Photo above is from Main Street in Roswell, New Mexico. The crash of the UFO took place on July 3, 1947, in Corona New Mexico (just north of Roswell). For an excellent trailer of this event that took place on that day (from Paul David's 1994 movie "Roswell"), click Here are some photos of the craziness in Roswell ..
Mexicana Cocina Restaurant
Roswell Museum Entrance
Chuck Jones' "Amateurs" in the Museum
Museum Display of ET Victim
Museum Display of "Tall Grey" Alien
Dunkin Donuts & Baskin Robbins Drive Thru
Roswell Inn .. "Make your reservations, earthlings."
Lecture by Peter Robbins in the UFO museum. He presented NASA photos of surfaces on the Moon and Mars. These photos demonstrated strong probability for existence of building foundations on Mars and pyramids on the Moon (and not a "play of light" as many debunkers claim). The photos also appear to reveal possible mining operations that may have taken place (or is active) on both the Moon and Mars (but Peter Robbins would not confirm this. He would only say "not natural activity" because we really do not know).
Thanks for viewing.
Love to all,