Rising Into Your Newly Expanded Co-Creative Roles

April Bender (via Higher Self)

8109230078?profile=originalAs last discussed, an infusion of highly refined, crystalline fire energy continues to saturate all local areas and/or dimensional levels of creation in its current state of Quantum Excitement or multi-dimensional potential. While much has been energetically “impressed” or imprinted within these new energies by those holding and emanating master key codes / codes of light or Dweller Consciousness, (as accumulated by successfully passing or ascending through various levels of spiritual initiation / experience during what some refer to as the Light-Body-Process LBP), there is still much work to be done in terms of pulling those newly impressed energies and/or thought-forms through the etheric / astral / subtle fields of existence, to give them life as a newly manifested experience or REALITY within the physical.

Therefore, Act II of this cyclical and seasonal process (think of the arcs on an ascending spiral – and the whole spiral itself as this Grand Ascension Cycle) will afford you and others the opportunity to rise yet again (similarly to last Spring but on a higher arc) into newly expanded co-creative roles. For you are being called, as the creator gods we know you to be, to finish the job you started at the Solstice, and to ANCHOR, manifest, or pull-through into the physical, all that you've recently impressed or imprinted within the newly refined crystalline strata permeating Earth and her / your fields.

For much like the threading of a needle, you've already designed, created and pushed a fine new colorful thread (your hopes and dreams for the new earth experience) through the eye of the needle, but now you must reach around the other-side (or external view / action) to pull that beautiful new thread fully through the eye-lit so that the needle itself can become fully functional and in turn, give birth to new forms of expression that are imbued with the qualities and characteristics of that glorious new thread you constructed. In this metaphor, YOU serve as the needle while the thread is symbolic of all that you've imbued or co-created energetically up to this point with your “impression” activities. The eye-lit serves as the nexus point between your inner / outer worlds and their forms of expression.

What all is involved in your newly expanded role?

Your new role, if embraced, will require you to co-create and/or express, in a physically tangible way, all that you've been energetically impressing recently and have been encoded with. Last year, I described this process as co-creative breath-work, wherein all that you've inhaled through your inner spiritual senses are synthesized (within body / mind) and then translated into the outer world via some form of personal co-creation or expression (out-breath). This is very much what is being asked of you again, but at a higher or more advanced level of initiative.

More than just service-to-others, your new role and that of others as luminous nodal points across the Higher Collective Mind / Web requires a service-to-ALL (the whole of creation) mentality, which can only be found within the Master's (or adept's) purified heart and seat / throne of divine empowerment (solar plexus/seed atom), which when united or properly aligned dwell eternally in the frequency bands of Unity / Christ / Buddhic / Atmic Consciousness. Therefore, in service of such higher or expanded states of consciousness, your new leadership role will require you and others to: step outside of your comfort zone at times; to interact, partner, and collaborate with others; to listen deeply, fully consider, and be flexible with others; to have the faith and courage to go it alone at times or to take risks; the vision and foresight to make connections that weren't previously there and the voice to point them out to others; an ability to view all opportunities and interactions as “new and novel” so you don't inadvertently miss an opening or pass a good thing by; and to have the initiative, creativity, and innovation needed to keep the momentum / magnetization of the collective spiraling onward and upward through the gates of ascension into a new age of evolution of being / experience.

For before you are endowed and ascend as full creator gods, many of you must first learn to wear your leader hats and build up those leader skill-sets (which some have been resisting), as well as let-go of any lingering self-doubts or delusions. While some are and have been doing quite beautifully with this throughout most of the overall ascension process / cycle, there are many many more who have not done as well as was possible. Especially those from the higher initiate, Master, or adept pool. This is not meant as a criticism but one answer (of several) to the question of “Why is the ascension process taking so long?”


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