of years. The most important part of the project was the arrangement of having babies born on Earth that actually came from the Spiritual Parallel Cloister Races so that our Over Tones could return to Earth. We also needed the births of babies who contained the original perfect codes of the Root Races who were originally seeded on Earth 5.5 million years ago.

We needed the Frequencies of these Indigo Children and Avatar Children to be planted into the Consciousness of the Earth before our DNA Activation could begin.

Our race line has completed a very long period of time when the over tones of our spiritual parallel reality have been separated from our base tones of our physical reality. There were many reasons for this happening. Most of the reasons were because of Invader Races and Fallen Angelic Races implanting Mutations in the pure genetics of our race line, and then our Guardians and Family of Tara needing to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness became purified once again.

Our Guardians have always been very sorry that this has happened and they have been doing everything possible in the Cosmic All Knowing to bring us home. They have designed many plans to purify and activate our DNA at this time.

Each of these DNA ACTIVATION PROTOCOLS is and has been specific attunements and alignments Frequencies of Consciousness from our Parallel Spiritual Cloister Races who have maintained their pure and perfect DNA into the Root Races that are identical pairs of the Spiritual Overtones. The Root Races carry the Base Tones and the Cloister Races carry the Overtones.

There have been a series of activations of this Consciousness from the Spiritual Cloister Races into the Root Races of this Planet. We have been activated by the Paradisian Spiritual Consciousness as a result of the Indigo children who were born with the ability to activate five and six DNA strands at birth We have been activated by Six Avatar Children who restored each one of the Seals that were placed in our Chakras that were created to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness was purified.

The Consciousness Activations are done through the Breaths of Consciousness connecting, streaming and braiding the Overtones into the Base tones of all of the broken sub harmonic strands in each of the DNA.

When I create an Individual's ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM, I am connecting my Consciousness into the All Knowing Mind of God through the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia who knows exactly what needs to be done to correct, restore and activate each Individual's DNA. Through this all knowing Consciousness who has making this plan of accelerated Ascension for the Human Angelic Race Line for millions of years, it is known what Race lines the individual has been connected to through all their past millions of life times, and it is known which Seals were placed on each individual because of certain implantations from Invader Races, and it is known if the individual has already spent life times in Sun Alcyone repairing many of the Seals, and it is known if the individual is ready to wake up from the amnesia of 5000 years.



Dr. Angela Barnett


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