''Arlia - Pleiadian Emissary of Light' 'Rainbow Warriors of Light & Love - Ground C

Posted by Kereru Pounamu/Kirar Taraishia on January 7, 2015 at 11:21am in Daily Messages of Light through Kereru
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Aotearoa – ‘Full Moon Message from ‘Arlia’- Pleiadian Emissary …
received at Our ‘Waahi Tapu’ in Our ‘Circle of Love’ ~
“The nite was clouded over … even though, We could just see
the Full Moon appearing behind the forest trees … ready to open up
above Us as We made Our way along the pathway …
and heard the soft signal of Our Manu sound … before We even began
to form Our ‘Circle of Love’; in the center of Our ‘Stargate Portal’
Thus after We synced into the Oneness of Our Hearts connected …
We enjoined Our One Heart Prayer of Gratitude and Love and were
Blessed to have a beautiful clear voice come thru … saying
‘Beloved Ones gathered in Your Circle of Love …
Greetings to You Each … for many of You in this Circle of Love
are new to this Circle of Love … however; They are not new to Divinity …
for within Your Heart Matrix … lies the 'Divine Golden Spark'
put there, by the 'Great I Am Presence'. So this is not new to You –
For You are, and have always; had this Divine Presence, with You …
Though, some of You … unconsciously –
Greetings Dear Ones, I Am known to Those Who’ve been with Us before …
I’m known as Arlia, of the Pleiades High Council of Light, sent thru
To deliver You a Beloved and Blessed Message ~
Beautiful Ones … You are standing in an era of great auspiciousness
You are present … You are representing millions of You Ancestors
Of the past generations … right beyond … even to the time of Atlantis,
Lemuria and Mu – You are here to represent Those Who have dreamed
Those Who have foreseen, this day … this auspicious moment –
For behold Beloved Ones … You are the Anchor, You are the Ground Crew
So to speak, of bringing through Your Beloved Mother Earth Gaia …
Her New Paradisiacal Glorified Self and Being –
What this means Beloved Ones … is that now; from this moment on
All You now see and All You now focus on …
is the Beauteous Glory of Your Beloved … New Divine Mother Earth –
For what You focus on – will continue to increase … You need no longer
Focus on that which will hinder You and You will speak less of that
Which has pulled many of Your Brothers and Sisters down into states
Of gloom and despair… You will now focus as
Golden Sentinels of this Golden Era – You will focus on that
Which is of the Light and that which is of the Highest and
You will focus on that which is of Magnificence –
Your words and Your language will be uplifting …
For the days of down putting are past … for those
Have been the days of so called, darker ages … and now
You are in the Golden Age of Enlightenment …
Now You are walking, talking, living Emissaries; Yourselves –
Just as I Am – You are Emissaries of the Light Golden Age …
Take this clearly and dearly, into Your Souls …
For You are connected Heart to Heart … with the
Aquarian Atlantian Ascension Pool of the Gods and Goddesses
Who … like You now … stood in Circles of Love …
And pooled Their Consciousness as One – for You Are in truth;
Repeating that same action then … now …
And for some of You Who see … You will see Them
Standing inside and behind You … for You have now …
As the word says … warped … into that time … and You will
Continue to do so … in and out –
This is what is called Multidimensional living … get used to it
Because it is what You will frequently do … and this
Is how You bring thru beautiful Beloved Gaia
In Her Beautiful Paradisiacal Glory, Dear Ones –
You are Anchoring thru the Dimensions …
You are Uniting Heart to Heart – Soul to Soul – with Those
Gods and Goddesses, throughout the Dimensions
Not just Those of Atlantis … You are Uniting Them All
For even right now … They are here with You –
Feel the Love .. Feel the Powerful Strength …
Because You are not, You never have been
And never will be … alone –
Take this deeply into Your Heart and Souls for You
Are this Innately … This is Who You have Always been
And now is the time to step into Your fullness
For this is Who You Are – It is now a time
To be small – It is not a time to cower away …
It is a time now to stand in Nobility and
In Humility … It is also a time to stand as
Emissaries of Light … for You Dear Ones are
The Rainbow Warriors of Light, that the World
And Generations have Prophesied of …
For within this beautiful Circle of
The Rainbow Warriors of Light …
You have many many Generations; before You
And behind You – that have Willed this All to be so
For many have held much, many many years …
Lifetimes of Meditation – Prayers of Intention
So that this would come about, in this precious time.
Beloved Ones, this is the Message I have been sent
To deliver to Each and Every One of You
Take Heart, Lift Up Your Heads – for the World
Is looking for Those, Who will hold the Light
Irrespective of what is going on in the world
of illusion –for what is going on right now
Beloved Ones … You are standing in the
True World of Light and Love … You are
Stepping out of the world of illusion – and You
Stay out of that world of illusion – each time
You choose to not focus on it …
As Beloved Lord Buddha said …
To the lord of the world; when He was being
Tempted in so many ways …
‘You do not exist’ … to the Maya –
And so, Dear Ones … We say to You now
That You … it Is upon You …
The Mantel is upon You – You have been
Given Tools … So You can’t say that
You have been thrown in at the deep end …
You have been prepared for this, for many
Lifetimes – You have Chosen to come back
And do this – You are not here by chance …
The Tools that You have been given … are many;
You have been given ‘The Golden Ring of Harmony’
To be used in and around You – Wherever You Live
Wherever You are Traveling – Whatever You
Are Traveling in … ‘The Golden Ring of Harmony’
That continues to ‘Vibrate Energies of Peace & Harmony’
You have been given ‘The Golden Ray of Compassion’
Where You find sometimes … Beings or situations
That may be slightly intolerable … You call upon
‘The Golden Ray of Compassion’; which takes You
into the ‘Compassion of The Divine Ones’ … not
the Human Compassion, but the Compassion of
the Cosmos; of the Heavenly Realm –
You have been given that Tool …
You have been given the beautiful
‘Golden Cloak’ – for some of You; Who may
be experiencing energies that are not uplifting …
whether physical or unseen Beings …
‘The Golden Cloak’ is a Mantel that You put over
Yourself … knowing that You may, be walking
Into those energies …
You have also been given, the wonderful, again
‘Golden Ray of Abundance’ … for many of You
here in this Circle; are carrying the vibration
or have been carrying the vibration of lack –
so ‘The Golden Ray of Abundance’, is that which
You focus on to ‘Bring in and Attract that Abundance’
Beloved Ones – what You are emitting …
Is what You are attracting … If You are continuing
To emit lack and poverty; You will receive
The same back – If You are continuing to emit
Fear, loneliness … You will continue to receive
That back – Remember Beloved Ones …
You are Sentinels … Emissaries of Light …
Emissaries are always emanating , emanating, emanating
From You Divine Spark, which is Infinite, Limitless …
Limitless, Infinite in Energy and Abundance …
In beautiful Virtues and Gifts .- So You have Tools
You are never alone – You have these Tools …
You have also been in Your Circle of Love …
Given the Information and the Knowledge that You
Each have ‘Golden Guardian Angels’ – Who will sit
On Your right shoulder; waiting for You
To Call and Invoke in … through Your Heart …
Use the Gifts – Call on the Guardian Angels …
The Golden Angels that have Each been appointed
To You – Some of Those Guardians may be
Of Your Family … Who are on the Other side
In the Light Realm – Some of Them may be
Of The Archangels – use Them … They are
Waiting for You to Invoke – Ask and You
Shall Receive – The Power of Prayer and
Intention; is magnified in this auspicious time …
The Shift has happened enough; that You
Immediately – when You Pray, when You Invoke
You immediately jump into the Realm of the Cosmos
If You feel You are not getting thru …
Call on ‘The Ring of Harmony’; to clear in and
Around You – Call on Your ‘Golden Cloak’…
Wherever You are walking – if You feel You are
Walking into areas and places; where the energies
Are low; where the energies are confused …
Or may be down, there … Wear Your Golden Cloak
Take the ‘Sword of Truth’ with You …
‘The Blue Sword of Michael Archangel’ – take that
Sword with You; of Truth …
And Stand as Emissaries and Sentinels of Light
This is the decree that has been given to Me
To give to You right now through this beautiful
Message – I leave it with You – share it …
Speak with Your Guardian Angels - Call and Invoke
Those of Us of the Cosmic Realm, are waiting
For You to Call and Invoke, Those of Us –
Your ‘Golden Ring of Harmony’ brings You up
Straight into the ‘Realm of The Pleiades …
Our High Council of Light’ …
These are Your Spiritual Tools; that many have
Had to go to the Mystery Schools … to be given them.
The days of Hidden Mysteries, are gone …
The Greatest Mystery, that You need to Know …
That many of You may find is still a mystery …
Is that All the Mysteries and Powers are All
Within You Already …
Within Your Golden Heart Chamber …
I leave this Message with You Beautiful Ones
With the Blessings of ‘The Pleiadian High Council
Of Light’ and the Blessings of ‘The Mahatma’ …
With the Blessings of the Beautiful ‘Guardians’ …
The Blessings of ‘The Great I Am Omniscient
Presence of All That Is’ … the Blessings of
‘The Archangels’ … ‘The Commanders of the
Galactic Realm, of the Starship Realm of Light’ …
For They are All watching and All waiting to see
And are All tuned in, to Each and Every One of You
Who take upon this Mantel as the Ground Crew …
This Is Our Intent and Our Blessing upon You Each now
Saying to You now Each –
Go with Love – Walk in Love – Be Light
I leave this with You .
I Am Arlia – Pleiadian Emissary of Light
It has been an Honor and Blessing to Be With You
Beautiful Beautiful, 'Rainbow Warriors of Light and Love'
And So It Is …
And So Be It”

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