

Selamat balik kasibha, (Welcome loving soul)

A recent conversation on how we Ground Crew are tasked with training for the needed skills, to identify and classify a variety of GFL vimana craft (and other non-GFL types)......So supporting anyone who might like to know, who was it...? What was it...?


Drekx said: 

Yes, and they reveal themselves to us, if we meet their strict criteria of being permitted to do so, karmically, and also being within an Ascended Master's ashram, which one achieves at the third degree, or "transfiguration." So that in spite of being starseed, one still comes under the divine auspices of Earth chain evolutionary protocols...And the Great White Lodge Ascended Master, of whatever ray department, must agree to the interaction.....
One must be prepared to share some, if not all, contact data, with humanity...Any who will listen and want to learn....
One must have a telepathic skill, such that words, symbols and impulses, may be received and transmitted.....An essential ability for full-fledged GFL Ground Crew contactees....
One must be prepared to accept that day-to-day life may be disrupted, when a mission, or task, is invoked, often at short notice, maybe none....
One must be able to give such service a priority........That in itself is rewarding, as it opens up a whole vista of experiences, which can actually be very exciting and sometimes dangerous....
One is always free to refuse a contact, but in doing so, future possibilities are limited, for further interactions....There are instances in which a particular starseed contactee, may request that he/she be allowed to focus on Earthly norms, for a duration of time, while engaged in a career, or study, as a student, etc....That is permitted....BUT, it is expected that a full focus and service is entered into again, as part of the flight crew/ground crew, convenant...A promise broken can cause a complete cessation of further interactions with GFL personnel............
There have been several of these, over the years, but I won't name names.....
One is also duty bound to be healthy, alert, fit and courageous....These qualities enable a more complete service and our ET contacts expect us all to maintain discipline....So no drugs or alcohol....No gluttony...No junk....

Another thing to mention is that our purpose is not to "escape Earth and return to our origin worlds." Some "channels" (so-called) speak in these terms, but they are subject to illusion....We are born into this Earth experience, to be here and to serve here in changing it, for the better....
To make Earth a better mirror for Heaven....
Indeed, although I have travelled within various Sirian Scoutships and probes, even teleportation I have never asked to be "evacuated from Earth." If I did suggest such a thing, my ET family would think me immature, childish and unprofessional....I know my duties.....

These ETs are not "aliens," though......I'm sure that you would not describe a relative from overseas as an "alien." Nor do we....They are family, friends and collegues....True GFL Ground Crew love their space kin......We make a good team.....Above and below.....👍🏻😇🛸


Roaring reply:

"So I can summarize that: ' blessed are those who are within an Ascended Master's ashram, for they shall see ETs'?"


Drekx response:

Indeed Roaring and not to forget that many are in ashrams, even if they are not fully conscious of being so...One could be a devout atheist, and still be within an ashram and have attained that degree, maybe through several incarnations of experiences.....All to the better you....
One may be an non-believer in reincarnation, as a catholic, yet still undergo that process and be unaware of it...BUT, eventually, you will intuit the truth of it....You attain a closer intuition...

But one can visually see an ET or "UAP," without being a particularly evolved person....What I spoke of was actual interaction, what Earth scientists call; "close encounter of the second, third, forth or fifth kind..." But not necessarily an abduction, but a contact....I just call it HARD WORK....lol


Roaring said:

"Thanks for that clarification. As you know, I am interested with these ETs etc also from a scientific perspective, so a Christian (and other religions) type 'God knows', doesn't appeal to me.
Its good you clarify it by differentiating 'seeing UFOs' from 'close encounters with ETs themselves'. This is cause since pple (including you, lol) have often tried to show UFO pics etc, then it can't be the case that seeing UFOs is a privilege for the 'select'. Unfortunately, such is what some here implied, when someone questioned them, especially in the past."


Drekx response:

Certainly, my friend and I suppose what makes GFL ground crew contactees different, is that when we see a "UAP" craft, we have been trained to spot the various star nation types and also learn the protocols associated with each type...

So imagine an ordinary guy👨‍🌾 in Vietnam, not too evolved, maybe a farmer, working in a waterlogged rice paddy field (came into mind,) looks up, sees a vast triangular craft and thinks, "ohhh sh%t, whatthaheck wazzziit....??" (ồ phân nó là gì..! ;-)

But if I was visiting his paddy field, hopefully wearing wellies (lol) I look up and see the craft and can determine, oh that one is about 74 feet in length, so from Eta Pegasus...
Rather than a Sirian Atar defense craft, which is also equilateral triangular (not a scoutship) and about 110 feet in length...
So we are trained in a way, similar to members of an airforce on Earth, to recognise a variety of craft....A multitude of types...

So you could name any star nation, you may have heard of and I'll describe their current standard service ships....Including shapes, function, sizes, etc...


Roaring reply:

"That is also what we look for, in science. As you know, we just don't say 'what goes up, must come down'. Next, we begine to talk of how fast do the whatever is going up and how fast it is comming down, and such details.

So if someone was to tell us not only that 'hey there are UFOs up there', but tell us where exactly they come from, classify their shapes and sizes, their colors etc, then the better. That will be excellent science.

If at least 2 pple, working independently, can consistently identify a 'UFO' as to be 'a sirian UFO' etc, then that will be very useful scientifically."


Drekx reply:

Thanks for saying so Roaring Lovely.....When the hysteria is over and people want answers, GFL Ground Crew will be here, to provide support...and calm the nerves. We are like a bridge between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial people...




Zauda zagon vin ja-ta e selamat majon, meladrin hi zabarin sa..........!!😊(Sirian for: "We come as one in the light of heavenly joy and a state of rejoicing, because yes, we are all one......!")



Col. Drekx Omega

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  • ✨🎙🐻🎙✨✨🎙🐻🎙✨✨🎙🐻🎙✨
    Hard work probing this case, as the Tau Cetian pilot and scientist, is not allowing a direct and detailed message to us, but he's singing a particular song, using English words.....He won't reveal it to the Sirians, as it's intended for one particular starseed, who took the footage (and we know him,) under the GFL first contact initiative's; "recreation, games and playful fun," category...These Cetian ETs enjoy games and puzzles and especially enjoy setting them, for Earth people to figure out.....and especially starseed relations....

    Tau Cetians; Jadar, Tel and Redanro are not letting me know, directly, through telepathic comms, as they want the target person to work it out...a message in a song, of salience to his life plan.....some childhood memory, relevant to his future...

    I've been focussing on the image in the video and using psychic probing, as well as logic, to decipher the muted words of the song....Although Cetians are sentient, like humans and have expressive faces, like humans, it's still difficult to lip read such a "bear" mouth...But, using alternative methods, it's finally come through....and it's totally bizarre, but I think I can now suggest which song...and the message in the lyrics..I feel confident that it's now cracked..and I'm getting approving nods from Master Rakoczi....and my guides..

    BUT I will only reveal it to him, secretly, as the Tau Cetians have made a preference for that state of play, in this matter...

  • Moreover, the FAA is an American organisation and has no authority to "authorise research drones," over UK, RAF bases, including Lakenheath.......
    So, the "FAA did it," story, is a cover story only...A cover for classified activities, which the Trump admin is not allowed to reveal to the public, as yet....
    AS YET......!! ☺️

  • I provided this follow up data to Alternate Earth, the man who filmed this attached "UAP" video, as follows:

    Jadar is the commander of the Tau Ceti scout ship and his pilot is named "Redanro." It is he who believes that he can communicate with you and reveal your destiny and past connections with your star family, in view to forging a reunion...This is a "call."

    Try to link minds with Redanro...You will find it to be a joyous vibration...You will feel a tingling and a variety of sensations, as connection is made...Then the voice in your head...🔹🔹🔹🔸🔸🔸🔶🐻🔶🔸🔸🔸🔹🔹🔹📡🤔

    Some supplementary data for you I've just gleaned about the pilot, Redanro...He's from a planet named Agada and is of the Tau Cetian science clan...In fact, his flair for scientific innovations, were well presented in his hologram display, on the outer plasma field of his ship.....Something I've never seen, nor heard about, before your video captured it...

    His commander, Jadar, is of a different clan, associated with engineering, but they work closely, together..

    So Redanro's science clan (Sirian term is "pukmanya") serves alongside a team of Tau Cetian engineers ("dubasnakya.")

  • The "drones" over New Jersey......Official explanations are NEVER true...Neither under Biden, nor under Trump.....That's the way it goes....Sorry 'bout that.....
    But please remember these facts.....

    1) Any classified operation searching for lost nuclear materials in New Jersey, won't be disclosed, under any President, until declassified...

    2) Any classified military involvement, using above top secret drone technologies, won't be disclosed by any US government, until declassified...

    3) Any UAP activity over New Jersey and other places, will not be admitted to, by any US government, UNTIL DISCLOSURE.....Trump is planning to reveal the truth, BUT, has not signed it off, as yet...However, watch this space....(and outer space.)

  • Some notes on ship construction and bio-computers....
    Ships of all classes are built by various star nations, among a specialist clan for each, which is science & engineering...The Sirians call this clan, the "dubasnakya clan..."

    Before building the implosion motors, hull and other features of a craft, the nucleus is constructed, a central control computer, which is made up of co-operative volunteers from the devic kingdom, who collectively form a living brain, which is actually assembled artificially, by the clan..This is both engineered, as a compter, but alive, also....Thus the term, bio-computer....These are alloted control matrix codes for ship operations...One "brain" per ship...and several subservient minds, with specialist tasks, also, under the overall nucleus...which also takes it's orders from both the ship's pilot and commander...and can operate without them, when allowed to, or if through circumstance, when/if they are both absent...Albeit, the "brain-nucleus" can receive telepathic impulses from great distances in time and space, also...
    Telemeter probes detach from scoutships and can range, but remain under the control of the bio-computer "nucleus-brain"..which in turn, is controlled by the pilot..
    The Sirian language term for this controlling nucleus-brain, is "meistraknen."
  • ✨🎈🛸✨🎈🛸🎈✨🛸🎈✨🛸🎈✨🛸🎈✨🛸🎈✨🛸🎈✨
    The deep state want everyone distracted from the increased "UAP" sightings and are using the death of Jimmy Carter and the California wild fires, to change the narration topic...

    Of course, the Sirian "orbs" are not going away, nor are the EA military drones, nor are other advanced telemeter probes, now entering the firescape inferno shots in California..🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    They may ignore us, but we are here....

    Some researchers use the term "plasmoid," which is partially correct, albeit, below the plasma fields, reside solid metallic crafts, which can morph, as well....The Sirian science scout seen at the beginning of this vid, in Santa Cruz, N. California, is "Meretroseh."✨✨✨🪩✨✨✨

  • And speaking of Tau Cetian craft, here is an excellent video in which the Tau Cetian pilot utilised an exterior hologram, showing his face to Human onlookers...A bear-type face, albeit, some are comparing it with a canine...

    The craft below is not strictly orb-shaped, but rather a rhombus diamond shape and the occupants are Tau Cetians, who are sentient ET members of the GFL, and are similar to bears on Earth....The face is an exterior projection hologram, demonstrating the pilot's visual appearance, while inside, so that people on earth are aware that some ETs are not "grey aliens," as most people think...In fact, it's an acclimatization for first contact, although the initial landings will be humanoids only...
    A hurdle to overcome, is the popular notion that so many Earth people still possess, that all UAPs/UFOs are controlled by "grey aliens"...Like the small Zetas, with the large wrap-around eyes..
    This programming has been encouraged by the deep state, who much prefer such misinfo...Many might be surprised that Tau Cetians are sentient bear-like creatures and totally peaceful.....A bit canine in appearance, but actually a bear...

    A point to make is that this galaxy has such diversity of sentient beings, many being human and even more being groups, that look like just about every animal on Earth....There have been numerous UFO reports of people meeting fur-covered ETs....It's true...

  • Interesting video which includes a Tau Cetian craft.....That distinctive rhombus shape...within an orange plasma field...I've seen them, as well...

    The guy who posted the vid is obviously from a religious background and suggests the following:

    "Aliens and UFO appearance has increased over the last week all over the United States and United Kingdom and through out the world as the latest UAP appearance and sighting footage revealed some shocking orbs appearing in sky which upon close inspection seems to be looking like something out of the Bible known as the Angelic beings which will return before the second coming of christ as predicted in the prophecies. United Stated Government has confirmed that Alien Presence has been part of our world for a while which was kept confidential secret from the world but they have lots of evidence that are very clear proof of these UFO's and Alien techs. Project Bluebeam might be in works already as we speak and it seems like the higher one world order society is making big moves. Today we take a good look at the latest new drones in sky situation which turns out to be clearly something that is not of this world "

  • Sirian scout ships are silver and spherical, in hull design...As far as Federation scouts go, they are very unique in using this design and can present a variety of diameters, with 200 ft, and 100ft, being standards....totally able to shrink down to the size of table tennis balls...
    When the plasma field is diminished in intensity, the silvery hull is visible, as in the photo attached...noting the mid flange...also the beam emitter is retractable, at the top....Implosion motors at the bottom....

    Because most telemeter probes are also spherical, they can sometimes be confused for them....

  • Supplementary technological data, thanks to the Sirian Dubasnakya clan of engineers, in support of the post and video below:

    Beneath the morphing plasma field, during such a metamorphosis, the metallic hull becomes semi-liquid, or more like metallic "putty," which moulds and flows into any shape...Even the shape of a drone. The living scoutship is given a blueprint instruction to morph into, by the pilot..usually one of several "designs" retained for activation, when needed....And in the video I posted, note how the craft disappeared at the conclusion, but not by dimensional phasing out, or teleport, but by shrinking so small, as to be virtually invisible to that camerman....Of course, the crew transfer to merkabas, while such a transformation is underway and resume their physical forms, once completed...And if the new "design" is small, the crew become small, as well....The "little people," of legends around the world....The interior bridge and control facilities remain the same, for the crew, whatever the new shape and size....This is total mastery over material substances...

    This particular event was explained to me, by Mikala, who is the current FC Relay Duty Officer and she obtained the details from a Sirian engineer, who was onboard that very ship in the video, of the Dubasnakya clan of engineers...An ET I've never contacted, nor been in direct telepathic contact with before, but grateful to him for the fascinating technical details...
    She gave no name, just the clan name, but I think he sounds like a kind of "Mr Spock" character.....;-)....I might try to pick his brains when necessary...
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** Info (knowing)...!!!
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Justin89636 left a comment on Music for your soul.
"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure. https://youtu.be/yT7P-3UBp5o?si=P04qrvcfAUiu6hhz"
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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Thanks guys-"
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RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
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