Things are starting to happen:
In light
Dear All
> I am told by S333 that further details will be forthcoming. He did not say when. I guess information will be released at divine discretion.
> Love to all
> Hazel
> 12:30
> 08/05/10
> Forthcoming events- We are at the turnstile
> The next few weeks as you know it will usher renewed events in
> every aspect of your world. This will be due to the increased flow of energies
> that shall be inundating your planet. It is part of the divine plane to step up
> activity as this has now become necessary. There has been what we call a
> pull-push effect for a while now but this is going to become more of a steady
> push until we reach the finishing line. Yes, there are going to be more
> geophysical occurrences and this time in expected regions at a velocity and
> magnitude beyond that which is currently being experienced.
> As I indicated to you a few weeks ago in your time, the Icelandic
> volcano would continue her eruptions and cause great inconvenience to airlines
> and travellers. This is now recurring again and there promises to be a new
> surge of problems arising out of the increased activity of this volcano. Do not
> be surprised if other volcanic activity commences elsewhere. The time promises
> to be right for this.
> You are all aware of the devastating potential that the oil
> spill in the gulf will have on the flora and fauna of the oceans and the wider ecosystems.
> Efforts to contain the spill will not be successful, merely superficial. The
> spill coupled with the rising of the ocean’s bed will make containment and
> control of the stem and flow very sporadic. In fact efforts will merely exacerbate the
> current problem. This I can say to you. It is a sign dear ones. It signals the
> breaking away of the mother from her unruly children, a separation as it were. It has great significance for her transition.
> Those with inner perception shall realise that what is literal in terms of
> physical has a deeper figurative meaning.
> The mother is about to carve out a whole new geological
> structure for herself and she has the support of us in the celestial realm.
> You witness the shifting focus of all to the current state
> of the global economy caused by
> the debt crisis
> rocking Europe at the moment. The stock
> exchange is ready to collapse but its demise will be sudden after a period of
> fall and rise. It is inevitable. The psyche of those who control Nasdaq and Wall
> street are seriously disturbed due to the fluctuation in the markets. They know
> that stocks will continue to plummet and any relief will be temporary. We have
> as much said this to the dark ones. Yet they
> hold on to some hope that there will be resurgence thereby continuing to ignore
> our warnings. All is going to unfold in the sequence that we in the celestial
> realm desire it to. It is a fortuitous time as the threads and cords of this
> orchestration are being woven together by celestial hands, co operating to
> bring events to fruition so that we can get on with the business of the
> mother’s cleansing and rebuilding.
> You have been warned during the preceding weeks of likely
> events. Well the onset of these events
> is upon you. The time now is right for increased action. The dark ones have
> been given every opportunity to see sense and choose the path of light and they
> have refused so. They have pretty much decided their own fate. They cannot and
> will not impede divine plan. They are shortly to realise that we mean business.
> They have rejected the hand of grace and mercy so now they will have to scatter
> and go where they must.
> I urge you ones who serve this cause to centre yourselves
> now and connect deeply within. Harness your inner strength for this the last
> lap. Another message shall be forthcoming soon.
> I am S333