**Sacred Divine Feminine Blue Ray Empath Power expressing through women:
You don't see me. I am the sacred divine feminine I keep revealing myself to you and many times you see something else. You talk about me to others and talk of women to me that they are not whole, for you say: Sarah is the director of marking of the music department and she has great legs, Kim you need to meet her a sacred singer and she had great boobs, Karen what an incredible organizer she can help your business shes fat, oh she used to be thin.
Every time i hear about myself or another women usually from men it hurts me and a little voice says you don't see me, you don't honor me and I am right here, Please take a look.
As your not saying I am beautiful i can feel that when its said and feel that from my inner spirit. It's what makes me beautiful and makes other women beautiful: their true essence through this amazing gift of life, where we are spiritual physical beings. That is so beyond beautiful. Men you are so beyond beautiful in your true sacred male. And when you honor me you become more powerful in your sacred male and i can be revealed to you. I love being feminine for that is who i am.
But my body parts or other women's body parts doesn't feel like we are whole when you break us up like that. Compliments are something else they are welcomed. They notice something that contributes to our beauty.
As are parts are all connected to the beauty of the Goddess of all expressions of her, each one of us is the Divine feminine expression in our unique share and beingness.
Women YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL because you are the expression of the sacred Divine feminine allow yourself to be who you are. The holy source expressing through you You are here as this presence, you are this voice and You are beautiful always!!!
You are all sacred beloved and i truly Love you! I am the Source and i come from LOVE.
Shekina Rose, Priestess of Light, Angelic Messenger 528 hz Celestial Vocalist for the Language of Light, Blue Ray Peace Emissary Channel and Healer, Author & Creator of the Pleiadain stargate Pendant and devices technologies.~~
528 Hz Miracle Christos/Sophia Celestial Song Transmission
Language of light activation https://www.youtube.com/user/ShekinahsLight
Soul Readings https://sellfy.com/shekinarose
Pleiadian Stargate pendants