SaLuSa 03-March-2010

There is little you can do in advance of the announcements, except to keep visualizing what the future holds by looking at all that is positive. That wayyou will continue to empower the Light, and hasten the day it will banish thedark Ones from the Earth.

We know that some of you question why we repeat a lot of the information, and we are pleased to clarify the situation. It is mainlybecause humans do not have a full memory recall, and it is therefore necessaryto make frequent references to important information. In this way it permeatesyour subconscious memory, and you have a general understanding without knowingprecisely how or why. At this time channeled messages are becoming very much inagreement, in the way they foresee the immediate future. Of course there willalways be some that disagree with the more generally accepted beliefs, but thatis healthy if it causes you to think more deeply about them. We will alwaysrecommend that you follow your own intuitive feelings, and that will be rightfor you. If later you change your beliefs that will suggest you have found amore acceptable understanding. Clearly as you keep evolving, you will expandyour thinking to embrace a greater degree of truth.

There has never been a better time to expand your consciousness, with many channels and spiritually evolved beings incarnating onEarth. It is a special time that calls for intense attention to the informationcoming from so many different sources. How else will you grow sufficiently toreach those levels of consciousness required to see you achieve Ascension. TheDivine Plan is calling upon many souls incarnate upon Earth, to come into theirown and be the leaders that they are already. There are so many souls standingat the crossroads right now, that can helped to move onto the path of Light.They do need guidance and their Guides will do all they can to make sure theytake the right path. Bear in mind Dear Ones, your Guides know what you set asyour targets, and they want you to be successful. Freedom of choice is very muchobserved, and you can be sure that in the end you will have been allowed to makeyour decisions.

Each of you is quite unique and what suits one will not be the same for another. Yet in general there is something to be gained fromthe various sources that will help all of you. Once you find a reliable one,keep with it until the need arises to move on. Often you will find yourselvesmoving in circles of friends where there is a mutual interest in spiritualmatters, and by supporting each other much progress can be gained. This does nothappen by accident, and people will come together because that is the way theyplanned it. If you are uncertain as to which direction you are going in, taketime to find those peaceful periods when you can go within. Put out the thoughtthat you need guidance, and surely somehow it will come to you. Do not howeverset lines as to how that may be, as they will be limiting your possibilities ofdirect help. Simply be aware as to what is happening around you, and hopefullyyou will not miss a chance intended for you.

There are great times to come when the interference of the dark Ones will have been removed. Then you shall see those spiritualsouls that are waiting for such an opportunity, to pass on their knowledge tospeed up the process of Ascension. The Elders have ensured that there is noshortage of attention to your needs, and the end times are meticulously plannedfor total success. So Dear Ones do not let doubt creep in, and keep to your pathof enlightenment. This will protect you against the lower energies, and you willremain quite safe from their presence.

The financial systems of the world are teetering on the brink of collapse, and it can be expected because they are no longeradequate or sustainable to overcome your problems. Behind the scenes everythingis prepared and in readiness for a new system, and it will be implemented whenit is exactly right to introduce you to it. It will overcome all of thefrailties and drawbacks that devalued the system in more ways than one. You wantstability and what you can appropriately call “value for money”, and as you knowit is to backed by gold and other precious metals. No longer will it be used toserve the greed of the banking fraternity, who will be required to observe afair and honorable code of practice. There will be no place for the old system,and it will be quickly changed for the good of all.

Many changes continue to move forward in anticipation of being announced without too much delay. It will be an unsettling time untilthis point is reached, but just remember what benefits will arise out of thechaos. Once you get into the new stages you will look back, and it will not haveseemed as difficult as you thought. It is the uncertainty and lack of clearinformation that makes it all seem an interminable period of time. However, wecannot be more enlightening as all is in a state of flux. Having the privilegeof being able to view the overall picture, we can however tell you all proceedswell. There is always going to be just the one outcome, and it will be yourvictory for the Light.

Let things flow in your lives, and take them as they come. There is little you can do in advance of the announcements, except to keepvisualizing what the future holds by looking at all that is positive. That wayyou will continue to empower the Light, and hasten the day it will banish thedark Ones from the Earth. There is no force involved in this action, but therewill be a time when nothing of the lower vibrations will be able to exist inyour dimension. It will have been lifted up beyond their reach, and they willfind a place at their own level.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I am one just representative of the Galactic Federation. This year like recent ones isspeeding by and that draws you closer to the first of many changes. We willcontinue to be seen more often in your skies as we find our presence moreacceptable to you. It is with our duties in mind that we do so, as we continueto monitor what is happening to Earth and its people. We do as much as possibleto prevent matters getting out of hand, as the dark Ones have no regard for yourapproaching Ascension. They listen to no one except their inner urge to destroyall that stands in their way. That will not lead to any conclusion except thatthey will fail. The Creator has decreed your victory and so be it.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH

Originals and translations of GalacticMessages available on
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