April 1, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel
Two updates from two people who I love and trust – Dave Schmidt from thesedonaconnection.com and Tolec fromwww.andromedacouncil.com. Both are saying the RV/GCR is “right around the corner.” Thanks to both of you for your updates.
I trust Dave Schmidt’s currency revaluation/global currency reset intel implicitly because of his honesty, integrity, and solid background and connections. He reiterates in this video that this is UNFOLDING and A VERY LARGE, INTRICATE PROCESS. We are currently at the stage of being in the PROCESS of private placement exchanges, mostly for large humanitarian purposes. He knows those close to this. Once again, I believe Dave Schmidt has some of the best information out there on this topic. Furthermore, he is a lightworker and also has a background as a state senator and a financial background, as well as a spiritual background. Listen to Dave’s Blog Talk Radio weekly show tomorrow, Wed. 4/2/14 at 9pm EST: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-sedona-connection/2014/04/03/april-2nd-why-the-delays-whats-the-holdup-for-the-rvgcr. For more info on Dave Schmidt or to sign up for his newsletter, go to http://thesedonaconnection.com/
Tolec – The Global Financial Reset is Right Around the Corner
I also trust Tolec’s information implicitly. He is an Andromeda contactee and very level-headed. He has excellent information on our ascension and transition to the higher dimensions on his website and in his YouTube videos. For more information, www.andromedacouncil.com/about.html or www.andromedacouncil.com. I’ve included below all of his latest updates going back to March 10, 2014. Tolec also has a number of excellent YouTube videos athttps://www.youtube.com/user/TolecfromDakote
March 31, 2014Update - Global Financial Reset & U.S Currency Reset with a new – United States Treasury Reserve Dollar (TRN). The events that were, “right around the corner”, are now here. Expect big changes.The ‘positive’ reset of the global financial system [which includes a currency reset for the United States with a new U.S Dollar (TRN), hard asset backed by some gold, other precious minerals in the ground, as well as 'priceless' items, 'national treasures' held in the U.S] – that “Zap” has been speaking of – has come to fruition. You can read the details about it at Kauilapele’s site for March 31, 2014 “Office of Poofness” – “HAPPY” posting where – “ZAP SAYS”: ”HI ALL. ON MARCH 28, THE TREASURY RESERVE NOTE (NEW US DOLLAR) WAS EFFECTED”.Further, for an amazingly accurate, highly detailed explanation of the major initiatives & components leading to and involved in this global reset – I also strongly suggest you read: ”Message about the GCR, RV, Reset”The Importance of this “Critical News Story”
March 28, 2014Many of you are asking me Tolec -why or how are the many articles on international banking, the change from the USD to the TRN [no longer under the control of the "Federal Reserve"], the rise of China as a global financial superpower, and the ‘global financial reset’ all relevant to… this planet’s transformation into becoming a higher dimensional, 4D world?
The answer is detailed, but simple. If you remember, during many of my earlier interviews – I spoke about a time period during the transformation of this world into becoming a higher dimensional one… where there would also be a transition period of about 10-12 years [based on how we measure time today] when we as a global society would transition from a world economic system based on money, oil & power, which we have today… to new system whereby we as free sovereign Earth citizens, in a open, cooperative global society… where the remaining countries, regions & communities of people would willingly share energy, resources, goods, services & food… with no agenda except to help each other [in the old days known as "barter"];
Well, this step of “fiat”, debt based, fractional reserve, ‘paper’ “money” [which is not money at all - it is simply debt compounded, payable to the Federal Reserve. Research, if you will, the legal definition of "note" which is found on a U.S dollar bill, it means "debt"] + the “Federal Reserve”] - it is not - part of the United States of America, “…government of the people, by the people & for the people”;
Well, this economic, financial, social & ‘spiritual’ evolution of fiat ”money” going away is being demanded all across the globe, by good people in high levels of power, in a new balance of global power… this evolution is a huge change. It represents a change in consciousness. It represents a change of awareness. It represents a change in the balance of power. It represents a change in tolerance. As in, ‘…we will no longer tolerate… .’
It is a statement by a new growing majority, all across the globe, that we good people, we free sovereign citizens of Earth have had enough. We have been controlled & manipulated long enough. We have been abused enough. We are rightfully setting boundaries. We are taking our power back, and we are saying, with help & conviction, “… no more.”
We will no longer be controlled by the power & fear mongering, ruling Cabal [with Reptilians at the top of this power structure] who have had their way with us for far too many years. No more.
“We shall have a new birth of freedom”. The future belongs to us. And it starts now.
This global change to - all - asset based currencies in every country across the globe, including the U.S, with each currency backed by some gold & each country’s national treasures ['priceless' artwork in its museums, sculptures, precious gems, etc.], – and – in combination with each country’s combined natural resources [other precious metals & minerals in the ground including oil & natural gas, etc.];
this change is one of the major first initial steps… of the transition from a “money” based global economic system… to one completely based on the open sharing of resources, and;
it is also one of the key ‘social’ consciousness issues in this process of change… of this world transforming from a 3D world… to a higher dimensional 4D world. One of open sharing, cooperation & love.
March 27, 2014
The following article, “China currency liberalization to be a ‘seismic event’: Australia”, is huge in that: a.) it is one of the first from a major global news media outlet [Reuters] that alludes to the coming change of the ‘global reserve currency’… and the continued rise of China as a global financial superpower b.) the source quoted is the – Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor Philip Lowe. To read, click here:http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/27/us-australia-cenbank-renminbi-idUSBREA2O20A20140327
March 20, 2014
Cabal operatives at it again doing their best to remove threats [by killing young bankers who 'know' too much] from their crumbling, collapsing & failing empire. To wit, this latest March 19, 2104 article: “Sudden Deaths of JPMorgan Workers Continue”. To read about this continuing very tragic story click here: www.wallstreetonparade.com
March 18, 2014
It seems a critical mass of actions, the first agenda items now taking place in the international financial ‘world’, is ‘setting the stage’ for the actual reset of the global financial system, which includes the issuance of a new, United States of America – U.S Treasury issued dollar. This new dollar will be ‘backed by’ gold & other of this country’s precious assets & resources. With this change the debt based “fiat” currency of the “Federal Reserve”, a private agency outside of the U.S government, the Reserve itself, and all of the secrecy & problems that come with it, finally goes away.
My own ‘high level sources’, with minor nuances, continue to confirm the accuracy of what “Zap” is saying… and is consistent with what I have learned over the past few months. You can find the web link for this update over at Kauilapele’s web site for March 17, 2014 titled: “Office of Poofness 3-17-14…”Smiling Eyes” – where it again says, “ZAP SAYS – HI ALL”
March 10, 2014
This is an amazing two part update of recent developments.
l. My own personal ‘high level’ sources tell me that this event – with multiple agenda items - the ’positive’ reset of the global financial system - that “Zap” speaks of, is happening right now, and will continue to happen. You can read the details about it at Kauilapele’s site for March 9, 2014 “Office of Poofness” posting where – “ZAP SAYS: HI ALL…”. Here is the link: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/office-of-poofness-3-9-14-ordinary-love-time-to-pull-those-back-up-and-rework-them/
As a result of these stated changes, I suggest you keep your ‘eyes & ears’ open from multiple media outlets for some major, amazing public announcements to happen in the coming immediate days & weeks. Expect great things to happen !
II. Stephen Cook of Cosmic Vision News, & InLight Radio, who interviewed Tolec about the topic of ‘Disclosure’, does a really great job ’connecting the dots’… with the current events staged by the ‘Cabal’ which are playing out in the Ukraine right now. He clearly answers the question of “why” this is happening.
He also provides in great detail toward the end of his article two (2) alternative scenarios that can unfold: a.) an outcome where there is a global financial reset whereby most major currencies will in the near future be backed by gold ['positive' scenario] including a newly issued currency – US Treasury Dollar [USD] [no longer - "Federal Reserve"]; b.) a second scenario where the ‘Cabal’ leaders are able to keep the 44 year fiat system of ‘currency’ with Trillions of debt in place with the “Federal Reserve” intact… with a full fledged war breaking out between & involving Russia, the Ukraine… and others in that region ['negative' scenario].
Read about the Andromeda Council the Galactic Federation, our shift to the higher dimensions, and more onhttp://www.andromedacouncil.com.