21 million Russian-speaking people watched David Wilcock and Ben Fulford expose the secret war to defeat the "New World Order" being waged by an international alliance -- including the astonishing destruction of at least 26 underground bases between August 2011 and January 2012.
Now you can see the show for yourself -- complete with accurate English subtitles. It is amazing to see so much information leaking out in a prime-time network television special!
On September 16, 2011, we published the (ahem) groundbreaking Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed.
This huge investigation was more like a mini-novel than an article. It currently has 23,587 Facebook Likes and over 845,000 unique views.
The contents of this investigation are so strange that it might all seem like a big joke to many people.
It may be far more comfortable for you to look at it that way.
It has all the makings of a sci-fi movie thriller -- complete with extraterrestrials, underground cities and a vast, shadowy group holding the earth in tyranny.
Nonetheless, our investigation was taken seriously enough to be turned into a major Russian television documentary -- nearly three years later.
Now, today, you can see it for yourself -- with accurate English subtitles -- from mainstream Russian media.
In the fullness of time, information that was once thought to be "crazy" might start making a lot more sense.
The first strange event in this saga occurred on Monday night, August 22nd, 2011 -- in a southern Colorado town called Trinidad, just before midnight.
The ground shook with a 5.3 earthquake at 11:46 pm -- in a region that normally has hardly any seismic activity at all.


5.3 Earthquake in Trinidad, Colorado Unnerves Local Residents

An unusual swarm of temblors in southern Colorado accompanied the state's strongest earthquake in more than 40 years, shaking bricks and stones loose from buildings and rattling some residents....

The 5.3-magnitude earthquake hit Monday shortly before midnight, about 9 miles southwest of Trinidad.

Throughout the night and into Tuesday morning, aftershocks — several measuring at a magnitude of 3 or above — continued to unsettle residents. No injuries were reported....

[A] longtime resident said she is familiar with smaller earthquakes but has never been through one as powerful as Monday night's.

"It's piqued a lot of curiosity as to what's caused this," Mestas said....

While Colorado's quake is similar to one that occurred Tuesday afternoon in Virginia, there is nothing to indicate they were connected, Hayes [a seismologist at the U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, CO] said.


I was present at the Disclosure Project event in May, 2001, in which 39 high-level whistleblowers came forward to reveal the truth about UFOs.
Most of these people had worked in highly-classified government programs -- and had firsthand knowledge that we were not alone.
Additionally, other insiders approached me through my work with Project Camelot -- and also as an independent freelance journalist covering these subjects.
I was lucky enough to have launched this website you are now reading by February 1999, back when there was far less of this information available online.
Over the ensuing 15 and a half years, I have had the good fortune of being contacted by many different people -- and helping them reveal classified secrets.
It is quite an experience to talk to real insiders -- particularly the ones who work at a high-enough level that information is no longer compartmentalized.
The more highly positioned someone is in the world of "black ops", the more fantastic and seemingly unbelievable their data becomes.
And yet, when you talk to three, four or even five different people who independently say the same things, that havenever been made public, you have to wonder.
[For illustration purposes only. Not a genuine insider image!]
Either they are all "in on it" and attempting to fool you -- including by leaking information that later comes true in the news -- or they are telling the truth.
I did have to weed out people who were obviously lying -- but the real ones could be extensively cross-examined and no holes appeared in their accounts.
Their testimonies began explaining many other data points -- including a wide variety of clues left behind by ancient civilizations all over the world.
Together, this evidence arguably forms the greatest mystery on Earth.
Nothing else has ever captured my interest the way this investigation has.
The story that appears is vastly, vastly more complex and fascinating than most people could ever imagine.
Instead of asking "I wonder if UFOs are real, and if so I wonder where they come from," the truth begs much greater questions.
One of many true signs of "higher intelligence" is how effectively this greater reality has been kept hidden from us -- by the ETs themselves.
There are plenty of available clues and provable pieces of evidence for those who go looking for them -- but it is still possible to doubt and deny everything.
However, that scenario may be changing a lot sooner than we think.
It was from this same insider level that I soon heard about what had happened in the Colorado earthquake -- even though the data was highly, highly classified.
The ground had shaken because an entire underground city -- large enough to comfortably hold 65,000 people -- had been completely wiped out.
Over time, as I revealed here at Divine Cosmos, we found out that all the personnel and equipment in these bases had been "portaled out" over the course of 12 hours.
Then, once it was completely empty inside, there was a sudden, massive 20-fold increase in air pressure that cracked the hull. The entire city then collapsed in.
This was what caused the ground to shake so violently. The surrounding land made a sudden, thunderclap-like movement to fill in the void that had been created.
Each base was deep enough underground that no visible change occurred in the surface terrain -- such as a sinkhole -- after this happened.
Up until this occurred, these facilities were considered to be save havens and places of refuge for the "New World Order" crew.
However, on the night of August 22, 2011, that assumption changed forever.
The first underground city to go was directly connected to the infamous base many insiders insist was built under Denver International Airport.
Every time I fly in to tape episodes of Wisdom Teachings at the Gaiam headquarters in Boulder, I see the "suitcase gargoyles" in baggage claim.
It's undoubtedly creepy -- and yet is just presented as a "fun little joke" for people breezing through the airport.
The next afternoon, just a few hours later, another very strange earthquake took place -- again in the continental United States.
The entire East Coast of the United States shook with a massive 5.9 earthquake that was deemed "highly unusual" for several reasons.
Strong East Coast Earthquake "Highly Unusual"

(Reuters) - The strong earthquake that rattled the eastern United States on Tuesday was highly unusual in its severity, though it was centered in a part of Virginia known for smaller quakes, seismologists said.

The initial earthquake, which registered a magnitude of 5.9 just before 2 p.m. EDT, was felt from the Carolinas to New England.

"One of this size is highly unusual," said Karen Fisher, a professor of seismology at Brown University and president-elect of the seismology section at the American Geophysical Union.

"This is the largest earthquake by far that I am aware of occurring there in recent history."


Monday night's magnitude-5.3 earthquake [in Colorado] struck just hours before a magnitude-5.8 temblor in Virginia – also rare for that area – shook much of Washington, D.C., and the East Coast.


According to multiple insiders with access to highly-classified information, the DC event again was no ordinary earthquake. 
Instead of a normal, slow buildup, it was already at maximum intensity the very second it started -- as you can see in the graph below.
This sudden jolt is normally what we see in the case of an underground explosion -- and is not at all typical of normal earthquake activity.
This quake also occurred at a much shallower depth -- much closer to the surface -- than with most quakes.
The massive shaking was apparently caused by the destruction of a huge underground facility just south of Washington, DC -- at the epicenter of the quake location.
Notice that the size of the red circle is almost as large as Washington DC itself.

Some independent bloggers noticed how unusual this quake was -- such as Eric Blair on Activist Post.
Six Strange Anomalies with the Virginia Earthquake

My first thought upon hearing the news of the rare 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia this week was that it was not a natural occurrence. After all, no one has ever felt or even heard of such a powerful temblor happening in this area in a lifetime.

As is usual for my cynical instincts, I hoped that I was wrong. However, several anomalies indicate that something is not normal with the Virginia quake....

1. Unusual, seismically inactive location.
2. Extremely shallow depth -- later altered by USGS to a more typical value.
3. Odd seismograph reading, beginning with a sudden spike. (Air Force insider leaks that it was an underground explosion.)
4. Shocks felt well over 500 miles from epicenter.
5. "Remarkably low" number of aftershocks.
6. Hurricane Irene was instantly knocked off course.
Seismograph of Virginia Earthquake in green. Normal quake in black. Washington and Lee University (85 miles from epicenter)
The DC facility was intended to be used by members of Congress and other insiders to flee to -- after they deliberately caused mass chaos and financial collapse in America.
As crazy and treasonous as that must sound, this plan had apparently been in place for many, many years.
To understand it, you have to move through some pretty ugly stuff -- and that's what most of this Russian documentary you are about to see is dedicated to.
The shadow government, as some call it, had been trying -- and failing -- to get a massive social collapse to happen for quite some time.
9/11 was apparently well-known by this group in advance, and was hoped to create such a breakdown in our society.

Thankfully, our civilization held together despite these plans.
Already at this point you are probably quite comfortable in one of two camps. 
You are either: 
A) fascinated and intrigued; or, 
B) you are already laughing, thinking "this is BS -- and I will enjoy picking it apart and skewering this skinny MF. He probably sat on a kitten to psych himself up to write this piece of s--t."
Those in the "skeptic" category typically try to find any tiny mistake or hole in the logic -- and then infer that this must mean the entire concept is bogus.
"Look, look! He misspelled a werd! He got a date wrong! One of his links doesn't work! GOTCHA, F__KER!"
[Ah, where would we be without the all-you-can-drink special of YouTube and social media hatorade?]
It was therefore highly gratifying to have the Russians take this seriously enough to devote a major prime-time TV special to covering it.
Our investigation into the missing underground bases included a fully transcribed interview with Benjamin Fulford.
In case you do not know this already, Fulford was the former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for the world's largest business magazine, Forbes.
This put him in contact with finance ministers and top insiders from most of the countries in Asia -- including China, Japan and Southeast Asia.
By the time this interview took place, Fulford had been almost the sole voice on the Internet describing an international alliance that had formed to bring down the "New World Order" group.
A significant part of this alliance originated in Asia -- and has since morphed into what is now being called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa.)
Benjamin Fulford
Fulford has certainly attracted a great deal of controversy -- publishing a weekly newsletter where he leaks a wide variety of inside information.
Not all of this information is credible. A variety of claims are made that end up being untrue.
Fulford hears information and passes it along. Some of it comes from clearly compromised sources. He leaves it up to you to decide what you want to believe.
Although there has been BS in his reports, many of his leaks have stood the test of time.
In my own case, I try to only reveal information that I feel is coming from the most reliable, impeccable sources.
If it's "second best" it doesn't make it here. If I catch an insider lying to me or spreading disinformation, they don't get a second chance.
Now, nearly three years later, a major Russian network has created a three-hour TV special, with high production value, to explore what Ben and I discussed in our September 2011 interview.
Both Fulford and I were interviewed for this TV show -- which, I was told, used my original article as its primary blueprint.
It is a great honor to see another one of our investigations reach such a large audience -- and turn into a major TV special seen by 21 million people.
For those unfamiliar with the greatest rumors and secrets you hear from the inside, the "learning curve" can be quite surprising.
The shadow government -- or Cabal, as we have been calling it -- has been diverting countless trillions of dollars into the military-industrial complex.
Since World War II, a variety of high-profile money-laundering operations have been conducted to pay for this vast, multifaceted, highly secretive operation.
This includes the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Apollo moon missions, the Cold War nuclear buildup, the two billion-dollar stealth fighter jets and much more.
The F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" Fighter: Two BILLION dollars?
These are only a few examples of major operations that cost much, much less than what we have been told.
Classic cases of 700-dollar hammers and 1000-dollar toilet seats are another example.
Each of these moves created vast supplies of cash.
It has gotten increasingly difficult for the Cabal to generate "money out of nothing" -- and thus our global economy has now been squeezed to the breaking point.
It has now become obvious to most people that we have a "shadow government" that is conducting mass surveillance -- and has nearly bankrupted our entire world.
Here is the big question that a lot more of us need to be asking:
What the heck are they spending all this money on?
That is a question that very few people know the answer to -- even now -- but will increasingly become common knowledge over time.
Shortly after the end of World War II, the Roswell crash occurred -- putting the US military face-to-face with the reality of extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.
This and a variety of other events were kept highly classified after initial leaks embarrassed the government.
The military felt it was absolutely necessary to adopt a defensive position.
Elaborate schemes were devised to divert vast sums of money into building a "breakaway civilization" that could be used to fight off any potential invasion.
This included the construction of what ultimately amounted to some 250 underground cities that could each hold 65,000 personnel.
Many, many different ships have been built that use anti-gravity propulsion systems -- and can very easily travel throughout our solar system and beyond.
Any of the exotic fighter jets we've been allowed to see -- including the Aurora -- are kept mothballed. They look nice but were only used for money laundering.
The 'real' stuff is seen from time to time -- and are one form of what people are calling "UFOs", i.e. unidentified flying objects.
These home-grown ships were built after the 'real' crashed UFOs were reverse-engineered.
The original designs were carefully taken apart and then rebuilt -- transforming them into working craft that could be built here, and used to travel off-planet.
Trillions of dollars of "missing" money have been used to build highly-classified colonies on the Moon and Mars, as well as certain other satellites.
Additionally, we now have over 200 very large spacecraft throughout our solar system -- and beyond.
The irony is that we have been told exactly what is going on, over and over again, through a wide variety of films and television shows -- ever since Roswell.
The apparent wars happening on Earth served as a cover and source of cash for a much greater concern -- defending us from an invasion.
Much like the Roman Empire, the Cabal's expansion into non-local territories has strained the homeland to the breaking point of looming financial collapse.
We will also find out, sooner than we think, that our "shadow government" already has extensive interaction with a wide variety of off-planet human civilizations.
One of the greatest secrets, as we have said all along on this website, is that there are many, many different human civilizations throughout our galaxy.
Almost every ancient culture on earth has extensive records of contact and interaction with these human-looking "Gods" -- who had seemingly superhuman abilities and technology.
I am fortunate enough now to be in approximately 20 different episodes of Ancient Aliens on History Channel discussing this bizarre and fascinating subject.
I am in six episodes of Season Two and almost every episode that has come out since last October.
Best of all, human life is a natural product of intelligently-guided evolution in our galaxy.
We are only at the first stage in the evolution of what it means to be a human being.
Those who insist this is "nonsense" probably haven't read my first book, The Source Field Investigations, which has over 1000 academic references that make the case.
As I discussed in last week's episode of Coast to Coast, the 'real' reason we are here is to learn love -- and eventually evolve into a higher form of life.
Our transition into this higher form of human evolution has been called Ascension.
This is apparently what happened to Jesus in the Resurrection.
160,000 similar events have been documented as occurring in China and Tibet -- where people attain the state known as "Rainbow Body."
In order to reach this state, it is necessary to achieve a level of discipline where every thought you think is a loving thought.
Thankfully, as a planet we are now moving through a transition where the "entry requirements" are much less intense than this.
Prior to about 850 AD, contact and intermingling with these off-world humans was widespread -- as you can see in many Ancient Aliens episodes and in Wisdom Teachings -- but then it tapered off.
This change allowed us to finalize our development into a "modern" species. 
Most importantly, it gave us the opportunity to doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life.
Apparently this is an absolutely essential element to our spiritual growth.
The ETs do follow a "Prime Directive" where we have to be allowed to sort our affairs out as a planet.
However, this only occurs for a finite period of time. There comes a point where we must re-integrate into this much-greater galactic family once more.
As I have extensively documented in earlier episodes of my TV show Wisdom Teachings, ETs made strong efforts to welcome us into this greater community as of the early 1950s.
As soon as we developed nuclear weapons that could destroy our planet entirely, the Prime Directive changed in our favor.
A plan was put forth in 1952 for a widespread, worldwide disclosure event to occur -- including over 5000 massive ships appearing in our skies.
Not surprisingly, the plan was rejected. The benevolent ETs did not want to share any tech with us until we engaged in a major spiritual education program.
This program would have demonstrated the underlying core of love that all world religious teachers had originally intended to convey to us.
Much, but not all, of our secret government unfortunately cut a deal with the "bad guys" -- ETs who promised technology in exchange for a limited, monitored abduction program.
Our government was told the abductions would not hurt us and no one would remember what had happened to them.
Although abduction experiences are non-threatening, some people did remember them -- and this has caused a great deal of fear.
The shadow government believed, for some time, that they could do whatever they wanted -- without repercussions.
It appeared that the benevolent ETs could only 'watch' what they did -- but were not allowed to intervene directly in any way, due to their Prime Directive.
However, certain lines were not allowed to be crossed. As the Disclosure Project and other events have documented, the ETs will not allow us to have a nuclear war.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not interrupted, in order that we understand the horror of what could be -- but many other efforts have been thwarted.
It wasn't until August 22nd, 2011 that the benevolent ETs took a much more aggressive stance by portaling out a total of 26 underground facilities worldwide, that we know of.
Apparently they are doing this to guarantee that our planet's future will be a positive one -- by removing the possibility of the negative to succeed in its ultimate goals.
Some of our top insiders have speculated that a treaty was signed with the benevolent ETs -- and that was the only reason the bases stopped being portaled out as of January 2012.
Others, such as Gordon Duff and Preston James of Veterans Today, have more recently revealed that such a treaty is, in fact, in place.
The treaty apparently calls for an end to secrecy and cover-ups by the shadow government. If they refuse to comply, they will literally be removed.
This does seem to parallel the "Harvest" metaphor in the Book of Matthew -- in which it is said that the "tares" will be plucked from the field, one by one, at the time of Harvest.
The tares are weeds, "sowed by the Adversary," that would normally ruin the taste of the wheat.
The plucking out of these underground facilities appears to be the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Quite strangely, I had a dream in high school where I was on a spacecraft and personally removed an underground ET base from Earth.
I wrote this up in one of the first books I generated for this website, an autobiography entitled Wanderer Awakening, in 1999.
Dream of Removing an Underground Base in a Spaceship -- Circa 1989

The armada of creatures attacking me is about to become almost too enormous to fathom. The weight of my impending death presses heavily on my chest.

In a brilliant flash of insight, I remember that the powers given to me by the shadowy force would allow me to create anything that I wished! I decided to use this new power to manifest my own robotic craft, a fighting machine to beat back the opposition.

Right in front of my eyes, a brilliant, UFO-style object spontaneously manifests, quickly clicking into place tile by tile. I step into the cockpit and hear the rush of the hatch as it snaps closed.

I am outrageously successful at defeating the robots with my new craft, and I deftly carve my way through their masses. I make my way back inside and discover an elevator of some sort, an elevator with many more potential floors than the hotel ever should have had for its size.

Somehow, I suddenly become aware that the hotel is only the top layer of a gigantic multi-tiered alien citythat was built from a UFO that had crashed in the crater!

I also know that all the drug-addicted teenagers in the hotel are being manipulated by the evil aliens to serve them, and I am determined to stop it.



In the next part of this dream, I descended into the facility itself -- and came face-to-face with its surprising ringleader.

Remember -- I was 16 when I had this dream and had no idea about any of the things I research and write about now.


I use thought control to operate the elevator, and I am able to penetrate each layer of the structure to finally arrive at the control center.

When I finally reach the control center, I come upon a gigantic black door, easily twenty feet tall, covered in barbed wire and thorns.

I know that it appears impossible to pass through, but I focus my attention with all of my strength and am able to blast through it.

I have no idea what the massive guiding force of this sinister operation will look like.

To my surprise, the only thing I discover is a man at a desk in a typical US-government styled office!

The man tells me of all the wonderful powers that I would be granted if I would only join them in their efforts of running the hotel. I would be given a very high position in the hierarchy.

The man's persuasion seems to also take on the form of a telepathic, psychic pressure that threatens to shatter my skull.



As the dream goes on, I end up having a personal form of Ascension -- creating some entirely new version of my own human body.

Once I reach this state, the man cannot touch me -- and I return to a much greater reality.


After strongly denouncing the man, I realize that the only thing I can do to "win" is to "create myself."

I roll into a ball and see a series of seven energetic bodies, each one bigger than the one before it.

I expand my own awareness into the largest body.



In this final section, I end up in some sort of ET reality -- working on an advanced spacecraft.

It was this part of the dream that left me in tears as I woke up. No other dream from my childhood had such an effect on me as this one did.


I now am sitting before a massive, holographic computer terminal with a huge screen.

I bring up a rotating image of the Earth. I remove the entire bullet-shaped city from its position, sending it far back to its planet of origin.

I then create a new earth, unspoiled by this current society's industrial expansion, and transport all of the prisoners from the hotel there.

As my final act, I program my own essence to incarnate in a physical body there within my new creation.

I feel my awareness slipping away as I know that I am about to incarnate there again myself...

Quite obviously, this story contained many elements of my future work, including the idea of Ascension - the creation of a "new heaven and new earth."

For me, the strangest thing about August 23, 2011 -- the day the earth shook as the Washington, DC base apparently disappeared -- is it was the exact day that my defining work, The Source Field Investigations, debuted.
Everyone at Penguin was really excited about it -- and then the whole building was shaking.
Had the science revealed in this book been given large-scale publicity, the UFO cover-up would have quickly crumbled to ruins.
This only added to the mystery and intrigue of everything -- as did the fact that the earthquake itself actually cracked the pyramidion at the top of the Washington Monument.
In order to transform our planet into a loving new reality, as the metaphors in this dream suggested, we first have to identify the problem.
Without knowing what is wrong, we cannot hope to transform it into something that is right.
For this same reason, I applaud the Russians for making this documentary -- even though it could be categorized as "fear porn" due to its content.
Don't forget to turn "closed captions" (CC) on -- i.e. the English subtitles -- by clicking on the CC button.
It seems pretty amazing to have reached this point. So without further ado, check it out!

I have two great conferences coming up, starting in two days: Contact in the Desert and a special edition of theConscious Life Expo.

Contact in the Desert is arguably now the biggest, best event of its kind, out in the lavish Joshua Tree campus this weekend.

Dr. Steven Greer, the original founder of the Disclosure Project event, will be there -- as will many other top speakers.

I have multiple events there, including lectures and a panel. You can see the full details on this schedule.

Don't forget to sign up for my Monday intensive, beginning at 1PM, as this is the longest and most powerful of all the presentations at this event!




Then, on August 23rd, I will be doing a full-day event at the LAX Hilton Hotel with the producers of Conscious Life Expo.

We will go for a total of seven hours -- with a few breaks in the middle so your bladder doesn't explode.

Each of these appearances will focus on the subject of Ascension -- the Tibetan Rainbow Body -- and how this knowledge applies to us today.




Additionally, the most recent half-hour episodes of Wisdom Teachings all cover the Tibetan Rainbow Body as well, in a fascinating eight-part miniseries.

Subscribing to Wisdom Teachings is the best way to help us pay the bills and keep this site alive.



For 9.95 a month you can see a new half-hour show every week -- and I'm throwing everything I've got into it. I've now completed 81 episodes!

Soon we will launch a second show, Whistleblower, where I will systematically go through everything we've learned from the insiders.

We've already filmed 17 episodes of this show, on a gorgeous and huge Area 51-style cinematic set, and it's looking terrific!

Thanks again for all your help. Without you, grassroots media efforts like this simply wouldn't be possible.

We are all in this together. I look forward to a moneyless society. Until we reach that point, or I figure out how to get alchemy to work, we do need your help!

Once you dive down the rabbit hole, you may even discover that the "good guys" start trying to get your attention -- such as through synchronicity!



Long-term readers of this site know I am obsessed with synchronicity -- and have been experiencing very dramatic forms of it for many years now.

My second published book, The Synchronicity Key, was also a New York Times best-seller, like the first -- thanks to your help.

In this case I built an entire scientific and spiritual narrative around the concept of synchronicity -- as a means by which the conscious universe gets our attention.

Numbers that repeat in an obvious pattern is one of the ways this has been happening to me ever since the early 1990s when I went totally sober.

Sequences of numbers often appear on clocks and odometers -- or, more recently, in the hit counter on this site when I make an update.

I still had to laugh out loud after coming back to make some final edits and seeing that the hit counter was at 3777! Check it out.



What does it all mean? You'll see.

Despite how crazy it looks right now, things are about to get a lot better. The negative forces are being exposed -- and therein lies the key to freedom.

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  • Watch the vid folks, its a real shocker, a bit hyped but a lot of info, that even I did not know all the stuff presented here. Seems that there is always something new to learn huh. Its a bit long and moves very fast and many things repeated but it does get the message out. And we need to stay updated and active. Where its all going I am not sure. I am not sure about anything anymore as nothing has paned out the way we thought it would and those who were in control are still in control to some extent, so the battle is not over yet. We need to step back and re-think everything we thought was correct by the source that we thought was on our side huh Adonai

  • Am I the only one here that gets extreamely irritated every time all these grandiose and impossible to verify-stories emerge from the spiritual publicists of the net?

    Give me the coordinates of these places so that I can astral travel there myself to see if what you say is the truth.

This reply was deleted.

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