It does not really matter when we commence open contact, as everything will be completed in time for the finalcurtain to come down – and all in readiness for Ascension. Know that we love youDear Ones.
The days are speeding by and things are happening that signal a crucial time on Earth. The dark Ones hit out at thosewho have opposed them, and their wars have moved from conventional weapons tothose that are very sophisticated. You have just seen further evidence of it bywhat has happened to Chile, and it is part of the continuing attacks within anarea where leaders have opposed the dark forces, which were intent on removingthem. As we have often informed you, we cannot just interfere with what ishappening to you – unless we are given the authority to do so. However, as knownto you, we are allowed to prevent an even more devastating scenario. Bear inmind Dear Ones that in Atlantean times they were also very advancedtechnologically, and had for example developed the laser beam. It was used insuch a way that it caused a weakening of the Earth’s crust that broke up, andAtlantis finally disappeared under the waves of the AtlanticOcean.
You are now at a similar point in your experiences, as the Atlanteans were in their end times. Indeed they developed ina very similar way to you, using advanced technology obtained fromExtraterrestrials, putting it to misuse and personal gain. The country that isthe U.S. is largely populated by those souls who were in Atlantis in its demise,and the challenge has been to see out this cycle without destroying the Earth.Civilizations experience very much as individual soul and where lessons are notlearnt, and you face the same ones until you progress sufficiently tosuccessfully come through them. You will therefore understand, that we cannottake away your opportunity to overcome the weaknesses that have caused yourdownfall in ancient times. It is not however all left up to you, and as we haveexplained previously we can help in ways that often prevent matters getting outof hand. Total destruction of the Earth will not be allowed, and we protectMother Earth and the human civilization, by limiting the extent to which itoccurs.
You must understand that because we are full of compassion and love for all life, we would dearly love to release youimmediately from the dark powers. The time for our open arrival is howeverdetermined by the Higher Councils of Light, and we abide by their decisions.Therefore, we are fully prepared for the rapidly approaching changes, that willbring an end to the dictatorship that you know as the Illuminati. It is thenthat our presence will enable world peace to be declared and an end to allhostilities. If there is opposition to it, we will still the weapons of war andend it in a peaceful way. We do not come to fight battles as that is not ourway, but we will impose the Will of God for the betterment of all souls uponEarth. You have cried out for release from the traumas and negative conditionsassociated with the rule of the dark Ones. Heaven has agreed that it is time forthe Light to fully return to Earth, and it has already grown exponentially overthe last decade or so.
Do not allow the chaotic events on Earth to distract you from your goal to ascend because as you might say, you must nottake your eye off the ball. Your strength and protection is by keeping centeredwithin your Light. In so doing you are also helping others, who may weaken whentheir senses are assailed by the last attempts of the dark Ones to continue withtheir plan. Death and destruction is their aim to de-populate the Earth, butplease be assured that they will fail to achieve their ultimate goal of totalworld control. You have determined the outcome by your steadfast approach bybringing the Light to Earth. This result was indeed foreseen a long time ago,and was always part of the plan for this particular cycle. It could have changedbut the Lightworkers brought in to keep it on track, have proved their worth andability to stick to their tasks. All of you connected in this way deserve everybit of praise you get, and we of the Galactic Federation are so proud to workwith you.
Because of hundreds of lives throughout this cycle, you have grown in strength that has seen you refuse to capitulate tothe dark Ones. Now the full reward for doing so is about to manifest, and allthat has been taken away from you will gradually be returned. You are to becomethe sovereign Beings you once were, and better still allowed the opportunity toascend and leave duality for once and for all. It has served you well and youhave become powerful Beings, that will carry the Light and Love to manycivilizations that exist in the Galaxy. Your experiences are invaluable whereother developing civilizations are concerned. You can help them avoid the samepitfalls experienced during your time in duality. Can you see Dear Ones, thatwhen you first started your journey, you knew how it was going to benefitothers. As a Being of Light you made certain sacrifices to achieve those goals,as part of your quest for knowledge and to serve as Lightworkers to otherdeveloping souls.
We feel that at last you are beginning to comprehend how great you are, and why we adore you all and heap our praisesupon you. We are fellow souls on a great journey together, and we stand by yourside as equal partners working for the Will of God. Let your minds accept whatwe say, as it is not to boost your ego and we know that Beings of Light do notthink in such a way. Where praise is deserved it is nice to acknowledge what youhave achieved, as for too long you have been oppressed and could be forgiven forbelieving you were worthless entities. That is what the dark Ones hoped so thatthey could exert full control over you. Fortunately you have woken up and cansee through the lies and falsity of the way you have been made to feel inferior.You now know otherwise and stand up for yourself, and it is achieving resultsinasmuch that you are breaking the hold the dark Ones had onyou.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that whatever you have been promised as part of the changes that is for the good ofall, will come into being and it is mainly our responsibility to ensure thatthey do. Keep your faith in the plan that releases you from duality, as it ispositive and will regardless of any interference come into your lives in thevery near future. We have all the time we need to play our part, but we know foryou the impression is that time is very short. It does not really matter when wecommence open contact, as everything will be completed in time for the finalcurtain to come down – and all in readiness for Ascension. Know that we love youDear Ones.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.