Ever since the Millennium commenced you have been tossed one way or the other, by events that have beencontrived to place you under firm control. Situations have beenengineered to force issues concerning your future, not to release youfrom constraints but to take away your last vestiges of freedom. When itseemed that you were close to becoming prisoners in your own lands, arevolution of the mind occurred and the grand awakening commenced. Itincreased exponentially until the energy for change become so powerfulas to halt its progress. Consciousness levels rose substantially, andopposition to the dark Ones became more open. Today you stand at thedoor to victory over them, and their ambitions have been trampled uponby your resistance to their plans for your incarceration.
Your natural inclinations move towards peace for all, and given true representation at government level youwould achieve it. It is therefore important that such changes occurwithout delay. Together with our allies we are plotting the downfall ofmany corrupt groups, and their replacements are
chosen for theirproven support for you. You have sent up an ever-increasing plea foryour release from the dark Ones, and it has empowered us to act inresponse. The suddenness of changes will undoubtedly surprise you, andso they shall continue until your freedom is fully restored.
Do you sometimes wonder what is about the Human Race that gets so much attention, particularly at this time, andwhy it is that every soul has many Guides, whether you are aware of themor not? Firstly your evolution is extremely important, and it mustwhere possible reach a level that makes Ascension possible. Also, yourprotection is necessary as there are Beings in the lower astral regions,and even Earth bound entities that would “attack” you and interferewith your life plan, unless they were prevented. However, your Angelicdoorkeeper is there to keep them away, and normally you have noknowledge of it. Possession and psychic attacks do sometimes take place,in spite of attempts to prevent them, but it can be part of yourintended experience. Countless people can relate to the presence ofAngels, and many of what you call miracles are carried out by them.Often what you call a lucky escape from danger is due to theirintervention, and indeed the nature of your “luck” cannot be explainedany other way. Talk with them, and call for them if you are in need, andthey are more than willing to help you with even quite mundanerequests. Their service for you is their love for you, and it is totallyunconditional.
Living in duality your experiences are so different to those of the higher dimensions. Every step you take nowcould bring up another challenge, and many are in direct contention withthe dark Ones. You have to be continually on your guard, as you neverknow when you might slip up in spite of your Guides helping you along.The wrong decision could temporarily put back your evolution, butfortunately it can often be corrected in the same lifetime. Life isabout learning lessons, so that you do not have to face them again. It
is about awakening you to your true Self as a Being of Love and Light,and acknowledging your god spark within. Knowing that in reality youhave unlimited power to decide your own future. These messages aregetting through
to people, and together you are creating the pathwayout of the darkness and walking into the Light of All That Is.
God cradles you as a Mother would her baby, watching over you and helping you every step of the way home. Godpicks you up when you fall, and is ever present wherever you go. Godwhispers in your ear if you but listen, and answers your prayers. Indeedas we have often told you, you are very special and we say that not tofeed your ego, but to tell you how it is. You are Spiritual Beings firstand foremost; the Sons and Daughters of God, and we are no exception.All life has its immutable link with God, regardless of what form
ittakes. It is all evolving ever onwards and upwards as you are now. Suchan understanding should enable you to overcome any doubts about Beingsfrom other
planets that are unlike your selves in appearance. Onlythose that have risen to the higher levels will be able to visit you onEarth, and you will readily accept them once you have experienced theirpeaceful emanations.
You may recall that it is our expressed intention, to first introduce to you those members of the GalacticFederation that are the most humanlike. As it happens, they will includemany of those who have had a hand in your evolution
and are yourtrue family. In time memories of your links with them will return, whichwere only blanked out to allow you to move through duality withoutdistraction. We know that most of you are fascinated by the possibilitythat you are Space Beings, and in time you will meet us. There will bemany
re-unions and celebrations, and more than a few tears of joy.Doesn’t all of this lift you up and make you realize that your future isassured, and give you more strength to sail through the remainder ofthe cycle of duality. It is merely a passing phase of change that willlead you to Ascension.
The Gulf oil spill is naturally still uppermost in your minds, and will remain the focus of attention forquite some time to come. It will go a long way to moving you out of yourreliance on fossil fuels, and already alternatives are being preparedfor announcement and production. It will quickly move on to
moregeneral applications that will go worldwide. It takes a disaster of themagnitude of this oil spill; to wake people up to such dangerous andunnecessary practices, when clean and safe alternatives are alreadyknown and secretly being used. Have no doubt Dear Ones, the changes aregoing to happen and once more your beautiful Earth will be restored.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you we are very active at present. There are opportunities likely to presentthemselves very shortly, which will give our allies a breakthrough. Weare ready to move into action when our
presence is needed, and beassured that the desired outcome will be quickly achieved. We know youare anticipating a great move forward, and it will certainly take place.Remember that nothing will deter or stop your ultimate
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey
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Luisa Vasconcellos
YOUnity, One World.One Vibration, EnLIGHTen Life.Active Site.
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." --Marcel Proust
God always opens up the perfect way for those who are willing to believe the impossible and remainperseverant in the face of apparent reality until they can recreatereality to truly mirror their visions!