Sacred Union: Yeshua asks, “Why should love have to wait any longer?”
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am your beloved brother, Yeshi, brother of your heart, brother of your soul, brother of compassion, and brother of love. Welcome. And yes, I know that you have been speaking of many things this day, but I come to speak to you about Sacred Union, about the sacred union with your divine self, with your beloved one, with your sacred partner, and with each other, and with the planet herself.
There is so much to say and actually limited time to say it, so let me get to the point. But let me preface, I am your brother and I like to think your best friend and I have walked the earth, as child, as adolescent, as young man, as man. And then, as now and as always, I have known, not only my own yearning, but your yearning for love.
In this planet, in the universe, throughout the creation of the Mother/Father One, what people call instinct or drive is truly, there is only one drive, oh there is a drive to maintain human life, to eat, to sleep, but that is not what I am talking about; the drive is to love, the yearning is to experience love, to give love, to receive love, and to know not only that you are loved and lovable, but that you are the essence of love. And you are at a point my sweet family where that knowing is upon you.